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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • Not to mention, it is entirely possible to get home from work, play, and then realize you are now late for work.

    Its just engaging on a level that most modern game’s can’t hope to achieve.

    Hell, I’ve installed a game (old), then installed mods, then resolved all the mod issues, then launch it to realize I don’t actually want to play it.

    Factorio? Mods are easy, and vanilla is enough to keep someone occupied and happy if they lack internet or something.

    Its light weight too, it costs me virtually nothing to install it on anything that can run it.

  • I have an analog clock in my man cave. Its very steam punk in design. It is NOT accurate and is ONLY a decoration piece that gets corrected when I can spare the attention. It runs fast, if anyone cares.

    Ultimately, my wife liked it, bought it for me, and put it up. Not gonna upset her over something I really don’t care about.

  • Step one: Buy a few firearms, for different scenarios (which should be easier under Trump sigh)

    Step two: Go to work, home, and limit unnecessary errands, order for delivery more.

    Step three: Practice marksmanship with various firearms. I have a country, but sane, friend of the family with a shooting range on her land.

    Step four: Hunker down in my deep red state, because I hold non-christian belief’s and I won’t recant them on pain of death. Not because my beliefs “protect” me, but because as an American, I believe in freedom of religion and I’ll die a proud American before I die as a Christian, my belief’s don’t matter compared to that. The protection of those belief’s does.

  • From a long time nicotine user, I’ll address your bullet points.

    Intense: A combination of no tolerance with being sensitive to it.

    How do people enjoy: You’re sensitive to it, what you described sounds like a case of nicotine poisoning. When I started vaping and rolled my own coils and all that jazz, I experimented a lot and consumed way too much nicotine in the beginning. The happiness is a lie, as well as the help with anxiety. Nicotine withdrawal feels very similar to being anxious at some stages. It is relief of those withdrawal symptoms that people associate with less anxiety or even happiness.

    Are the symptoms related: I could not tell you that.

    Addicted: Unlikely you’d be addicted after a single use case, that being said, it feels awful, but the awful tapers after about 3 days - the future cravings mean you’re addicted, in the most tell tale way. I use nicotine pouches as I’ve moved away from smoking. I still want a good old fashioned Marlboro Red, AKA cowboy killers.

    Why do people want to keep it up? Often its a situational thing. You smoke with friends on the weekend, but not during the week. Then its daily, because you start feeling withdrawal. Soon you’re smoking a pack a day ten years later kicking yourself for ever trying it.

    If you (or anyone else) can avoid nicotine, I advise it wholeheartedly. The simplest way is just not to start, cliched as that may be.

  • Lived next door to a cop, and down the street from another while growing up.

    My dad, who only went with his father, trained more often and more rigorously then they did. How do I know? Cops talk a lotta shit, and their kids are sick of fascism already. This was only up until like 6th grade even.

    Cop down the street was known for beating his wife, and was probably dirty as hell with the drive by attempt. Thankfully none of the kids were hurt. No one else was either, but even then I wouldn’t have shed a tear for a pig.

  • I will cheat in single player games. I give it a solid “first time” unmodded play through. If it’s good, I’ll do other “paths” or “builds” depending on the game.

    Then make it a little more… interesting, or different even.

    Then you work up to Total Conversions, and thats fucking great for longevity.

    Then at a certain point, its quality of life. I don’t want to spend 20 hours getting to the “interesting” part of the game. I can no longer get even just an hour to dive into a game uninterrupted. I love immersion; in the past it was an unhealthy escape mechanism, now when I get it, its a breath of not dealing with my day to day shit for just a little bit. Life always gets in the way of living, at least the way we want or need to in the moment. But I digress…

    But cheating in a multiplayer game really defeats the purpose of multiplayer. An unbalanced play field isn’t fun for anyone.

    I’d like to see more games embrace a modding community. If you and a few friends want to play with mods A, B, D, and F, more power to you guys. Keep enjoying that game.

    Just don’t force an imbalance on other people.