Do we just live and suffer and die?

    5 months ago

    Welcome to the philosophy of absurdism.

    Life has no meaning, nothing has purpose.

    In this freedom find the space to make your own meaning and your own purpose.

    You kitty likely had a long kitty life with someone who loved them and who they loved. You created purpose where none existed for the both of you.

    I am sorry for the loss of your kitty my dude, I’m sorry you’re hurting.

    5 months ago

    The point is to give someone vulnerable a full life, with safety and warmth.
    From your perspective, time went by too fast; from their perspective, it was a long and peaceful lifetime, they were incredibly fortunate to have someone like you.

    Also, there is an implicit assumption we carry around that to be immortal is some sort of blessing or state to aspire to, while it may very well be that being mortal is itself the blessing.

    In my opinion, the highest tribute one can pay to a departed friend and companion is to again open one’s home to another vulnerable creature and make him/her family.

    Do it in your departed friend’s memory and honor. If you could communicate again with them, you would let them know this is part of their proud and gentle legacy, to reduce suffering on the world - “Look what you did, by being who and what you were for me in life, you opened the door for someone else when their turn came.”

    This is what I have done, and do not regret a minute of it.

    5 months ago

    You gave your cat years of love, how can all that be meaningless? It will be a sad day when my 19yr old buddy passes but I’m grateful for his love everyday and happy I can love him back. Death is inevitable but life is what you make of it.

  • Jackie's
    5 months ago

    I hate platitudes, but I did hear the saying something like grief is love with nowhere to go. The amount of suffering you feel is proportional to the amount of love you gave your cat, so it sounds like your cat was exceptionally lucky overall.

    We lost our cat a few years ago. She was quirky and weird and sick her entire short life. She had lymphoma - the vet never even tested for it because she was too young. The day we were supposed to bring her home from an overnight stay was the day we had to put her down, and it scarred us deeply. My work sent me home, I was so useless. I cried for hours when I realised our other cat had stopped eating from half of the bowl they shared.

    It sucks. It always sucks. It feels like it will never get better, and it won’t, but it’ll get dimmer. You’ll be able to remember the good stuff more often without the final moments crashing in. It just takes time.

    For now if you have to wallow in despair, do it. You lost a loved one. It’s your right. Remember though, you’re going through all this because your pet didn’t have to. You held up your end of the deal, and your pet got a great life because you took the pain of loss away from them.

  • I am so, so sorry for your loss. I understand how you feel, and I’m sorry that I have no words that can help. Nothing can replace them.

    We do a little ritual for ours on the Day of the Dead; I don’t know if it helps. I guess it makes me feel a little better the rest of the year, setting time aside to remember the good times.

    I’m sorry.

    5 months ago

    I lost my dog on Wednesday.

    I’m in the mud too feeling the same things. Yesterday morning I was ready to never get out of bed, to just dehydrate and die. I didn’t move until my whole body was numb. It felt like the universe had given me my reward in her spread out over 10 years, but kept tally of all my sins and unleashed my punishment all at once directly on my soul. It was ash in my mouth and salt in my eyes, unbearable and searing pain. Until my partner came over to check on me because I was non-responsive by phone. They bodily got me up, they made me drink water and eat, they got me out of bed and into the shower. Through all my sobbing and wailing and despair they held me and told me it’s ok, that they loved me. They loved me on purpose and took care of me when I couldn’t do that for myself.

    And that’s it. That’s the purpose. The point. Love. Grief is always hovering there right next to love we experience, but would you trade a single moment with your cat to avoid this grief and pain? I certainly wouldn’t. I’ll take this a hundred times over for the love I experienced for and from Mercy. It’s why we do this to ourselves when we bring a pet into our lives knowing every minute of the journey that it will end too soon. Because they fill a hole in our hearts and make our lives brighter. Even though right now it feels like there is no light in the world, you need to realize that it only feels dark in comparison to how much light they brought. It’s like being in a bright room and suddenly the lights are cut and you’re blind. I promise, our eyes will adjust, we’ll see again, we’ll breath again, and eventually, all we’ll remember is the love and warmth.

    All we have to do is survive this, right now. Let it wash over you, honor them with your grief and pain, but don’t let it control you because that’s not what they’d want. Your cat would want you to continue to find the light, to find joy, and to find love. And you have to stick around for that, and you have to do it for them. You’ll do it because you loved and were loved and will love again.

    The point is love.

    5 months ago

    Your cat had a good life and loved you and then died. There doesn’t have to be a point, there’s more good than suffering.

        5 months ago

        The world does suck right now. All the more reason to find something like a cat or some other thing that makes you happy to help ignore all the bullshit.

            5 months ago

            I’d ask to switch with you, except I know very well that anyone’s life can be much more complicated than it seems on the surface, and happiness does not automatically come from any of that. Therapy doesn’t help everyone be happier, but it’s something worth trying or trying again.

    5 months ago

    ive had to say goodby to a few pet friends now. i dont regret having my pet friends.

    we got to enjoy each others company, and honestly the pet gets the better end of this deal if their people are sound.

    • lowleveldata@programming.devOP
      5 months ago

      the pet gets the better end

      The one comforting thing is that my cat probably doesn’t care about leaving as much as I do. He loves sleeping anyway

        5 months ago

        were all ships passing in the night. a few get to know each other before moving on.

        i just got my first dog. i hate dogs. i now only hate all other dogs. and this dog… well, its already bothering me i will have to say goodbye.

        but it reminds me of that south park episode .

          5 months ago

          Butters is too damn pure for South Park (most of the time). He’s probably my favorite side character.

    5 months ago

    Yeah pretty much. What you do in the meantime is up to you.

    Pets are particularly weird because we get them knowing damn well we will outlive them. I view it as giving the little babies as close to a perfect life, and as comfortable a passing as pawssible.

    5 months ago

    Do we just live and suffer and die?

    Largely, yes. As far as we know, there’s no grand purpose nor reason of being. We’re all just floundering about, trying to answer the fundamental questions of existence for ourselves. There may be an objective answer, however, which is why I do what I can to push humankind in the direction I believe is most likely to result in that discovery - even though my significance is only comparable to that of an ant.

    Regarding your loss, specifically, I was in a very similar boat ~12 years ago. Honestly considered just riding into the sunset in search of Bob Ross, at the time. Today, I’m extremely glad to have stuck around to raise another cat who loves me beyond anything I ever thought comprehensible. In short, when life as a whole sucks, there’s respite in the moment. When the moment sucks, take respite in the whole of life’s experiences.

    5 months ago

    I think we don’t really appreciate time until we know it ends. Unfortunately, we outlive some animals, but we get to enjoy time with them and doing everything possible to make their life better.

    I lost my dog last year, it was rough. My family wasn’t there, I had to go by myself and the vet couldn’t do more to save her, but I was there, she wasn’t alone, she never was. I always watched her, played with her, even danced with her because she was very tall. I remember the first time I saw that she couldn’t peek at the window anymore, she was getting old and fragile and she couldn’t get up, I realized that I could only give her all the love I could, but I distanced myself some days from her because I didn’t wanna suffer her loss, I was afraid of what was going to come in the next months.

    After some time, I realized I was being very selfish because I would remember all the love I had for her, but she would remember how in her last months I abandoned her, and I couldn’t let that happen. My love for her, my time with her; our time together was what make some parts of my life great! She made me feel better a lot of times and I always reciprocated.

    I think one of the points of life, at least mine, is to make other lives better, that includes to help all the animals I can, even if I’ll have to suffer when they’re gone, because they will be happy all the time they lived.

    5 months ago

    This life is what we can make of it, with a harsh overtone of constant surprises - some wonderful, many terrible.

    It’s that dichotomy between the darkness we grow calloused to, and the lights we find along the way that bring hope and meaning into our world.

    It’s hard to face the end - either through our own eyes, or the eyes of those we love… But I think every darkness can be the setting for something else to come.

    I’ve lost enough loved ones to know they’re sometimes the only lights I can see in the darker times. None of this helps explain the terrible nature of death, but I think it helps sometimes to know they aren’t truly gone to us.

    When they leave this world, I think they can actually end up being more powerful because our minds reach out more than ever to connect with their memory. In this way, we are never truly alone, and we always have a light to carry.

    As for the immediate grief, I always turn to one of my favorite quotes on the subject:

    Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.

    Khalil Gibran