My goodness! There must be a dozen of them! lol
Do you gargle dong as eagerly as boot?
Coming soon to a terrorism charge near you!
I too am happy that the vast majority of people at the event were just pedestrians walking by without acknowledging them. Can you imagine if these types of people were mainstream?
Decent people are getting pushed too far- they are going more mainstream with each insult, financial hit, and knowledge of the two-tiered justice system.
I’ve been saying it for years, if the Rich are not held accountable, the only option is vigilante justice. Unfortunately, it will have a lot of by-catch. But it’s not the general population‘s fault that it will come to this. It is people with money and power.
You’re all over this thread, deepthroating the proverbial boot. Keep it up, but just know that no matter how much you lick and love that little foot glove, it won’t love you back.
Luigi is more popular than Congress right now.
I’m more popular that Congress.
He’s done more to fix our shit situation than they have. Fucking worthless cunts.
What have you done recently ? (Just asking, not in a condecsending way)
I mean, congress negotiated insulin priced down by over 90% average, so you’re wrong actually.
The systems still fucked, but it’s a bit early to start erasing all the good things from the DNC majority and Biden Admin.
Man that’s 1 issue in a sea of healthcare problems, I’m extremely glad that insulin was capped because that shit was insane but it’s a pyrrhic victory in the scope of things.
It’s like if I was to plug a deep wound I was bleeding out from with my finger. Yes it stops me from dying in the moment and that is cause for some celebration, but I’m still dying just not as quickly.
Yeah but that’s over. Everything done can be undone.
I expect enough turmoil within the republican party to make 2026 a viable turnover. Right now they can’t even agree on who their speaker should be and are heading straight into government shutdown.
If not, it’ll at least be difficult to pass everything they want with only a 53 seat majority in the senate.
Don’t forget that these people exist because of the propaganda that they take in. They buy into it. They’re not yet aware that it’s a class war, not a culture war.
More popular than JFK.
Yeah, but that’s not hard. I think the approval rating of some strands of herpes is higher than congress.
That’s like the lowest bar imaginable
Hey, saying please is sure to get results
There are a lot of good reasons to have murderous intent, but there’s never any need for rudeness
Yeah I know, but I would still like to see him and his Tesla croney both crash and burn in a very violent fashion
Well then once he has finished you can politely thank him for doing one of the only things he could do to make the world a better place: taking himself and his cronies out of it
They asked nicely
This is amazing
“Everybody Hates You” “More Dead CEOs Please” “Deny, Defend, Depose”
Class warfare in all it’s glory, going from the cold war phase to a more active phase.
Sure, there were warnings. Remember Occupy Wall Street? Peaceful protest forcibly removed? Well, they’re back and less peaceful.
Yes, but this seems to be the working class vs the bourgeoisie. The way it was meant to be.
Let me cash out my 401k first
The way it was meant to be.
The way the schools, run by the wealthiest, taught you it should be to preserve the status quo and established wealth.
What school did you go to that taught you anything about class war?
I think you might be making an interesting point but I can’t tell
In Europe, I guess. History books there are full of “and then the people got angry so they banished/killed/robbed/demolished the ruler/nobility/clergy”.
Occupy Wallstreet was insanely stupid. This makes way more sense than that.
Occupy Wall Street? No, Eradicate Wall Street!
What is the opposite of “don’t dead open inside”? This works both ways.
Shades by design
Yeah, so weird they would be selling these stickers that could be put really anywhere. Absolutely disgusting if someone purchased hundreds of these and started just sticking them everywhere.
this is the lesson that children need to learn for a better future
Consumerism and politcal tribalism for unrealistic platforms?
Can you explain to me in a non condescending way what this comment means? Like genuinely I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say here. A person on the internet posts a link to a website to buy a silly sticker and that is somehow political tribalism? Consumerism is somewhat arguably understandable, considering you have to be a consumer to make a purchase. Although you could always just steal the design and print your own. What makes the post political tribalism though? Is there some sort of echo chamber in the fact that 99.99% of the American population would rather see exploitative CEOs die rather than their own children? Is that an unrealistic platform? What details am I missing here?
Oh god, I thought gas station clerks were finished cleaning dumbass’ stickers off and now you assholes are here just in time.
Anyone feeling sympathy for the wealthy should spend a few minutes and read about the insane wealth disparity in America just within our own lifetimes.
You will come away murderously angry.
We should all be much more safe and comfortable, and we were back in the 40-60s when we taxed the fuck out of rich people. The lower, and especially middle classes, have lost so much power in the last 40 years. Our government is 100% owned by the ultra wealthy. Which means we probably can’t fix it via legislation because they control that.
Eat the rich.
Remember that CEOs are just stooges to the billionaire class.
Gotta take a few pawns to get to the king
Be the change you want to see in the world
The sign in the back “money won’t save you everybody hates you” sounds like a nursery rhyme. I like it.
I love that the cameraman pans over to all the CEOs wearing the same suit, staring at the protestors
That one CEO filming, thinking of the hazard pay bonus he can give himself now.
This was exactly where my brain went!
That’s a protest chant