• OpenStars@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      If you mean vote for him vs. not vote for him, then yes.

      If you mean vote for him vs. the Republican nominee, then no, as there are other options. For starters the article seemed to suggest that some may just not vote at all. They also might vote for him but do so reluctantly, e.g. without discussing with their friends strongly promoting the voting for Biden as they did in the last election.

      But it’s a long way to the actual election, and campaigning has not started in earnest yet.

      • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        How could that ever be successful? I like the Billions paraphrase

        anybody making a bet they don’t know works out [Cotton] is a sucker [schmuck, my word]


        • OpenStars@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          “Successful”? Ah, I see, you think they are making their choices strategically, rather than emotionally. Interesting. :-D

          I kid, but there actually is strategy involved there - by saying that their votes cannot be “counted on”, they could be attempting to wrangle additional concessions.

          Ofc there is a bunch of nonsense going on as well - e.g. blaming Biden for not managing to codify Roe v. Wade, in this Congress!? They would have a better chance of asking to go to the moon - that is expensive but at least possible in theory!:-P I mention Congress ofc bc that is the government body that passes laws - the Presidency enforces, maybe vetoes, but does not make laws, so having a President receptive to and even someone who heavily pushes for a certain thing is not sufficient. Contrary to popular opinion, the Presidency has many limitations, and you do not simply show up to vote and somehow life gets “all better”, as some seem to think. Young people can be quite inexperienced and naive sometimes.

          Then again, it was not young people that gave us Trump, and if they choose not to bail this country out again a second time, especially if they vote their conscience as a result of Israel (right or wrong mind you, in fact especially the latter), I will not be blaming the least experienced among us as the scapegoat to all of life’s problems… It should not be the case that it is up to those least prepared to deal with a situation, to be the deciding factor that “saves” us all - and the fact that we continue to ignore this aspect every time the young people show up to do so, shows how perilous the situation truly is. Maybe next time they won’t? If so, then we never deserved saving in the first place… bc that’s not freedom, to continually lie in the shadow of destruction.

          • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            blaming Biden for not managing to codify Roe v. Wade, in this Congress!?

            yes. he likes to take sole credit for their victories, he can also take some credit for their failings, too. Shoulda kept Manchin on a shorter leash.

            Not that I imagine biden tried all that hard on it. I mean, he once voted to overturn it. in 1982… he still says that he’s personally opposed. I just imagine it’s not on his list of things he really gives a damn about, but somebody in his camp managed to convince him he at least needs to shut up about.

            • OpenStars@kbin.social
              10 months ago

              That’s probably the gist of it right there in fairness - he could have tried harder. Then again, he knows what’s what, and like (a) the mess he inherited from the previous occupant of the job took an enormous amount of effort to deal with, like basically ALL of the efforts, really, that were to spare (and things like the border crisis, huge spike in homelessness, greedflation, etc. continue onwards even now), and so (b) to have fought the good fight would have come at the cost of enormous political capital that would have prevented other things from happening. Thought experiment: what would Dems be willing to give up, in order to have made a useless (I mean purely in the sense of doomed to failure in the short term, though ultimately such things may need a coordinated effort over many years) attempt to appear to try to codify Roe v. Wade? Would we have been willing to sacrifice funding for Ukraine? Passing a budget for the year at all? College loan remittance? Political capital has limits, so in order to work towards that goal, something else must be sacrificed, that’s just reality.

              Also, unpopular opinion alert - or rather, adjacent to one, in the service of a deeper understanding - women are not prevented from having abortions, at least on the federal level. If a state such as Florida or Texas etc. prevents such a thing, then don’t live in those states? There are MANY things going on in those states - book burnings, teacher shortages, also libraries, also doctors/nurses, also basic infrastructure, the list just goes on forever - and Biden is merely one old man, so what is he being asked to do, replace Jesus in those states? There is only so much that he or any one person could do. e.g., when a Supreme Court seat opens up, that’s when he can do a lot to work towards his goal, but I cannot say this loudly enough, even as a President he cannot pass laws. He can be part of a solution but he cannot be the entirety of one. Nor should he be.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Civics classes have been cut for decades. Even when I was a kid they never explained that you had to vote for someone you didn’t like.

        • mrbubblesort@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          It’s more like a root canal vs a bullet to the head. Both are gonna hurt, but only one is good for you in the long run

          • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Can you explain exactly what people hate so much about Biden?

            Like I get he sucked a lot in the past and gave you Clarence Thomas and differential racist treatment of cocaine vs crack cocaine offenders but I don’t get whats currently so terrible about him besides hes old and he has a sketchy history of political disingenuousness

            • NoneOfUrBusiness@kbin.social
              10 months ago

              His handling of Israel’s genocide is a big one. This isn’t just because America, Biden’s handling of this mess has been uniquely horrible, and it’s losing him votes.

              • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                To…Trump? I totally get what your saying but does Trump plan to call out Bibi, like I don’t get how eviler is comparatively more appropriate than garden-variety evil/negligent

                • NoneOfUrBusiness@kbin.social
                  10 months ago

                  No Trump is obviously worse. But lesser of two evil stuff doesn’t get turnout. Biden needs to convince people to vote for him, not against Trump, and he’s currently doing the opposite of that.

                  • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    Which is objectively terrifying. Very dangerous approach, Cotton

                    How do you feel about the idea of Trump winning? That’s acceptable to you?