It’s how they see it, apparently. Same with all the “OK” hand gestures. It’s a dog whistle intended to empower those that agree with this crap to start doing it publicly. “If Elon can do it, so can I”…etc.
Sure, but not everyone carries around a cross for just such an occasion. Everyone’s got their fists on them, though (well, unless you’re an amputee – in that case, bite Nazis.)
How is only one “main stream” American News source calling it what it was “falling flat”?
The author is comparing it to previous trolling attempts, and how this one isn’t being picked up except by neo-nazi groups.
Why are we calling a Nazi paying homage to his fellow Nazis “trolling”?
It’s how they see it, apparently. Same with all the “OK” hand gestures. It’s a dog whistle intended to empower those that agree with this crap to start doing it publicly. “If Elon can do it, so can I”…etc.
It’s generally great when people show who they really are, so it’s possible to know how to properly respond. PUNCH NAZIS! RIDICULE FASCISTS!
Wrong you shouldnt punch Nazis thats uncivilized. You should show them classical civility and lash them to a fucking cross. Sic Semper Tyrannis
Sure, but not everyone carries around a cross for just such an occasion. Everyone’s got their fists on them, though (well, unless you’re an amputee – in that case, bite Nazis.)