Democratic lawmakers, led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, criticized Trump for failing to address rising food costs despite campaign promises to lower prices “immediately.”
In a letter, they accused Trump of focusing on mass deportations and January 6 pardons instead of tackling grocery inflation, which rose 1.8% in 2024, with egg prices up 36.8%.
Trump’s administration defended its actions, citing efforts to reduce inflation by cutting energy costs.
Dude that top ring frog splash from Bernie took me by surprise, then the tombstone SLAM from warren
Yeah cuz dems really did a good job of holding down grocery prices and stopping price gouging
Fucking stop grandstanding and actually do something useful.
You see, when Democrats hold both chambers and the presidency they are powerless against their centrists, but when Republicans do the Democrats are also powerless to stop Democratic centrists from defecting and cancelling out the last 3 Republicans with a vague sense of ethics.
Weird how that works.
(The point is the government is thoroughly controlled by conservatives either way)
You want the people who lost power to do something?
Yeah i want them to actually put up a fight not just roll over and let trump tickle their bellies.
But nah we will just get 4 more years of them saying “see we aren’t as bad as that” even though they did fuck all when they had power except launch a genocide
There should be billboards by now.
Too bad “slam” just means some grandstanding in Congress with absolutely 0 changes to the situation. For the amount of money we spend paying various congress-critters to sit in a room kvetching at each other all day, it’d be nice if some of that turned into actionable changes.
If the Democrats want to get some credit fucking do something. As if the election results didn’t display this, the average American is not entirely pleased with the Democrats. If they ever want to fill the White House ever again, we better see more than “slamming” happening.
What the fuck do you expect them to do with a minority at every level? All they can do is try to get the message out.
Trump has repeatedly made empty campaign promises, yet voters take the bait every fucking time.
Pointing this out in real time is an important step.
What do I expect? I expect them to do a better job than they did last time around the electoral bush where they just sort of shoved Kamala forward at the last minute and the base reacted with indifference. If the democrats want some love, show us some love. DO SOMETHING. Just because the Republican party is a cesspit of infighting and unproductivity doesn’t mean every party has to be.
I don’t expect this to be easy, but if they want to stay relevant they MUST take on this work.
Can we please fucking stop using slam in headlines already? It got old 2 decades ago.
… and don’t put “IMPORTANT” in your email subject.
Add Breaking to that list.
I’m really tired of the phrase “make no mistake” too.
Yeah, time to slam that word out of existence!
Slam the door on slamming
Just do the same thing they did. Print stickers of Trump saying ‘I did this’ pointing to high prices of things like eggs.
It’s crazy to see “price of eggs!” as a talking point appear on every major broadcaster a month before the election as the defacto rubric for economic strength. Then trillions invested in Western based AI gets obliterated within a week of the new administration taking office.
Well since 50% of Americans don’t own stocks and 93% is owned by the top 10%, eggs definitely affect the average person more.
A factory worker may not own a single share of stock and still rationally express concerned when the firm’s stock price plummets.
The enormous upfront investment of capital in a rapidly outdated administration model should be extremely alarming to individuals whose employment is predicated on the output of that model.
Are you trying to say that people being fired from Nvidia is more important than egg prices? Maybe let me check how many employees they have. Seems to be about 30k. Idk man comparing human experiences at this scale gets pretty sticky. Maybe it’s just confirmation bias, but egg prices and by extension grocery prices are probably more important to the average person. Infact they even affect Nvidia employees that are fired.
Are you trying to say that people being fired from Nvidia is more important than egg prices?
People from Nvidia, from Facebook, from Microsoft, from all the attendant businesses surrounding those firms.
Compound this with the consequences of money invested into AI at both the private and public levels that was supposed to supplement neglected spending in basic science R&D on the ground that AI could do R&D better (because it’s God? Idk)
So there’s a knock on effect to egg prices, given that the egg shortage is driven by Bird Flu and we’re neglecting Bird Flu to build AI God.
I wanted to do this but I gotta figure out how to print my own because the prices I’ve been seeing on those are ludicrous for stickers.
Republicans don’t care when there’s a Republican in the White House. Then it’s just God’s will.
If anyone actually thought that piece of shit trump was going to do anything about grocery prices, they are fucking fools.
And I fully understand that this letter is just theater. Stupid, shitty, ineffective theater.
Fuck this whole fucking piece of shit grift called a government.
JFC “Well we sent a letter! what else do you want from us?”
“Why don’t people like democrats anymore??”
What’s with the fucking eggs, why does everyone focus on fucking eggs. There’s more food than God damn eggs for fucks sake
It’s a staple used in a fuckton of recipes in addition to being a go-to breakfast item. Many Americans stupidly ignore politics, but still pay a lot of attention to the prices of common goods like milk, eggs, bread, gasoline, etc. Folks are living hand to mouth because the billionaires hoard all the money.
Eggs used to be people’s go-to for cheap animal protein
Just guessing, but eggs are a major staple in the average American diet that don’t have a whole lot of comparable alternatives like grain or milk. So when there’s a shortage or prices go up, people don’t have something to replace it with so it’s more apparent that they’re missing out on something and that gets attention.
They are particularly high right now due to non economic reasons (disease).
Everything is particularly high right now due to non-economic reason: oligopoly and greed.
Reminds me of the Republicans with the “raw milk”.
I wish they’d drink all the raw milk they can get their hands on.
Never mind, on the next election we’ll vote for someone else, to lower the price of vegetables at that time
Next election?
Yes, we’ll still have them. Red states will just throw out any votes they don’t like.
Speak for yourself heathen.
I eat eggs.
I would rather starve than eat something other then eggs.
Meat? Gross. Vegetables? Ick. Sugar? Fuck off.
Eggs. Just eggs.
I find puns to be eggregious
I hope they lock your egg loving ass up!
Don’t egg me on man
eggscuse me?
I have an eggumenical attachment.
Never figured my rage induced post would spurr such eggceptional responses
You’ll just have to learn to eggcept that people love eggs
Oh hey look the Democrats are crying about something but not actually doing anything
Hard to do anything in an elected government if you weren’t elected.
And they didn’t get elected because they spent the last four years crying and (mostly) not actually doing anything.
Roe v. Wade fell on Biden’s watch btw
The fact you’re being downvoted for simple facts makes me weep for America.
How stupid are you?
The block button is a useful tool. You only have to see the troll once and they are gone forever!
Then they get to claim shit uncontested, which comes off like you have no rebuttal so they must be right. Intelligent, educated, mindful, and honest people will know better, but that combo seems to be shrinking in supply virtually each and every day.
This, he had the chance to codify abortion into law, he didn’t take it.
Shockingly idiotic reply.
This would hold a lot more weight if they had bothered to do jack shit when they were in office.
Also hard to do anything when the people only give you 50 senators and 2 of them are Manchin and Sinema.
We gave them the seats. As fucking always, they found the no votes. If we gave them all 100 seats, there would be 51 manchins.
Manchin’s still a thing?
He’s been replaced by our former governor, a Trump loving Republican. What people don’t understand is that Manchin was the only Democrat capable of being elected to national office in West Virginia. Yeah he sucked hard, but you’ll never see another Democrat get elected in West Virginia outside of local office in the cities.
That sadly might be a good thing, a true enemy is better than a false friend.
He at least voted majority with the party. Jim Justice will vote with Trump 100%
What exactly do you want them to do? What legislation can they pass when they don’t control the House or Senate?
How do you expect a political party to solve a crisis caused by private industry? Should they pass legislation against bird flu? More regulations for the poultry industry?
Since you are so smart, what should they do? And how can they fight the majority party that is antagonistic towards everything the democrats try to do?
The Democrats can use Democracy. Require that corporate boards in America vote in their members through employee elections. It’s a slim minority of power grubbers that would want to keep raising prices against the poor.
By the way, the senator making this shouting proposed exactly that bill. It didn’t make it anywhere, because people don’t vote in senate majorities letting them pass such things.
This reads like an AI hallucinated it. I’m amazed the link works.
Nah, I’m on your side. The Republicans are blatantly ruining this country and breaking the law and the best we can do is just say “hey stop” and then “slam” them in a nothing of consequence article.
Honestly, it’s almost embarrassing. Democrats continue to fight using Queensberry whilst Trump et al are, again, acting with impunity. They’ve got to smell the coffee and take the gloves off.
Take the gloves off right now and do what?
Use harsh language? Encourage Democrats to engage in acts of violence?
I understand your frustration of feeling helpless while the tangerine terror fucks everything and everyone up, but without control of the house and/or senate, there isn’t that much they can do right now.
I think they need to be aggressive, publicly, with their highlighting of Trump’s “shortcomings”. Like billboards. Or interviews on TV. Or (ab)using privilege in the House. Etc. Just say stuff that’s true that they wouldn’t normally want to say. “Trump finger raped a woman”, “Putin’s lapdog”, “Pornstar fucker”, “Friend to pedophiles”.
In your face shit that’s inappropriate. Or was inappropriate until Trump changed the rules.
Just keep repeating it day after day, and like Trump, it’ll become part of the narrative through repetition.
They first need to admit that running as corporatists, ignoring people who are suffering in this economy, and funding a far right genocide were wrong, and the genocide was a war crime that people should go to jail for. They will never admit to that stuff though, theyd sooner disolve the party.
Hard to do when conservatives have cornered the media market.
The media gets high on sensationalism. If a Democratic politician came out and said that the President was “deep-throating Putin’s cock,” oh believe me, that’d get coverage right quick!
Wrong type of coverage though. Sinclaire group would spin that so hard it would cost bigtime.
I dunno man, your stance comes across as defeated, like nothing is worth doing. I disagree with that take.
This is the same playbook they’ve been using since Trump first appeared and it doesn’t work. People don’t care that much about Trump’s scandals, they need to focus on economic messaging. Besides, he’s ineligible to run again so they need to have a strategy aimed at countering the right more broadly, not just one specific person.
Saying he’s a “sexual predator” and that he “finger-raped a woman” are far from the same thing. One is dry and intellectual, the other conjures up memorable mental imagery. It’s the same way that “damp” and “moist” can be synonyms, but only one of them squicks a lot of people.
That’s ridiculous. You’re thinking way too small, you can’t just use the same line of attack over and over again with slightly different phrasing and expect it to suddenly start working.
Trump repeatedly crossed lines that were supposed to tank his campaign. You can’t just chalk that up to some people using slightly less visceral language than you think they should have. The reason nothing sticks to him is because people have decided, “We don’t care how much of a dirtbag he is, because he’s our dirtbag.” The only thing that can challenge that is to attack him on economics and demonstrate how he isn’t actually working towards people’s interests, and in order to do that convincingly, it’s necessary to adopt a platform that does benefit people in a direct, material way.
For all the words that have been spilled about things like finger-raping a woman or January 6th or any of the other shitty things he’s done, how much of it directly impacts the average voter? The best way to reach people is by appealing to their own material interests. Instead of, “Donald Trump fucked a pornstar” how about, “Donald Trump is fucking you, right now.”
The only time Trump lost an election was when his botched handling of COVID directly impacted people’s lives. I’m not sure what would have to happen for liberals to understand that the electorate does not give a shit about Trump’s character. And even if they did, as I pointed out, he’s not eligible to run again, so the whole thing’s moot. Maybe next time they’ll run someone clean as a whistle with the exact same policies, although, I suppose if they’re smart, they’ll run another dirtbag so liberals get distracted focusing on that.
It’s not just slightly different phrasing, it’s phrasing that packs an emotional/visceral punch. The economic angle has been tried to death, and a constant refrain I hear is, “how can people vote against their own self-interests?!” It’s because the other side speaks to the animal brain, not the frontal lobes. The murder of a pretty, young nursing student activates strong emotions and has a lot more cognitive stickiness than economic arguments about who gets paid how much to pick our strawberries. Guarantee that if voters picture his grubby, little fingers sliding into a vagina in a department store dressing room, they’ll remember it.
The economic angle has been tried to death
It really, really hasn’t lol.
and a constant refrain I hear is, “how can people vote against their own self-interests?!” It’s because the other side speaks to the animal brain, not the frontal lobes.
Yeah, and the animal brain wants stuff. And so do the frontal lobes, so it doesn’t really matter what part of their brain they’re using. Of course, you can’t just maintain the status quo and talk about how the other guy would be worse. The status quo sucks and is getting worse and even if it didn’t our brains aren’t wired to be satisfied with it. That messaging, sure, it’s been tried and failed, because it’s basically just lecturing people on how they’re not smart enough to understand economics and should be satisfied with what they’ve got. When I say economic messaging, I mean promising people new stuff beyond maintenance of the status quo.
The murder of a pretty, young nursing student activates strong emotions and has a lot more cognitive stickiness than economic arguments about who gets paid how much to pick our strawberries. Guarantee that if voters picture his grubby, little fingers sliding into a vagina in a department store dressing room, they’ll remember it.
Ok, I would like to collect on that guarantee, right now. Because you tried it already, over and over again, and it didn’t fucking work. I guarantee you that it won’t work if you keep trying it. If your position was at all true, Trump would’ve lost in 2016 when it first came out, when they could hear it straight from the horse’s mouth! No matter how you phrase it, it’ll never be more compelling than that moment when it first came out.
I repeat this for the third time since you seem to have missed it the first two times I said it: even if you were right, which you’re absolutely not, Trump isn’t even eligible to run again. Even if you’ve finally hit on the exact right phrasing that’ll definitely get through to people, this time I swear (you didn’t), you’re too late.
Same thing I’ve wished Democrats would do for years and years: Learn from psychology and neuroscience that language and how you use it matters, then learn how to use language to improve their messaging.
And then do it.
Politics in a big country like this is like an arena show, and Democrats treat it like a university lecture hall. Play to the cheap seats! For example, compare how I read that Harris would “address health care disparities which disproportionately affect Black men” versus “death tax.” Which one is more likely to reach Joe Six-Pack? Which one has more visceral impact? Which one is more, as they say, cognitively sticky?
The one that showed tits while making the announcement would get engagement.
This is often my point. There’s a major problem with the statement “Democrats need to do something in the house”. And that problem is not with the second half of the sentence, but the first. “VOTERS needed to do something in the election.” America is not just the DNC no matter how much we love finding scapegoats.
Very very very tired of the circular logic used to blame them for losing an election to an imbecile, against promises two brain cells could have realized would never ever be delivered.
Does anyone else have “Slam” on their BINGO card? That’s my free space.
I’m so tired of Democrats taking “the high road.” The high road doesn’t fucking exist anymore and y’all are just fucking everyone over. Trump is literally on the road to destroying this country and Democrats are trying to do things “the right way.”
Fuck that shit. It doesn’t work anymore. They’re just accepting the premise of assholes. I hate to say it, but unless they fight back with the same kind of energy than they’re fucked. If you try and do shit the right way Trump will just undo everything with a wave of his tiny hands.
Mitch McConnall was able to block damn near everything Obama tried to do, and he was one senator.
Democrats are weak on purpose, though, since they are paid by wealthy elites specifically to not be left wing. Until they all stop taking all corporate money, we will be stuck in the same “ratchet effect” situation that we’ve been in until something finally breaks and the government is dissolved one way or the other for some reason (military coup, violent revolution, etc.)
I’ll go a step further. Motherfucker cancelled all federal grants and aid, AMONG OTHER acutely awful executive orders.
How about Democrats “slam” Trump for dismantling our government and actively harming our nation from the first moment he was inaugurated? The time to fight about egg prices ended Nov 07.
Let me see some of this energy Dems! (and from someone other than AOC and Bernie. WTH is wrong with the rest of you!)
Because the people who voted for him think it’s a good thing that he’s cancelling those things. They want him to dismantle “big government” because they’ve been mislead into believing that the reason they’re struggling financially is somehow because of wasteful government spending.
You can’t attack Trump by criticising him for things people want him to do.
But the reason most of those people voted for him is because they are struggling financially, regardless of what the actual reasons are. They want him to come in and take a wrecking ball to the government in the belief that it will somehow make their lives better. I don’t see how it’s a bad thing to drive home, repeatedly, that they are wrong. That all of Trump’s promises will amount to nothing, and that their financial struggles are only going to get worse under him. Because if you want his supporters to abandon him, you have to appeal to their sense of self-preservation. You have to remind them, over and over, that he’s not making life better for them.
I blame Reagan, his "The scariest phrase in the english language is “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help” nonsense
It was a scam to encourage rugged individualism on a cartoonishly high level.
I keep hearing from people that they’re GLAD Gender Affirming Care is being banned, not because they’re transphobic (they are, but that’s not the main reason they’re glad about it), but because they think now that Medicare isn’t going to cover that, that more people will be able to get on it and get cancer treatments.
That is not how that works.
They think literally everything is zero-sum. If someone else is getting help, that could have been help for them. I have no idea how to undo this programming.
You can’t attack Trump by criticising him for things people want him to do.
Here’s the thing; most people actually don’t like what he’s doing. Or they like the aesthetics and don’t actually understand the execution and effects.
Democrats fail spectacularly in aesthetics (elite, preachy, corpo suits) and at explaining the effects these policies actually have on regular people.
Sure, but that’s exactly why this is the right play. Reminding people that their groceries haven’t gotten cheaper doesn’t take any explaining. It’s simple, clear, and self evident.
Trump got in on a promise to make ordinary people’s lives easier, and it’s a promise he has neither the desire nor the ability to keep. Driving that point home, for every single day of his presidency, isn’t a bad plan.
Because the people who voted for him think it’s a good thing that he’s cancelling those things. They want him to dismantle “big government” because they’ve been mislead into believing that the reason they’re struggling financially is somehow because of wasteful government spending.
You can’t attack Trump by criticising him for things people want him to do.
The people who voted for him aren’t going to change their minds regardless, or they’ll decide we just need someone even worse. I want to see some fucking fighting (not physical fighting - some fire from these democrats!), not finger wagging. We had four years of fucking finger wagging when we should have been locking him up.
That all of Trump’s promises will amount to nothing, and that their financial struggles are only going to get worse under him.
I’m thinking they are going to get that message pretty quick now with all federal aid and grants cut. It will still be Biden’s fault to them, like the folks who went to their death from covid swearing it was a hoax.
Sorry, at this point I could give a shit about what Trump’s voters think or whether they turn on him. Sure, it will be satisfying when it happens, but they aleady absolutely fucked us all, and I no longer even think I have an idea where the bottom is going to be. Fuck them. Whatever embers of empathy I may have tried to preserve for them all these years is gone. They have fucked themselves, they have fucked the rest of us, and barring a literal miracle I doubt anyone over 40 has much chance of seeing things righted within their lifetime.
The reason you give a shit about his voters turning on him is because you need them on your side, not his.
This is simple pragmatism. If you want your country back, you have to rebalance the scales. And that means convincing a lot of those people to start acting in their own self interest; regular people vs billionaires instead of red vs blue. Some of them are too lost to hate to be worth talking to, but not all. And you need all the help you can get.
So… you want to “own the cons”?
It’d be like going into modern warfare, standing in a straight line out in an open field, firing a single round of shots, then shouldering your weapons and waiting patiently for them to return fire. Platoon after platoon of soldiers are massacred by the other side, who are fighting dirty. The general keeps saying, ‘No fair, we’re getting slaughtered out there! But, once we’re all dead, people will realize that those other guys were being real assholes…then, who’s the real winner! Ha! Ok, boys, line up the next platoon and remember, don’t fire until you’ve reached the center of the field and for the love of God, only one shot each! …I mean, if any of the platoons ever eventually survive long enough to fire a shot. But, I’m feeling good about this next one! Charge! …I’ll just wait back here where it’s safe.”
As Jon Stewart put it on an episode of The Daily Show following the election, “The Republicans are playing chess and the Democrats are playing checkers”
It’s more like the Democrats are playing Checkers, and the Republicans brought the glock and aren’t playing games.
Oh, no, they’re definitely playing games… Weird, oppressive, shitty ones, but definitely games. I mean, jeez, they just kinda collectively jumped the shark as an entity AWHILE back, I think we can all agree on that… (Not that the Dems are much better, obviously, but at least in general they aren’t ‘fuck feeding kids at school for free, they can work nights,’ comic book villain evil)
I’d say the Democrats are trying to play Chess while the Republicans are playing Dodgeball.
I’d say at this point that the Democrats are bringing a chessboard to a gunfight. They decided that knives were too uncouth.
“Well, you see, according to parliamentary procedure bearing weapons is HIGHLY frowned upon, as it turns out. Quite beastly, indeed.”
“What about the assault rifles they all came equipped with?”
“Oh, yes,” attempts to look around room through glasses with 12 foot thick lenses; fails, but pretends to know what’s going on anyway, “Well, we’ll certainly be doing something about THAT! You mark my words.”
“Fucking finally! Are we gonna charge them with sedition? Treason? Ooohhh, terrorism? There’s so many choices I-”
“My aides have already begun drafting a semi-official non-binding statement condemning the disgraceful rapscallions and urging them to seek greater bipartisan cooperation and unity.”
“I assure you, it’s quite strongly worded. Oh, he’ll definitely be feeling the sting of our retribution soon… ish. Tomorrow maybe.”
I’m not saying the Democrats are losing fights on purpose and pretending that they’re making an honorable sacrifice when really they’re just taking their take-a-dive money on the way out, but if they were, what would they do differently?
Hell, you don’t even need to get that conspiratorial.
There are two possible options. The Democrats are either corrupt, or stupid. Both are a disqualifier for giving them power.