I don’t usually post political stuff, but I don’t see ANYONE talking about this, and I really believe if we don’t do this, we will hand the U.S. over to fascists.

Your vote matters. Most of you reading this know it. But the truth is that the left is HORRIBLE at getting out to vote. From what I’ve read, registered democrats outnumber repubs by 10-15%. Yet on average less then 70% vote. There exists an apathy towards voting in a portion of the left that assumes that they don’t need to vote because “who would vote for that idiot Trump?”. They assume it’s a done deal, and don’t bother.

THOSE are the people we need to target. We need to set up community activists whose only purpose is to make sure democrats either fill out a mail in ballot, or have a ride to the voting booths. Every democrat needs to take a friend or two with them. We need to make voting a communal act where we encourage, check up on, and practically insist on their vote.

I believe that if we DON’T do this, it WILL BE the END of democracy. We have the numbers. Now we just need to get them out to vote.

  • Bigfish@lemmynsfw.com
    3 months ago

    One major complication to this is that many on that non-voting left are just unable to. Systematic voter suppression that adds unnecessary hurdles to voting, poll location closures, and just the fact that many of these folk can’t take the day off to vote, all come together to drive these numbers way down.

    Your vote matters.

    And if you want to multiply your impact, help some other folk to the polls. Last cycle I messaged my neighborhood that if anyone wasn’t able to get to the polls due to a transportation limitation that I’d drive them. I got 9 people turned out who wouldn’t have. And don’t wait for election day. Start early. Help folks who may need an ID or to get registered to get over that hump, and get people out to rally voting if it’s available in your area. These are easy, and it builds representation for your community. Do it.

    • Mog_fanatic@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Was gonna say something similar. I feel like a big portion of Democrats don’t vote because they happen to be younger and are working. Of course it’s almost always possible to vote but it sure can be difficult. Ive been stuck at work on multiple election days with tons of stuff I still had to do after work and stores closing and traffic and long lines at polling places, it all adds up and can make things mighty difficult for the average joe. Whereas this 80 year old retired Republicans just roll out of bed and get to the polls whenever they want cause they got nothing to do and all the time in the world to do it.