I don’t know why I was born transgender, but I have no secret agenda. I want my child to live in a world where they are safe and free to be exactly who they are.

Fewer than 1 in 3 people report personally knowing someone who is transgender. Yet the American public is saturated with viral social media videos and political news stories, largely generated by a well-funded coalition of organizations long dedicated to making it as difficult as possible for LGBTQ+ people to go about their daily lives.

These organizations proudly advocate for the abuse of LGBTQ+ young people through the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy, and they have celebrated their role in influencing Texas to “investigate” parents who’re doing their level best to support their transgender kids.

They’ve succeeded in generating national debates about excluding transgender kids from school sports, banning medically necessary health care and even prohibiting restroom usage – all under a guise of “protecting young people.” But these debates are largely missing the point.

Transgender people are our friends, family members and neighbors. They work in the cubicle next to us at the office, and they pray next to us in our houses of worship.


  • shimdidly@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m a trans man. We don’t have a secret agenda – we’re just asking you to let us live.

    That may be true for you, the individual. And a lot of gay/trans “community” are quite frankly embarrassed by a lot of the forceful behavior, public displays, and various in-your-face stuff. Many just want to live their own private life and let alone.

    • whotookkarl@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      There are so few that isolated communities can more easily demonize them and radicalize people against them as a social boogeyman and a distraction from the actual grifting and thieving and indoctrinating that is happening by clergy and politicians and billionaires. But people keep listening to what people say instead of watching what they do and allow themselves to be manipulated.

    • TrueStoryBob@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Outspoken anti-Trans bigot and Nazi platformer Kellie-Jay “Posie Parker” Keen has stated just as such on multiple occasions. She’s talked a lot about “we can’t let them trans the children,” but when you press her (hell, even when you don’t) she will admit that she doesn’t think anyone should be allowed to transition at any age. She’s also said that anyone who has transitioned should be forced to detransition. So… she doesn’t like trans people and wants to torture them… other anti-Trans activists are shocked that she attracts Nazis and really want her to go away, but she’s their ideology taken to it’s conclusion.


        • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          I would very much like to have a discussion about the issue not hurl baseless insults.

          You said you were a dummy. I agreed. You’re just interested in sealioning. Another user pointed out your comment history, and I have no interest in participating in a discussion on your terms.

          • I told u I had limited knowledge on the subject in regards to rights. I strongly believe in equality and that all people have equall rights. I am still yet to be provided with a right that trans people don’t have that everyone has. I really don’t see how asking for a single example of the claimed behaviour is sealioning the closest thing to behaviour I have been provided with is an issue of bodily autonomy doesnt seem like a specifically trans issue.

            And yes go read my comment history strange how my beliefs carry a common thread hey?

            • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              I’m not answering your questions on the grounds that I believe they are asked in bad faith. I’m not sorry if this disappoints you.

              • Question singular, all I want is one valid answer to one question. How can asking a single question requesting 1 valid example of the issue being discussed possibly be bad faith? I strongly suspect if u could answer my question you already would have and since u can’t you have decided to refuse to answer my singular question while claiming me questioning literally anything is bad faith or sealioning.

                • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  Question singular, all I want is one valid answer to one question.

                  That’s nice. I want you to stop bothering me.

    • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      6 months ago

      in some respects you have a technically correct argument here. The problem is, is that this is like deferring an engineering problem in a bad design because “simply just don’t build it wrong” only for someone to then go and build it wrong, and for it to kill tons of people.

      The millennium tower in san fran is a pretty good example of this. Somewhere along the line somebody fucked up. Maybe it was the engineer. Maybe it was the project manager, who knows. Just because they’re all educated and smart people, doesn’t mean they can’t fuck shit up.

      Likewise here, technically they have rights, just like everyone else does, but the problem here, is that those equal rights, when compared to everyone, negatively impact only one specific group of people. Much like separate but equal, back during segregation. It’s technically “equal” but it’s still discriminatory.

      • Actually there millennium tower has always been perfectly safe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph9O9yJoeZY there was no fuckup just unpredicted surrounding geotechnical activity. Trust me I’m an engineer.

        Segregation was never equal I don’t currently see any unequal implementation of any rights in regards to trans people (well in the western world). Please explain exactly how the rights we all have are negligibly effecting them compared to everyone else?

        • RedSeries@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Engineer is just a made up title you gave yourself. Explain one thing you know about constructing towers

          • I do mechanical so not an expert on geotechnical or civil but the video covers the basics related to the tower seems pretty clear cut.

            I know that when undertaking a large engineering project each specific system or component is given to the relevant speciality to handle of which you clearly are not part of. I also know that almost all systems have legally mandated factors of safety to account for unpredictable things like idk unexpected Sinkage.

            • RedSeries@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              Sounds like you read a Wikipedia article. Sinkage sounds like you made it up. How does that make you an expert on the millennium tower?

              • Sounds like you read a Wikipedia article.

                cos I know what I’m talking about so do the people writing wikipedia.

                Never said I was an expert I provided a link to an experts opinion that references the other experts reports. Sinkage typically refers to the downward movement or settling of a structure or foundation into the underlying soil or ground. I don’t need to be an expert on the subject to reference an expert, but if we look at it relativistically compared to you I am an expery.

                • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  6 months ago

                  and relative to me, you are a dumbass who happens to be a mechanical engineer.

                  Just because i’m a linux user, and understand how the OS functions, doesn’t make me an OS level SWE. That would make me one of the greats, i am not. I am some fuck who uses linux.

                  Likewise, relatively to you, assuming you don’t use linux, i’m the linux expert here. Even though i have no qualification for such title.

        • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          6 months ago

          stated to be perfectly safe by the people who own it, who are hundreds of millions of dollars in the hole on that building, because nobody wants to fucking live in a building that is unknown geological stability.

          Casey Jones has an excellent series of videos on the millenium tower that i suggest you check out (he is also an engineer) and he thinks that the entire building is essentially a failed project. With fuck up after fuck up.

          Specifically, the building was built entirely wrong, they fucked up the foundation completely, good question as to how that one happened. Miscommunication? If that was the case, what else could be wrong with the building? Who knows! They attempted a fix, by doing 56 perimeter pilings, but actually, jokes on you, we’re only doing 18 perimeter pilings (keep in mind the plans for repair that were suggested were doing thousands of micropilings across the foundation) and now the middle of the building is sagging away from the exterior of the building. It sure seems like it might just collapse in on itself at this rate huh?

          Anyway, as for your statements as per how the rights differ. IDK, being banned from entering sports, not being allowed to seek gender affirming care. Probably a number of other funny societal related issues. I mean there is example after example in that one really.

          Would you like to explain why separate but equal was never equal? And how simultaneously, two different groups, have the exact same pool of rights, even though one of those groups literally has laws written specifically about them, and what they’re allowed to do.

    • Emerald@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Where I am, I don’t have rights to medical care. There are also numerous laws in progress that aim to remove the rights for trans people to participate in sports and use the bathroom.

      • If ur in the us u never had a right to medical care. I’m in aus and currently most if not all gender affirming surgery is classified as cosmetic surgery and not covered my Medicare (nation health) if I want to physically modify my body that is also not covered seems pretty goddamn equal to me. Here’s the dumbed down flowchart: brain doesn’t like physical appearance of body -> brain wants that changed to feel better about itself -> not covered regardless of reason. Explain how this is anything but equality? Should I be protesting my right to have the government pay for me to get a bigger dick?

        And the whole sports thing men have physical advances in many sports that’s just science not all of those advantages are removed by being trans. Therefore it is not fare to have them compete against women. Explain how someone with an advantage from having been born as a male competing against people who can never attain that advantage is equality?

        And the bathroom thing males are statistically more violent and prone to committing sexual violence this study found there is no appreciable difference in these actions post surgery therefore by putting trans women in women’s bathrooms the statistics say no there is a reason men and women’s bathrooms are separate being trans doesn’t change the math.

        • RedSeries@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          :claps fins and barks like a sea lion:

          You literally overlook how things like Viagra and estrogen are prescribed as gender affirming care and covered by Medicare to cis folks all the time!

          :bark bark:

          Why do cis folk get to have gender affirming care but not trans folks?

          :slaps fins, barks again:

          Your limp dick or low testosterone is god telling you not to breed, why should I subsidize your sex life?

      • Doxatek@mander.xyz
        6 months ago

        Since you mentioned sports. I was wondering your view point on how it should be handled in some cases. I’m not at all against it but think it could be tricky when dealing with some sports if someone is male to female transitioning after puberty. In some cases there’s no gray area such as when the world chess organization banned transgender women like what in the fuck. It’s not physical it’s a thinking game I don’t even know why they would separate genders anyway unless to just be sexist and imply one is smarter than the other.

        • femtech@midwest.social
          6 months ago

          Trans woman here, i think the government should stay out of it and if an organization would ban a cis woman for having PCOS then that’s “ok”. i think they should get rid of that rule and allow all women on HRT to join but at least it wouldn’t be transphobic.

        • Schadrach@lemmy.sdf.org
          6 months ago

          I don’t even know why they would separate genders anyway unless to just be sexist and imply one is smarter than the other.

          They don’t separate genders. There’s chess and then there’s women’s chess. As in there are tournaments for women and tournaments for everyone.

          Women’s chess is easier to compete and win in, and that’s likely why they banned transgender women from it - for fear that some AMAB 2nd rate player might declare themselves a woman to win in women’s tournaments and not wanting to navigate the minefield of how to define what a “woman” is in a way that prevents that but doesn’t piss of the LGBTQ+ crowd. Easier to rip the bandaid off and be called a bigot for a short time now than have months of discussions that involve you being called a bigot over and over resulting in being called a bigot essentially no matter what definition you use.

          And before it comes up, I’m not claiming women’s chess is easier because men are smarter than women or something like that but because women’s chess is a smaller pool of competition - it’s easier to be the big fish the smaller the pond you’re in. For example Judit Polgar is probably the #1 women’s chess player of all time, she even beat Kasparov in a game at one point (being the first woman to ever beat a #1 ranked player in a game). Measure her against everyone and not just against women and she goes from being a superstar to merely being very, very good. From best woman in the world by a healthy margin for literally decades to #8 overall at her very peak.

          Interestingly, basically all professional sports in the US use a similar setup, where there’s a league that technically admits persons of either sex if they can compete at the required level and a league that only admits women. Just a few years ago a woman tried out for the NFL (and was injured after just a few practice kicks). There were talks that Britney Griner considered trying to be the first woman in the NBA, but went WNBA and set a game record and tied a career record in her debut game - she’d rather be a star in the WNBA than second-string in the NBA. I mean, before she got busted for domestic violence and later for drugs in Russia.

          • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            6 months ago

            i like how your argument is “well it exists because otherwise it’s only marginally worse.”

            If i had the chance to take #8 globally, across the ENTIRE world, that’s incredible, fuck it, i’m done, my life is complete. I wouldn’t complain about that. You can also break out the statistics, you don’t have to break out the players, that’s another equally valid way to construe this. Simply have different leader boards for different people.

            I’ve never really been a fan of different competitive pools, if the entire point is competition, make it competitive. If you want to look at subsets, that’s trivial to do in most cases.

  • Emerald@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    We should make a secret agenda. On Tuesday, all the trans people will meet up for taco night.

    • kase@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      It’s funny you should say this. There’s an orginazition in my home state called the Trans Advocacy Coalition of Oklahoma (TACO). It meets on tuesdays, of course.

    • lath@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Up next, in the news: Mexicans targeted by secret trans agenda! Shadowy cabal using southern immigrants to push for government takeover! Does eating asparagus turn you gay? Are Chihuahuas a covert ploy to further the feminization of our country? These questions and more, answered just after the break! Stay tuned!

    • mrcleanup@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      May I humbly suggest that we make it a taco OR hot dog night? I’d hate to force people into a choice that doesn’t work for them.

  • dhork@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Plot twist: the Trans Agenda is very similar to the Gay Agenda… It was always just a Trapper Keeper. Turns out they just like to be organized.

  • chakan2@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I reject the idea that supporting some young people must come at the expense of others.

    Well…you’re adding transgender athletes at the expense of biological females. It’s hard to take that statement at face value.

    • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
      6 months ago

      Banning all transgender atheletes due to one or two high performers does a dis-service to all transgendered atheletes though.

      It’s not all female atheletes who are being disadvantaged, but it WOULD be all transgender atheletes disadvantaged.

      I have no problem with transgender atheletes as long as the competition guidelines are clear, obtainable, and the students stay within the guidelines.

      If it becomes an issue where all transgender students are repeatedly setting records and such, making it impossible for non-transgendered kids to compete? Then you change the competitive guidelines, you don’t ban an entire class of kids from competing.

      For example:

      1. Must be on puberty blockers for x months or years.

      2. Must be on proper hormones for x months or years.

      Heck, they might even require re-assignment surgery.

      The problem with guidelines like this, is the people opposed to trans atheletes are ALSO opposed to puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and re-assignment surgery.

      • chakan2@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        If it becomes an issue where all transgender students are repeatedly setting records and such

        We’re past that point.

        There’s simply not a way to take a way a trans-woman’s bone density or muscle mass. Sure they get “weaker” after transitioning, but the effect is exactly the same as someone taking human growth hormone for a couple of years then stopping. The British Journal of sports medicine redacted their recommendation that after 4 years a trans-female could play a woman’s sport with no benefit.

        It’s play with the men, or don’t play. I’ve yet to see a men’s league of anything that would stop a woman or trans-athlete from playing if they can make the team. The NFL tries out women all the time. The MLB had a girl make the Cubs for a week or two. Hockey has had women play in the minors.

        The other end game argument is we just abolish women’s sports and go to open leagues only. If we want equality and inclusion, that’ll be the end result.

        • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
          6 months ago

          There’s simply not a way to take a way a trans-woman’s bone density or muscle mass.

          Sure there is, you apply puberty blockers before they reach that point.

          But like I say, the primary complainers about trans atheletes don’t want people using puberty blockers or hormones either.

          Their end goal is that they simply want to marginalize trans people so they can pretend they don’t exist.

        • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          We’re past that point.

          Not really. Trans athletes aren’t the top of every sport, and in a lot of cases where you see complaints, it isn’t even “the trans woman got 1st and I got 2nd!” but “the trans women got 4th and I got 5th!”.

          That to me suggests that trans women have no greater advantage than what other genetic traits could confer. When some athletes have abnormalities that make their muscles more efficient, we cheer them on. When a cis woman has abnormally high testosterone levels, we ban her from competing.

          It’s all arbitrary and genetic lottery.

          • chakan2@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            When a cis woman has abnormally high testosterone levels, we ban her from competing.

            So your solution is to make testosterone doping legal?

            but “the trans women got 4th and I got 5th!”.

            That’s simply not true. It’s “the trans woman just broke the regional record for X event.”

      • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        6 months ago

        one of the funny things about banning trans people in sports to me, is that sports is literally unfair from the get go. You ever wonder why usain bolt is tall as fuck? You ever seen the skeleton shape of an olympic swimmer? ALL of that shit is entirely abstract, and completely genetically made up.

        literally, who cares. It’s all bullshit, you can’t just wake up, and decide to be an olympic level athlete one day. I mean sure you could be pretty good, that’s pretty good.

        Also, if it’s “unfair” isn’t that more of an indictment on the institution hosting it itself? College athletes for example. Isn’t it kind of weird that if you can play sports well, you get a free education? I don’t get a free education just because i use linux well.

  • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    In a capitalist system money is a weapon. You wonder why gay men have been so successful in shifting attitudes? It’s because they have money.

            • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              It was a bit of a cultural zeitgeist in the 2010s. A lot happened with popular culture being more pro LGBT, and that translated into more people becoming LGBT.

              It makes sense. When more people are comfortable to come out of the closet, more people end up knowing gay people. And that leads to people realizing gay people are no different from everyone else, which leads to pro LGBT beliefs.

              What I find fascinating is that we’re seeing what the natural distribution of sexuality is for people. Based on Gen Z it looks like it’s much higher towards bi and gay than we previously thought.

        • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          The first hormone treatment for trans women, that we know of, is from nomadic horse archers. The terror of the Eurasian steppe. We don’t own it, but we were there.

          The first use of special forces and high autonomy fire teams was not in world war one, it was the sacred band of Thebes, who were institutionally and officially fucking each other. No straights allowed. These guys, only like 200 of them in service at a time, absolutely changed the face of ancient warfare.

          T.E Lawrence, the guy the offensive ‘subby bdsm obsessed gay man who’s too kinky to torture’ stereotype was based on, invented the modern doctrine of guerilla warfare that firmly kicked the ottoman empire in the dick with basically no resources, then was used to successfully crush the most extravagantly bloated military that has ever existed not once but twice over the next century.

          But sure. Begging, and having a big armful of tickets after the counter closes down, is our strength. Ask all the old German fops how that went for them. Hell, ask rock Hudson or Alan Turing; I’ll wait.

          Nevermind the history of queer militancy in the western world. The people who got us our ‘rights’ birthed them out the barrel of a gun onto the counter of a dive bar in a fucking condemned building, and that gun was pointed at a cop, maybe supplied by somebody’s panther bf/gf.

          • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            But sure. Begging is our strength

            I would never suggest anyone beg for their right to live. I have no idea how you got that idea from what I said.

            • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
              6 months ago

              Money is begging. Its saying how much of a good boy you are. It will not save you, even if youre lucky enough to have it, even if the effects of widespread disinheritance and bigotry didn’t mean we statistically have less of it.

              • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                Money is begging

                I’m not disagreeing with you but I’m having a really hard time grasping this perspective when literally nobody would consider gates, Bezos or musk to be “beggars”.

                • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
                  6 months ago

                  Oh, so you think peter thiel will save us?

                  I think farther discussion here requires an explanation of what money fundamentally is that I’m far too high on all the wrong drugs to give eloquently, and I think you might have strong motivations to not hear anyway.

    • dandelion@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      6 months ago

      Yet Caitlyn Jenner isn’t exactly using her money to help the trans cause… It requires more than just money, there has to be a political movement and adherents to that movement who have the money and other relevant resources to effect change.

        • dandelion@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          6 months ago

          Sorry, perhaps I positioned myself as more contradicting what you said when I meant for it to be more like a “yes, and” situation. I agree with your point about money, I was just thinking of all the other factors and got a little too excited XD

    • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
      6 months ago

      This is a fundamental misunderstanding of not just history in general, but specifically and especially queer history.

      You know the weapons that got us rights? It was horse archery, the doctrine of special forces, the 20th century incarnation of guerrilla warfare, and fucking bricks thrown very hard at cops by people with nothing to lose. This assimilationist bullshit is going to get people killed, and I might be one if them, so please fucking stop.

      • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Wait wait, what’s wrong with assimilating? Isn’t that the goal? That being LGBT is so normalized as to be unremarkable?

        It’s why you don’t see “no Irish allowed” signs anymore.

        • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          Its why american Irish people are all fucking cops, and people actually from Ireland tend to think they’re deeply fucking cringe at best.

          Queerness has created a culture worth keeping, a culture of virtues exploration and living off script. Its beautiful. And we cant really be straight anyway; the cultural abyss of heterosexuality is made around controlling and regimenting the straights. We donct canct and honestly fuvking shouldn’t fit there. If you want to genocide us, you go ahead and start with yourself.

          And fuck the term “lgbt”, such neoliberal exclusionary positivist bullshit.

          • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Jesus you’re just angry at everything huh

            Queerness has created a culture worth keeping

            You think the American Irish lost their culture by assimilating?

      • dandelion@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        6 months ago

        Implying money is power isn’t urging assimilationism, why are you so quick to accuse them? Money is crucial to funding militant movements, these are not separate tactics.

        • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          Historically, queer movements in particular have done without much money. The problem is with what money is and how its kind of opposed to a lot of the virtues of queerness, but that requires I be at least slightly eloquent to explain and I am not right now.

          • dandelion@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            6 months ago

            hey no worries, maybe later if you’re feeling up for it we can chat more - I’m especially interested in any sources you have about the transfeminine horse archers, I’m having trouble finding anything about it from searching online.

      • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        and fucking bricks thrown very hard at cops by people with nothing to lose

        I’m in no way discouraging such behavior. But if such acts aren’t followed up by financial backing historically they do not succeed.

        • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          I’m pretty sure its people with aids physically shackling themselves to pharma execs that hot us prep, not your good-boy points. They literally wouldn’t let us spend our good boy points, even those who were personal friends with the president. Not that it would have done much good.

              • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                Not many no.

                I’m not sure why you’re trying to fight this idea anyway. What makes trans rights immune from the huge influence money has in this country?

                • melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
                  6 months ago

                  So a lot of people think of money as agency, and for a lot of people, in their scope, it sort of functions that way, but it breaks down a bit at the edges, and both edges are pertinent here, because both mechanisms apply and combine to create a big fat fuck you to queer people.

                  So, an economy is just a system of deciding who does what work and how the fruits of that work are distributed. Doesn’t need to have money or authority, but ours use both.

                  Money is a marker of worth (not necessarily an accurate one, for any definition of worth)as much as or more than a medium of exchange. Most things you buy with money, especially those that aren’t explicitly commodities, don’t require you to spend money so much as to have it. This is why a sharp outfit, the right accent, and good skin can get you into a ton of shit. In some places its more or less explicit or overlaps with other systems of entitlement, from the evangelical christian prosperity doctrine and credit scores in the american empire, to the concept of ‘new money’ and noble titles taking up lots of that function on terf island+wales.

                  Let’s start at the lower end. If you have money, but aren’t the kind of person who’s ‘allowed’ to have it, money can be a liability. If your societal markers are incongruous, it can make you a target, because youre seen as having done something ‘bad’ to get it. If a homeless guy walks into your store mumbling to an invisible person next to him and tries to spend a million dollars, even if he has it on him in cash, you’re not gonna let him. Even at the lower extreme, you probably need to pay 2k/mo rent because the bank doesn’t trust you to pay a 1k/mo mortgage. They don’t actually distrust you, it’s more a class solidarity thing.

                  So an undesirable with money may as well just not have it. Its useless, you can’t spend it ‘legitimately’ if you try. Nobody will let you. I’ve lived this.

                  At the higher end, you don’t actually spend money, and you get it more for things you are than things you do. At that point your worth is not diminished by consuming luxuries, because the luxuries, the whole economy, exist for your benefit, so you don’t have to spend money on them. The math is just an excuse, if anyone even bothers to crunch the numbers (its not like you check), its the image and class solidarity that matter.

                  And that’s where queer people (and other minorities) get fucked with moloch’s giant granite cocks and endless balls.

                  See, the wealthy aren’t unaccountable to the masses, and they have to keep the people they exploit (because they don’t actually make fix or discover anything ever; They get their money for being) from doing a ‘red terror’ and taking what’s theirs. They usually do this with culture war shit, and, at least since the fucking Victorians (the protestant Reformation? Emperor who-gives-a-fuck sacrificing rome’s only real virtue on a Christian altar to win a popularity contest?) that means talking shit on us.

                  And no amount of service to these institutions, real or social, no amount of worthiness, buys exception. That’s why I brought up Alan Turing (cut years off world war two, and did so staggeringly much for computer and information science. Caught sucking a dick behind a pub in a sting, fired from everything, put on non consensual hormone therapy, driven to suicide) and Rock Hudson (literally a personal 'friend’1 of the Reagans from their Hollywood days, asked his friend for permission to try an experimental treatment some people thought might work for HIV at… I forget the exact circumstances, but it was at a naval hospital or required a special visa or something, and he was snubbed. It wouldn’t have saved him, but reagan didn’t know that, and didn’t literally wave a hand to try and save his 'friend’¹).

                  So when you have money, your solidarity tends to be with your class peers, to fit in, and the easiest way to do that is selling out other queers. It supports the whole project of your status-which if you got there, probably matters more to you. Notice how all the rich gender and sexual miniroties (thiel, Jenner, etc) support really awful homophobic transphobic bullshit.

                  I could point to the work of researchers like Paul piff about why having money makes you a vicious sadistic piece of shit goblin, and they basically never do any good unless they hard defect early and probably die young (shit.) but I’m gonna come at this from the other direction.

                  When you try to use your status within a system to fight that system (and remember; that’s all money is. Money is good boy points. You can claim good boy points for producing ‘value’, but you’re not disagreeing that its good boy points-not immutable physical reality) that system, and point out errors in all the other big moneyed interests, they will choose to recognize you having money as the error.

                  You will find the more you push, the more your money becomes difficult to spend, or worth less than everyone elses. And then you’ll get a facial of solitude, filth, ugliness, ash cans and unobtainable dollars. And maaaybe a trip to wherever america puts its Auschwitz for your good intentions (and gay).

                  You can argue about life boats, but life boats are not liberation, and your life boat does nothing for my interests, so I might be in the crowd tearing it down out of spite. Plus, if youre already dealing with precarity and huntedness, why not just do crimes? They feel great, go really really well with gay, and let you shoot for real change, aside from all the rules that are supposed to stop that.

                  Sorry, still a little incoherent and rambling, wrote this from bed, haven’t had any stimulants yet. Tell me if it isn’t much good and I’ll rewrite it when I’m both awake and doing writerly chemistry, instead of just 1/2. If you think there’s anything here youre interested in. The topic probably deserves a better effort, but I wanted to spit something out as soon as I was remotely capable.

                  ¹fascist monsters don’t have friends, but I’m sure he thought they were friends.

                • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  Absolutely not. My point is that wealthy LGBT people aren’t what changed the dialogue. Some of the rich gay men also turned out to be libertarian tech bros who didn’t seem to care much for the rest of the community.

                  I’m just saying wealth isn’t a big factor.

  • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    6 months ago

    nono, see you don’t understand, the secrete agenda is living.

    Don’t tell the government, they won’t like that.

    shitposting aside, i like how it says “fewer than 1 in 3” which is incredibly wide, but i’ll assume greater than .5 and less than 1 for sake of the argument. That means, assuming you have a handful of siblings, and parents, there is a none zero chance that someone in your family is trans.

    Let’s break it out further, at work, you probably interact with someone who is, especially if you work with customers/clients. Extended family? Almost certainly, online friends and acquaintances? You’d be stupid to think there isn’t a trans person somewhere in that group.

    i feel like that stat, and the next sentence “yet the american public” are in direct conflict, considering that statistically, it’s pretty likely that you know a trans person, and considering that for something to be a massive political hot button issue on one side of the aisle, it would have to be at least somewhat prominent.

    This shouldn’t be a surprise, this is how this shit works. People don’t like black people having freedom, suddenly the KKK exists. People don’t like women being able to own bank accounts, suddenly misogyny is now a thing. Queer people exist now, why are we acting surprised with that phrasing?

    Alright, enough of my autistic shenanigans, go have fun and enjoy something. It’s good for the soul.

        • Kedly@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          Its KINDA high? You do realize the flipside to that stat is that 66% of people dont know a single person personally that is trans. So yeah, theres a non zero chance a family member is trans, non zero literally means something isnt impossible, but your first paragraph made it seem like you were interpreting that stat to say if you had 2 siblings that there was a good chance one of you was trans, which is false

          • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            6 months ago

            that would be how percentages work yes.

            I do believe i mentioned that it was statistically possible, specifically, my point was that its very likely that you at least know someone who is. Though i probably did fuck up the bit about family lol.

            • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              It’s very likely that you know someone who knows someone who is trans. Not very likely that any one person knows someone who is trans. The actual percentage of people who are trans is like less than 1% iirc

        • ryathal@sh.itjust.works
          6 months ago

          It’s really not that high for knowing someone. It only takes about 7 degrees to link any two people in the world. One in three people knowing someone is almost 3 degrees of separation which is massive.

    • andros_rex@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      When we fight back, we get killed. (And then blamed for own deaths/have our deaths covered up - if you believe that Nex offed himself, you know nothing about how corrupt Oklahoma is)

      Edit: that was meant to read “didn’t off” himself. I said the opposite of what I meant.

      Nex did not kill himself, Owasso covered up the bullying and pretty much every state department is understaffed by under qualified toadies of Stitt.

      • kase@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Oklahoman here. I don’t know whether Nex died by suicide or not. But on a local level, the Owasso (and greater) community hasn’t given up the fight yet. Whether his injuries from the attack at school are what directly killed him or not, it doesn’t change the fact that he’d been a target of bullying for months and that he and his family were repeatedly ignored by the school and the police, and then he was beaten in the school bathroom by several classmates. Since his death, our politicians have doubled down on transphobic rhetoric, and our schools are still becoming more and more hostile towards LGBT+ youth. There’s a lot to talk about here, and local organizations have done a great job on covering these issues in press releases and the like. And there’s still more to come; we’re currently waiting on the release of the Medical Examiner’s full report (unless it’s been published already; I last checked about a week ago, and I just don’t have the emotional spoons today).

        Anyway, sorry for going into a whole rant. What I was going to say, in reply to your comment, is that our OCME (office of the chief medical examiner) hasn’t been nationally accredited since 2009. So, um. There’s that. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

        • andros_rex@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Yes - I left out a word and changed the entire meaning of the sentence. I do not believe Nex killed himself. I believe that Owasso Public Schools and the Owasso police were complicit and are involved in covering up Nex’s death.

          I’m a transgender teacher in Oklahoma that quit teaching last year because I knew that if something happened to me, there would be no help and there would be an immediate flood of bullshit.

          The FBI exists because of Oklahoma’s refusal to investigate the murder of minorities…

    • misspacific@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      6 months ago

      trans people and our allies are fighting; that’s why the christian theocrats are freaking out and using us as the threat of the day to drum up their stupid, ignorant base.

  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m pretty sure the Transgender community is just getting scapegoated by Trump & the GOP because they’re a convenient group to go after. It’s a relatively little known and “strange” group (to mainstream America) that are considered “sexual deviants” and such; a group that, until relatively recently (within 10-20 years), no one would’ve batted an eyelash if you made fun of being transgender or joked about it. It may even still be a reality in some places, my workplace would shitcan you in a heartbeat for that, but I’m sure other places wouldn’t care as much. So just as with illegal immigrants, the Chinese, Muslims, and any other group they can find, the GOP are targeting them to use as a scapegoat for whatever stupid, needlessly cruel shit they can think up.

  • Lemmy@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    I love everyone, just don’t expect me to call you kitten, princess, or any other pronouns outside of he/him, she/her, they/them. That’s basically where I draw the line. Other than that, do whatever you want.

      • Lemmy@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        Yes, it is. When I was in high school a couple of years ago, a substitute health teacher/activist came in for a week and taught a lot about transgender/gender issues. To be clear, I have no issues at all with transgender individuals or people who struggle with gender identity. But, lord, she unleashed the ‘gender unicorn’ on us, and I couldn’t take it seriously. There were over 70 genders, including princess, prince, kitten, xe/xem, etc.

        I believe what she did was actually illegal, akin to someone coming to a school to teach about religion. I’m okay with spreading awareness, but not like this. This was just different. I was being graded on this too, so I was basically forced to answer the questions without being able to object to anything.

        • ynthrepic@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          My understanding is that it was a Tumblr fad that became viral outside of Tumblr because it’s easy to recognize the absurdity, and it made a great target for ridiculing the woke (back when “woke” was a complement, and we just called this sort of thing being “politically correct”).

          Point is, you can’t just impose new words on purpose. Language doesn’t work that way. It’s all about the viral memes taking off. So it’s always best to adapt existing language.

          “They” is finally clicking in my mind as a singular gender neutral word, for example. It took a while, I have to admit.

      • Socsa@sh.itjust.works
        6 months ago

        No, it’s another transphobic straw man. Basically the same as saying “Human love is fine just don’t be fucking dogs or kids.” It’s injecting hate into a conversation nobody is having.