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  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022

  • I believe this is the article that kicked off support for the idea. Thankfully it’s not a Medium-requires-an-account article

    Thank you, that’s one I’m going to read.

    “Toxic masculinity,” for instance, a lot of people misunderstand to mean that masculinity is toxic.

    Whatt‽‽ ϞϞ(๑⚈ ○ ⚈๑) I thought I was practicing the non toxic version of masculinity!

    But I don’t know if this challenge to them is the same as a challenge to Popper.

    Well, thanks for the link, in any case. My reading comprehension and analytic skills aren’t completely undeveloped, and while I’ve been known to fall for brief periods for clever sounding schemes*, I’m generally skeptical enough to read between the lines.

    I think I have to admit I don’t actually know what Popper has to say on the matter. Though, I get the impression these two authors might agree, at least broadly, and are simply viewing the same problem through different lenses.

    He wasn’t the first, but he was the first to really coin the term that stuck. It’s hard to read, if for no other reason than it’s philosophy and my eyes tend to glaze over.

    That is, resolving the paradox might be interesting to someone if paradoxes bother them

    Yeah, I think it’s a paradox only to absolutists, and I distrust absolutists. There are physical laws of nature that are absolute, and even then we find exceptions; but trying to hold to philosophical absolutes leads to people like Ayn Rand, and Libertarians. So, to paraphrase possibly the best scene in any movie ever, “the code is more what you call guidelines, than actual rules”.

    • I once thought flat tax was a great idea, believing it’d get us closer to European-style “finally I don’t have to sorry about this shit for two while months every year” taxes; before a friend pointed out the disproportionate impact a flat tax has on different economic stratuses. Stratusi? Whatever.

  • Yup. And in the meantime, work to support the change to government that’s needed to allow third parties a chance. Support Approval Voting, or Ranked Choice Voting, or whatever is being most successful at your local level. Lobby your representatives to eliminate the electoral college. Support NPVIC, especially if you live in a state that hasn’t yet signed on.

    You said forget third parties. OK. Trump wants a 10% tariff across the board on all imports. He’s said he thinks the Israelis agent going far enough, and should exterminate the Palestinians. He’s already cost women choice over their own bodies.

    So, yeah. Work for initiatives that will allow real change; and in the meantime, swallow your gorge and vote for the lesser of two evils, because that’s the only kind of vote that counts.

  • The word has negative connotations, but I stand by it. I an not saying there result isn’t stronger, but if you extend cultural mixing out to the maximum - say humans and the planet survives another thousand years, and global travel is no harder than traveling to the next town over - what you end up with is homogeneity, and this would be sad, I think. Imagine it: the entire world speaking some pidgin derivative mashup of Mandarin, English, and Hindi, with essentially the same culture everywhere on the planet. Just as has already happened, languages are lost, because nobody speaks them natively anymore. All that’s left of the original cultures are some UNESCO sites and preserved old movies. I can’t say the world wouldn’t be stronger for it, but in the process, something irrecoverable is lost.

  • I don’t know about this meme, but you know memes come in waves. It’s just the nature of memes.

    That said, Germans - at least the Bavarians - have a special relationship with pizza second only to Americans. It’s kind of weird, because it’s so random. You don’t see this in, e.g., Southern France, and Italians seem almost ambivalent to it.

    I think it’s because, despite the world wars, Germans generally have a fondness for American culture, the same way Americans generally have a fondness for Mexican culture. They have Germanized versions of American food, like we have Americanized versions of traditional Mexican food.

    I don’t know who the French are fond of, besides themselves.

  • I would not be surprised if a lot of money was funneled into third party campaigns during general elections by PACs of the two main parties as a spoiler strategy. I would be shocked if you tracked campaign contributions to the Green party and to Jill Stein in particular, and didn’t find that most of it came from some Republican PAC. If Jill can siphon any votes from Biden, all the better for the Trump campaign.

    The Democrats probably do it, too, except Republicans locked out dissent with the “Thou Shalt Not Defy Our (current) God, or we’ll destroy your local race with vengeance next chance we get” tactic, and it works. Many Conservatives may disagree with Trump, but they’re all terrified little bitches of standing up to him because they’ll get dumped on an lose their jobs if they do. So there’s fewer spoilers for Democrats to fund.

    But I’d be real money that most of Stein’s financing comes from conservative PACs, and that’s why you only see her pop up out of here gopher hole once every 4 years.