And since the Democrats aren’t in power, there’s fuck all they can do with the complaints.
And since the Democrats aren’t in power, there’s fuck all they can do with the complaints.
Could be part of the “rounding up”, same for the Florida Keys.
The KKK hoisted a cross over the town back in the 1920s. It was removed.
Later, in the 1960s, during the civil rights movement, it was put up again, anonymously, in the middle of the night.
People fought to remove it for years and were re-buffed with “It’s a war memorial.”
It was eventually moved out of town to a religious college a few miles away.
2nd hand.
Connecting to a text only BBS at 300 baud who got their content from the internet.
And if you measure it in miles of coastline…
Mexico - 1,743 miles.
US - 1,680 miles.
Other sites round up the US portion to an even 1,700, which is STILL short(!)
Nope, and if they only lost 1 vote on RFK, seems Patel will be a lock.
The billboard is on the back, complete with QR code. LOL.
It’s common to buy whatever the new eye catching vehicle is and wrap it for a business, we saw it when the new VW Bug was introduced, and again with the PT Cruiser, but for a cybertruck, he should have looked at WHY it was eyecatching… like a fish hook.
Patel isn’t confirmed YET. He just made it out of the hearing to the full Senate vote.
I’ll wait for reviews. Hasn’t been a good one since 2.
Tax cuts that only benefit the wealthy, leaving the rest of us holding the bag.
Really good book on the topic, we’d be better off if everyone read it:
Nope, these are the things you notice when you’ve been paying taxes for 38 years across 8 Presidents, 5 Republicans and 3 Democrats.
Because they want the money for themselves, not the good of the country.
16 years. Star Wars: Episode I.
That would be a first. Taxes won’t change. Who gets the money will.
Looks like they may have changed the headline out from under you. Please make it match up or we’ll have to remove it.
Current headline:
"Schumer warns GOP against a ‘Trump shutdown’
The Senate minority leader also detailed ways he plans to counter the new administration."
Hey Collins! He learn his lesson yet?
He never has, why start now?
True story, I met an old, retired CIA spook at a wedding. Dude looked like Col. Sanders, down to having the white suit. So I asked him:
“I don’t want you to tell me anything you’re not supposed to tell me, but when Kennedy got killed, what was the talk around the water cooler?”
“Oh, hell, we all thought Johnson did it.”
No pause, no thoughtful chin rubbing. “We all thought Johnson did it.”
felon-> “adjudicated rapist”.Problem solved!