• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      It should be news when someone calls himself progressive for years and as soon as he gets to congress he starts ranting about how much it pisses him off everyone thinks he’s progressive.

      Asshole pulled a Sinema and the most annoying part is everyone defending him because he wears a hoodie.

      • Cogency@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I hope it’s more due to the fact that he had a stroke rather than he’s doing it intentionally. Either way he has had a complete shift in personality and its disappointing to no end that he’s not who he was when elected.

        I’m not worried about Biden’s age mostly because I think this comes from the racist fear that Kamala Harris isn’t capable of running this country.

        • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Yeah, I’ve known a couple family members who had a stroke and became better people.

          Sometimes it works the other way.

          Personality changes arent a rare after effect, it’s pretty common.

        • Chronographs@lemmy.zip
          7 months ago

          I think we’re worried about biden’s age less because we’re worried he’ll die in office and more because we’re worried he won’t and will keep running the country as his mind deteriorates beyond the point he should be running a bingo game.

          • prole@sh.itjust.works
            7 months ago

            I’m far more confident of Biden surrounding himself with capable stewards, than Trump. So even if the worst happens and he stays alive but loses it like Reagan, he will at least have intelligent, relatively progressive people behind the scenes making the actual decisions.

            With sundowning narcissist Trump at the wheel? Buckle the fuck in, because it’s going to be a wild ride. I wouldn’t worry about having to vote at the federal level again, so at least it’ll help with that decision.

            I really wish I could joke about this, but if Trump becomes president again, things are going to get very very dark.

            • pedalmore@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              Well said. A vote for Biden is a vote for his entire administration, including all the judges and secretaries and people behind the scenes. These have proven to be overwhelmingly competent people and the roles are absolutely critical. Trump has openly said he’ll purge the entire federal government and replace them with lackeys. It’s about more than just the man.

            • Chronographs@lemmy.zip
              7 months ago

              For sure, I’m in no way advocating voting for trump I just wish the Democratic Party had ran someone who was even “just ok” instead of just barely better than the serial rapist

              • prole@sh.itjust.works
                7 months ago

                And they will in 4 years. This is the time where progressives need to start grooming primary candidates for 2028.

                Democrats were never going to give up the incumbent advantage, and I’m legitimately surprised by how the media has been acting like it’s a weird situation. It’s giving people this impression that pulling your current leader (of both the party, and in this case, the county) and running someone else in their place is a viable strategy in US presidential politics.

                Unfortunately, this is a numbers game, and in a race that’s historically been this close, you don’t give up what is essentially the biggest (and possibly only) advantage you have as the party currently in power. It just doesn’t happen, and the Democrats doing this is not weird or surprising in any way.

                • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
                  7 months ago

                  First off, I want to say that I appreciated you telling your story here. I’m going to argue against some points, but I think it was a good comment even if there are points I disagree with.

                  It’s giving people this impression that pulling your current leader (of both the party, and in this case, the county) and running someone else in their place is a viable strategy in US presidential politics.

                  No other leader has been this old. And there have been plenty of times where a party’s leader didn’t run for reelection. What’s doomed is a challenge. If Biden had followed the rumor from 2020 and stepped down after a single term, Democrats would probably be in a much better position.

                  The “incumbent advantage” has led to 3 of the last 7 incumbents losing. It’s not a bulletproof strategy, particularly if the incumber is very unpopular.

                  I’ll say that again, one of the main speakers at the 2004 Republican National Convention, was a registered Democrat. Imagine that happening now, it would be like Rand Paul speaking at the DNC.

                  Nah, everyone loves a “convert”. Tulsi Gabbard has been a featured speaker at CPAC since 2022. Just like Zell, it’s not really a Democrat highlighting Democratic values while supporting a Republican, it’s a conservative with a good story to tell about how the other side went too far.

                  And it was not only based on the quality and content of the speech (which made everything at the RNC look like Four Seasons Landscaping), but based on the fact that this previously completely unknown guy got a keynote (possibly even the keynote spot, I forget) slot at the DNC. You could tell that the party knew what they had with Obama, and within 4 years, he was goddamn President.

                  Do you even remember who the 2020 DNC keynote speaker was? I don’t. And that’s not because we don’t have inspiring speakers (AOC is a fantastic communicator, Ayanna Pressley is one of the best orators I’ve ever heard), it’s because the party establishment finds Obama-level politicians threatening. Looking it up now, they had 17 different people all give part of a speech. No risk of a rising star in that mish-mash. That’s why, despite several political disasters under their watch, the leadership was the same dinosaurs, only to very recently be replaced by their long term acolytes.

                  Remember, they didn’t want Obama to be president. When he ran for president he was the outsider because the party establishment was all lined up behind Clinton.

                  • prole@sh.itjust.works
                    7 months ago

                    Hey, I’m just glad someone read my comment lol…

                    What is a party if not just a group of people with similar values? Change the values of the Democratic party from within (which I believe is already happening, especially with all the ancients dying off) to the type of party that realizes when they need to start grooming new candidates sooner.

                    Easier said than done, sure. Young people need to show that they are a voting bloc that demands to be taken seriously, but that can’t happen until they actually start voting. It’s kind of infuriating. That’s really the thing that could begin fixing all of this, and yet… Who knows, maybe Taylor Swift will throw a wrench in things and get enough young folks involved.

                    As for Obama, maybe he was a once in a lifetime phenomenon, I don’t know… But like you said, the DNC didn’t even want him. He was a black guy with an Arab name, but he had the money and power of the DNC (and, I believe at that time Howard Dean in charge who actually knew how to get progressives elected up and down ballot. Could be wrong though, it might have been after he lost his career for getting a little too excited), and that allowed him to mobilize people who had never thought about voting before.

                    That’s what we need again. We need to start bringing up young, charismatic progressives from state and local politics, and give them the money and support they need to get their message (which, let’s not forget, is correct) to those types Obama mobilized back in 08.

                    We should have been doing this for years already. In fact, I would say Howard Dean’s removal as chair of the DNC especially doomed the party to years of tepid neiliberalism.

                    We need another Howard Dean running the DNC and we need it yesterday.

          • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
            7 months ago

            Honestly, I would not at all be shocked if Biden resigns the day after inauguration and Harris takes over. I’ve seen several recent articles that seem to indicate she’s WAY more in tune with the concerns of the (sane portion of the) electorate, and is actively trying to step up in many areas where Biden and his campaign are dropping the ball. We’ll see what happens, I guess.

          • Sybil@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            idk. he’s always been big on fracking, and everyone remembers the jogger with a suspicious look. i don’t identify as progressive, either, so it’s not an identity i look for in anyone else, but he insists that he never told people he was progressive.

    • Neato@ttrpg.network
      7 months ago

      there’s no appropriate time

      Biden’s been in office for more than 3 years. But all the complaints get drummed out during election season. I wonder who’s pushing them…

        • Neato@ttrpg.network
          7 months ago

          I have. But it seems to have been ramping up lately. And criticisms of things in the past now are not being done for anything but to tank the election.