Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.

Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.

Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • There are different kinds of proteins build from different amino acids, 9 of 20 amino acids are essential, meaning our bodies can not produce them, so we need to eat them. Meat contains all the amino acids we need in our bodies in the amount we need in our bodies. For vegetables that’s not necessarily the case.

    Because of that vegetable protein needs to be very varied and balanced to be a complete diet, and just lettuce and apples is not enough.

    In a first world country we can get these vegetable proteins varied and year round with little to no problem, which makes vegan diet a sustainable and morally superior diet.

    In the developing world people are generally happy about being able to have a complete diet, moral questions take a backseat to survival and health, so carnivorous or piscivorous diets are far more common.

  • A (very simplified) timeline of US intervention in the middle-east.

    1. Iran democratically elected a secular leader, but he wanted to use iranian oil for iran. So the CIA instead helped the Shah into dictatorial power, who would sell the drilling rights to american and british companies. He opressed his populace so bad, that they turned to Ayatollah Khomeni and his religious extremists to get rid of him. The religious zealots have been in power ever since.

    2. To fight against the Ayatollah Regime that drove out western oil companies, the US illegally bypasses a weapons embargo to arm a neighbouring dictator called Saddam Hussein. He wages the first Gulf War on Iran for 8 years, which results in ~750.000 dead. The poison gas attacks happen with the knowledge of the US.

    3. Russia invades Afghanistan, the US arms local resistance fighters, a group called Al Quaeda under one Osama bin Laden. To help the islamists against the godless Russians, thousands of mercenaries and religious extremists from muslim countries are recruited by the CIA and brought to Afghanistan, they become the Taliban. More than a million civillians die.

    4. Saddam Hussein, seeing no win against Iran instead invades the absolutist, slavetrading monarchy of Kuwait. Kuwait had opened it oil-wells to western companies, so with the help of the CIA and an american PR-agency, the daughter of Kuwaiti ambassador pretends to be a nurse and lies about Iraqi soldiers ripping babies out of incubators. The world is shocked. What follows is the second Gulf War. More than a million dead civillians again.

    5. Following this second gulf war, american troops are stationed in the gulf region protecting “western values” (the oil wells). The religious extremists in Afghanistan are not amused, the sheer existence of nonbelievers on holy ground is blasphemy to them. Al Quaeda (formerly funded by the US and the House of Saud) begin their campaign against the west.

    6. Following September 11 2001 the US invades first Afghanistan, then Iraq and don’t really bother with the long-term stabilizing of a region they so effectively destabilized. From the chaos rises the Islamic State.