• lurker_in_chat@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Canada. Maybe northern Europe. But I live in a blue state and I don’t want to see how long it takes him to say “states’ rights only apply to those that voted for me”

    • Lumisal@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Why wait? Did the math, and depending where you go and what state you currently live in, you might even pay less in taxes (or even about the same if you go somewhere high tax like Finland and are coming from a lower tax state like Wisconsin - only 2.3% difference) while also not having to pay in healthcare. Public transportation is so excellent here a car is literally just a luxury, so if you can even consider transportation savings.

      Really the only hurdle is language, but practice everyday really hard and you can get the gist of it. Most international companies here use English as primary working language anyhow.

      • empireOfLove2@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        1 month ago

        The main hurdle is really experience (I am <5yr) and family (my parents are aging and may need my intervention in fewer years than I think). Firms usually only hire internationally for skilled engineers and there’s no guarantee my accredited degree from the US is valid anywhere else. And if I went someplace other than Canada, the travel costs would likely result in me only coming back to see the rest of my family once every two years, which sucks and could pose actual problems.

        Don’t get me wrong, I honestly do like the idea of going someplace with real human rights, but unless it becomes clear there is actually a threat to my existence I can’t justify that big of a change. I love my family too much.

  • TootSweet@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    There’s not much to do except try to stay in my house and not engage with the outside world any more than I have to for four years.

    It’s also not like the Democrats are going to reign Trump in in any significant way. (Don’t get me wrong. I’m voting for Biden, I just don’t expect much.)

    • YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH@infosec.pub
      1 month ago

      You are making a lot of assumptions. If everything goes absolutely perfectly we might have an end in four years. I doubt it though. This man has already started dismantling our government with his federalist society stooges on the court. He plans to gut the executive branch so there is no Opposition within government. He has shown he will use violence to keep power.

      You don’t oppose fascism by being quiet. You oppose it by being loud and making it impossible for them to do their evil shit.

        • YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH@infosec.pub
          1 month ago

          Yeah, on the podcast “Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff” by Margaret Killjoy she talked about a group of art students who slipped piece of paper with fake spy shit on them in Nazis coats and car and what not to frame them as part of a conspiracy. It ended up sparking a rebellion in the army and helped destroy its cohesiveness.

  • Schwim Dandy@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Same thing I did last time he was president. Ignore the news and spend as much time as possible in the woods on a bicycle.

    • Oisteink@feddit.nl
      1 month ago

      And if he gets what he wants you’ll just never return from the woods? The dude that reasons that presidents can kill opposition- literally

      • Schwim Dandy@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        That’s my intention and I’ve been doing it for decades. It’s kind of president-independent action.

      • PsychedSy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        1 month ago

        Al-Awlaki. The president can order the death of American citizens. The fact that we’re pretending they already haven’t is insane.

        They shouldn’t be able to at all, of course, but it’s what you do with a standing army.

    • BossDj@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      Whine about my taxes going up again. Cry laugh at John Stewart. Go defend my school board

  • can@sh.itjust.worksM
    1 month ago

    Not American but damn I’ll hope the democrats will take genocide seriously next time (they won’t).

  • urtiscay@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    My plan is to leave the US my rent ends in November of 2025 so if trump wins I’m probably be leaving country

  • ramble81@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    I’m torn on this. I’m “white”-ish enough, no kids, can’t get pregnant (or anyone pregnant) and I’m in the top 10%… so would anything for me fundamentally change? No…. I could stick my head in the sand and ignore it, but that’s really not me and it freaking breaks my heart to see all the people it impacts.

    So I see one of three things:

    1. Try to ignore it and keep voting blue and on policies to help those where i can
    2. go one step further and put my money where my mouth is and help run an Underground Railroad for those who need to get to blue states while they still have the rights
    3. flee to another country

    I don’t really want to think about it, but it’s been at the back of my head.

  • Andy@slrpnk.net
    1 month ago

    I’m shocked more people aren’t already better prepared for this, but it’s actually the same thing we should be doing now, and continue to do is Biden wins:

    Organize locally. Get hyperlocal. Organize your city, neighbors, block, building, workplace, and friend group. Establish mutual aid networks, take back city councils, county boards, and school boards from the stewards of land lords and big employers.

    Establish protection for those who need it, and plant the crop of future national leaders who will do the long overdue work if putting government to work for the masses. Make it harder for any president or governor to exercise state violence by getting our people in prosecutors offices and judgeships.

    The Democrats are not going to save us. Biden is just planning to go down with the ship. Absolutely vote for the lesser of two evils if you live somewhere your vote matters, not recognize that the Democratic party is currently a hostile entity to antifascists. That can change, but until it does, don’t put faith in them. Anything positive they do will be because power-players were replaced.

    • Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 month ago

      This is good, and I’m piggybacking so I can add on:

      Get a passport, make friends in another country.

      Vote to slow them down, yell at anyone who tries to say that it’s better to not vote or that Trump would be better for Palestinians.

      If you want to engage in electoral reform, you need to start years in advance.

      If you live in Texas: Vote for Biden and encourage GOP voters to not vote for Trump. If you’re in a place with lots of GOP weirdos, try publicly and loudly watch his rallies at 1.5x speed; I’ve heard it breaks the spell b/c his cadence gets disrupted. If Texas goes blue, Biden wins and all the DNC voters suddenly know they can win, making it immediately more likely.

      If all else fails, remember someone might [Comment Cannot Legally Be Finished], which would solve multiple problems.

      • Dojan@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Get a passport, make friends in another country.

        Think it’s worth mentioning that U.S. politics sets the tone of politics in a lot of the west. When Trump won, the alt-right parties in more or less all of Europe grew significantly. Here in Sweden over the span of the almost 8 years since, our nazi party grew from a smaller party that the right wingers argued whether or not they should collaborate with in order to create a right-wing coalition and win majority, to the second largest party in Sweden.

        • masquenox@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Here in 2016 South Africa our online media spaces lit up like a fucking Christmas tree with all the white supremacists coming out of the woodwork to celebrate Trump’s win. Since then, the second-largest of our (so-called) “opposition” parties - a party that can pretty much be described as the party of white liberalism - has dumped any black people they had in senior positions and began using GOP-esqe dog-whistling. All our parties - pretty much the entire formal political establishment - has been very receptive to violent, USian-style anti-immigrant narratives.

          So yeah… you can flee the US - but you can’t really escape US politics.

          • Dojan@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            I’m not even a little bit surprised, sadly.

            Last election we had here (2022) surveillance and stop and frisk were decently big talking points. Even the supposed Liberals are like “uwu so sad privacy is dying we have to be careful but big brother needs to sees you we nweed to be hawd on cwime!1!” I think the only party that’s not OK with it is the leftists.

            • masquenox@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              surveillance and stop and frisk

              Lol! That reminds me… about three years ago I was notified of a “town meeting to discuss local problems” held at a local school here in middle-of-nowhere South Africa. It turns out it was just a shady PR attempt by the local branch of the “white liberal” party I described above (the so-called “Democratic Alliance”), and the suit there doesn’t talk about our decrepit and failing water, electricity and sewage infrastructure or the fact that this mining town is being economically extinguished by privatized interests… instead, the only order of business was to brag about how they had set up surveillance in our main streets and handing off the data to the piggy for free.

              I feel like strangling that particular suit every damn time I lay eyes on him.

              • Dojan@lemmy.world
                1 month ago

                I still don’t quite get how these people make sense of the world. We recently had a big reveal that our nazi party is using “anonymous social media accounts” to try and influence popular opinion. They claim that they don’t, and that the accounts aren’t affiliated with the party, but there was a whole report on the thing and it’s landed them in some hot water. The people voting for them are pretty much unfazed but the right-block alliance overall has taken quite a hit to their public support.

                One of the things these people who supposedly really love Sweden discussed, was how they could perhaps create some sort of campaign website to try and incide violence among migrants, and possibly incite terror attacks. Like, how do you reconcile your “patriotism and love for your country” with wanting people to perform terror attacks?

                Were I to play devil’s advocate I’d say that it’s possible that they were just shooting the shit, but even then? Isn’t it a bit over the top? As a gay guy I’m not joking about conversion therapy or forcible sterilisations.

                • masquenox@lemmy.world
                  1 month ago

                  was how they could perhaps create some sort of campaign website to try and incide violence among migrants,

                  We had that exact thing here in South Africa in the late 80s and early 90s - the only difference was that it was actually enabled by the Apartheid-state through their terrorist proxies (ie, mainly the South African Police). When the anti-Apartheid groups didn’t act “terroristic” enough for their taste, they just did it themselves and used the media to create a narrative of “black-on-black violence” to try and destabilize the country.

                  Like, how do you reconcile your “patriotism and love for your country” with wanting people to perform terror attacks?

                  They “love” their countries in the same way that a rapist “loves” his victims - the feel themselves entitled to it and deserving of holding the power of life and death over it. They do not actually care about the real people living in Sweden in any way whatsoever. That’s pretty much standard fare when it comes to far right-wing ideology no matter what part of the world you find them in.

                  The reason they want to “incite” (so-called) “terror attacks” among migrants they see as not “white,” “Swedish” or “Nordic” enough is two-fold.

                  Firstly, they want the Swedish people to see these migrants the way they see them - as a (supposedly) bloodthirsty and rapacious “other.” Not much different from the way the Nazis portrayed the “Jewish-Bolshevik hordes” before and during WW2. A (supposed) “terror attack” that can be blamed on the “other” will essentially result in the media performing this function for them.

                  Secondly, they want an atmosphere of panic - such as existed right after 9/11 in the US. They know that such a state of things will allow their ideology to suddenly seem “relevant” in the same way that militarism suddenly became standard fare in the US afterwards.

      • BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Texas was won by fewer than 633k votes. Considering Trump’s popularity I’d say it’s ripe for flipping but we can’t lay down on the job. Also the GOP policies are pushing out liberals and people that are vulnerable (LGBTQ+ and families with LGBTQ+ kids) so the window is closing.

        • Today@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          I believe this so strongly!!! Everywhere i go i beg people to vote. It was really only a few percentage points. We don’t even have to flip people; just get the non-voters to go to the polls.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip
    1 month ago

    As a person made utterly destitute and disabled by a series of crimes committed against me, well, I have SSDI and thats basically it.

    Cost of living is way lower in Ecuador, i can relearn the Spanish I knew in high school, and theres a good number of affordable cities and towns there with considerably better crime statistics and public transportation than anywhere I can afford in the US.

    I have done the math and it would be vastly more cost and time effective to move abroad… as I have been evicted, and basically that means I can’t rent anywhere in the US for at least two years.

    I am seriously considering noping the fuck out if Trump wins. Spent most of my adult life advocating for minorities, the poor, the disenfranchised, and I am too fucking tired, in too much pain and too broke.

    Not like anyone will miss me, every family member and friend I thought I had either committed crimes against me, told me to fuck off, or told me that they what was happening to me was too emotionally traumatic for them to deal with right now.

    Of course this plan goes to shit if Trump and the Republicans somehow massively defund or cancel Social Security.

    I used to think they would not be so stupid as to actually do that, as… an insane number of Trump’s core voter base rely on SSI ot SSA or SSDI… but obviously with the MAGA crowd, anything is possible.

    Guess I can always teach English. Maybe if I can ever walk again I can guide tours.

    • Dr. Wesker@lemmy.sdf.org
      1 month ago

      as I have been evicted, and basically that means I can’t rent anywhere in the US for at least two years.

      There are an increasing number of sublets and private rentals in my area, that don’t check rental history. Everything is fairly under the table, month to month with no binding leases, for better or worse depending on your situation. Just bringing it up as a potential avenue to consider, maybe there are options in your area too.

      • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip
        1 month ago

        Can you like dm me where this place is?

        I am basically bound to my current roach motel that just happens to allow month to month rent, without kicking you out after 3 weeks.

        I have been using a shit tier 4g phone for months now trying to find no credit check apartments. Everything is a scam, and none the shady apartments seem to actually list online anywhere.

        ‘Look for private rentals!’ Is good advice but… with what search engine, what rental website actually has a private rentals filter that actually works? Ive not found one.

        Craigslist is bone dry where I am, and the few times a listing pops up, either they don’t respond or they don’t allow evictions or , again, its a scam.

        I bussed halfway across the country to find the cheapest motel rates I could.

        Im not a resident of the state as I do not live in a residence.

        I dont qualify for rental assistance as I do not live in a residence.

        And I don’t qualify for homeless assistance as I am not homeless.

        Its fucking wonderful.