Nah that ain’t him.
Doesn’t look like remotely the same person as those photos
The guy had a bunch of fake IDs, and a gun with a silencer… kind of hard to brush that aside.
With how often police have been caught planting and otherwise tampering with evidence, and how embarrassing it would be to not catch the suspect, if Luigi said “it wasn’t me”, I might be inclined to believe him despite any amount of evidence suggesting otherwise
Well yeah, that’s why he’s considered a suspect, and assumed innocent until proven guilty in the court system. (That’s how it’s supposed to work anyway)
Not according to that health insurance company. In their statement they said that they hope the family finds relief in the apprehension. Basically calling him guilty.
The health insurance company has zero more insight into this than we do. Who gives a flying fuck what they say? There trying to shift the narrative back off their own crimes against humanity
The point I’m trying to make is that, given past police conduct and the current motivation to find the suspect would afford me reasonable doubt. Y’all remember George Floyd’s autopsy or the other million little CYA tricks they pull?
Police can state a lot of things. I’d like to hear all the evidence with proper chain-of-custody first.
A learnt commenter spotted.
Oh we have a fucking expert here.
These companies don’t care about you, or your kids, or your grandkids. They have zero qualms about burning down the planet for a buck, so why should we have any qualms about burning them down to survive?
This gave me a raging boner
The bootlickers never cease to amaze me. A McDonald’s employee? Are you fucking kidding me?
Not really “bootlicker”.
A victim of propaganda.
Or “useful idiot”
Or really just someone on a shit wage with rent and bills that saw 50k as an end to their immediate issues.
How about posting a gofundme (or whatever) to collect whatever money they want to not snitch
One can make a good living stealing out of a blind man’s cup.
Someone that has their own morals, and thinks killing is bad? Totally a bootlicker! For me its about principles. The death of this CEO changes nothing
The principle should be “harm society at large, abandon the protections of society”.
Not a fan of human rights, are you?
Someone that has their own morals, and thinks killing is bad?
Can we guarantee they’d report him if there was no financial incentive?
The system really doesn’t give a fuck about your or anyone else’s morals, let’s not pretend otherwise. That’s why they put a bounty on the killer, after all.
Difference being:
One is a “Bin Laden”
While the other is a wage slave that can barely sustain their own life, and that had been fed propaganda their entire life
A huge difference
So if killing one person is bad, isn’t killing hundreds to thousands of innocent people/year hundreds to thousands of times more bad?
I think their argument is his death changes nothing.
It does, though. This guy was a fucking asshole even for a health insurance company CEO.
I mean, yes it does change things for CEO+family. But nothing is going to change regarding how these companies treat people.
I meant in the sense that he took a, well, normal insurer and raised its claim denial rates to one of the highest in the industry. The world is legitimately a better place with him gone, because while I doubt UHC will accept more claims at least he won’t be around to kill even more people.
He isn’t except from the justice system last time I remember. He is also not personally and individual to blame for the sole responsibility of those deaths. Also a murder isn’t the same as a person dying of something else because that didn’t get treated.
I’m not a total corpo bootlicker no worries, but I believe this is just one more death this whole system claims and I despise the celebration of his death. I believe in the end this death changes nothing, like I said
Nothing good comes out of Altoona, look at their fucking “pizza”
How to piss off the entire population of Italy in 1 image
Italians will just shrug and say “Beh, è l’America.”
Or just anyone who likes food.
It looks like someone melted orange plastic on a dish sponge that was used to clean up a picnic table after a seafood boil
Burn it! Burn it with fire! The power of Christ compels you!
Wtf kind of abomination is that?!
It’s a pizza, a sub, and “more”!
Please don’t tell Jon Stewart
nono. please do. But make sure to record it
Something that would make every Chicagoan and their ancestors cry.
If I were Uncle Roger and I saw this abominable attempt at a deep dish pizza, I’d put my leg down from chair.
Euccchhh what the fuck??
Hey you’re messing with our class solidarity posting that
who the fuck tried to upscale ghetto pizza (which is basically toast, ketchup and sliced american)
That $50,000 bounty is likely a bigger payout than two years of wages as a burger flipper…
It would be a shame if the person who sold out were publicly identified. Hopefully that will never ever happen.
Yes, in all honesty, hopefully that will never happen.
What, are you hoping for vigilante justice against a minimum wage worker?That person should be publicly shamed for the class traitor they are
Did you forget that shame exists? Not all, hell not even most calls to name an offender are a call for violence, the vast majority are calls for accountability and potentially shame.
And this is how the elite force us “lowers” to fight against each other instead of fighting them.
Sure, but there’s a reason that scabs used to be beaten and shunned. Solidarity means everyone, and the consequences for breaking it need to be high or it’s too easy for the bosses to pick people off one by one by offering them bonuses for ratfucking their peers.
It’s always been that way and will always be that way. The point isn’t to stop the infighting entirely, it’s to work in such ways as to reduce the impact it has on the goals we should be striving to achieve. Namely a better world for everyone.
It doesn’t have to always be this way
It will always be this way because people have opinions and perspectives. The two best ways to lessen infighting is by having a simple and common end goal. The second is a leader. Find both of these and I guarantee people will follow.
I’m no expert, but wouldn’t the snitch have to pay taxes on the reward they receive? So they have earned the ire of a nation for a small stack of cash that they’ll likely blow within a year. Smort.
Plenty of people bought in to the messages of popular media. Hard to change a mind that follows so blindly.
It sucks major but it could be someone who lives in a small bubble, doesn’t use social media, and only watches fox news. Or whatever local news channel. If that’s all they see, they might think they did the right thing. They could be oblivious.
They could also be a bootlicker. Time will tell if we get more info. If their info is released the 50k probably won’t be worth it.
I mean, he has a very active Twitter account
Idealistic teenagers will get you every time. Old enough to drink the Flavor Aid, young enough to not have the experience to temper it.
Some people really do seem to believe that “murder is wrong.” Who’d have thought?
“Murder is wrong, even if its Osama Bin Laden or even Adolf Hitler”
Nuance: unjustified murder is wrong. Someone who dedicates their life to destroying others for profit, murdering them is significantly less violent than letting them persist, and is therefore justified.
Nuance… There are people calling for violence against the McDonald’s employee who reported the murderer to the police.
Tankies didn’t know the meaning of the word “nuance”. People who express nuance are “Nazi sympathizers” or “class traitors”. Anyone with a remotely “centrist” view is “sitting in a Nazi bar” and therefore culpable.
This place is a shithole of absolute moralism.
The leading sentiment in this thread is that while that worker is indeed a class traitor, that their decision was at least understandable due to the financial crunch they’re likely in as a McDonald’s employee.
YOU are exhibiting absolute mortalism and an abandon of nuance by cherry picking a few extremists to represent the entire response that’s growing against the unethical direction health insurers’ have taken their industry.
If you see a call for violence against the McD worker, report it.
Cherry picking??? There are tons of examples!
“Fuck the people who reported him.”
“That McDonald’s worker should be hiding”
“The employee sent someone to live life in prison. As far as drag’s concerned, that is murder.”
Something something “nazi bar” my friend. Or in this case it’s a “tankie bar”.
First they let Trump work the fryer for a PR stunt, now this. Fucking McDonald’s…
If they weren’t already on your boycott list, now’s the time.
I don’t eat at McDonald’s for a variety of reasons, but I doubt very much that the company has anything to do with the guy being called in.
Doesn’t matter. They’ve been at the forefront of bullshit lately, and their product is shit/expensive. McD’s is one of the organizations that needs to just end.
Who probably doesn’t even have health insurance at all. People acting against their own self-interest are all over the place.
How is tipping off the police to get the cash reward against your self interest? Holy fuck dude.
As much as I dislike them calling, I can’t really be mad at someone who’s making minimum or near-minimum wage for being tempted by the reward money. There’s a good chance they’re living paycheck to paycheck.
And they’ll be back to paycheck to paycheck soon enough.
Have a little faith in humanity? If it’s a 19 year old working through college that’s basically their whole 4 year tuition and them some in that area
Didn’t say I didn’t have faith. But the likelihood they will have much in a years’ time is extremely low.
You must not know how much tuition is. That’ll cover a year at a place like NYU. Maybe 2 years for an out-of state school.
Well this guy literally had all incriminating evidence on him. With that level of carelessness, he’s gonna get caught sooner or later. Like the pulling the mask down is just asking for trouble.
Maybe he just wanted to chill a bit and see himself famous before eventually planning to let himself get caught. Who knows?
I mean, he might just wanna let himself get caught to not have the blame pinned on a scapegoat.
Having all the incriminating evidence on him seems… Extremely unlikely considering the rest of what we know about the situation.
That’s the type of shit you’d expect from desperate police planting evidence. Planting a random suppressor, a supposedly “phantom” 3d printed gun, and a manifesto isn’t exactly hard. Only the gun could possibly be directly traced to the bullets fired, and that’s not something they can test in the field.
Not saying that’s necessarily the case here, but this would not be the first time law enforcement, including the FBI, planted evidence because of outside pressures.
I mean, there’s probably CCTV footage of him chillin’ in the McDonalds, and also the bodycam footage of the cops entering the Mcdonalds and searching him. Its not that easy to plant a bunch of evidence with all those cameras aroung, and creating a bunch of fake bodycam footage isn’t really that easy. So as long as they release those video footage, I’d believe this is the guy.
Do they plant the evidence on him in the McDonald’s, or is it just in a bag at the station and it’s “found on him” when they search him there? Planting it publicly seems hard. Would have to give every officer a bag of “evidence” or know who was going to respond to the call. Besides the whole not getting seen planting it by the public.
I think its standard operating procedure to search a suspect right after detaining to make sure he doesn’t have weapons, so I’d assume its all on the bodycam footage.
Well, if they release bodycam footage of the arrest right at the mcdonalds and also the searched conducted in the same footage, without any cuts, then I’d believe it.
If theres any cuts, or weird video artifacts, or if experts say the footage could be faked, then I’m gonna be very sus.
Rich people are the only class with any solidarity.
Damn. I was hoping he’d get away with it.
It is always possible they got the wrong guy.
We can only hope
Theres always next time.
Damn, shoulda gone through the drive through.
Public appeasement plant 🪴
Doesn’t that imply it was the public that needed to be appeased? lol
Will people be able to make freedom of information requests for the interrogation footage?
He’s an ivy league kid with wealthy parents, he’s not talking to anyone, those people know to immediately lawyer up and keep your mouth shut
He apparently has a manifesto. Dude wants to talk about what he believes and is willing to kill over.
Luigi better shut the fuck up
Because you want to see them plant the evidence or because you want to watch him get patted down?
Plant what evidence?
It looks like the guy was caught with the weapon and the fake ids used during his stay in NY.
Why is there so much talk about a fall guy? They have the guy, he has a manifesto. If the police had the gun and fake ids then they would have got them off the real guy so no need for a fall guy.
Looking at pictures of Luigi he looks like the dude in the other photos and I’m sure in time he’ll tell us why he did it.
There is no need for a conspiracy here, and frankly I find it baffling why you would think this is a frame up.
Because sometimes idiots will plant evidence on someone they legitimately believe is guilty, but don’t have the evidence to prove it.
Like, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say the majority of Americans know someone who has had that happen to them. I know everyone who knows me does, because it happened to me as a kid.
Sure, I did what the cops thought I did. But the only evidence was what one cop planted, so charges never went anywhere. But if I hadn’t been bailed out, I could have spent 6-12 months in jail waiting for the charges to be dropped.
This is reality.
So whether or not this specific one is a plant, you can’t just believe what cops say at face value. Even when they’re trying to “do the right thing” they can be corrupt. Lots of them just think the ends justify the means
I too have ben fucked over by the cops when I was younger, but come on. It’s a massive stretch to believe that they just pick some random guy and plant a murder weapon, fake ids and a manifesto.
Let’s say we buy into that argument. Where did they get the gun? The IDs? And who wrote the manifesto.
Not to mention the dude (Luigi) looks like the dude we seen in the CCTV images shown the last few days.
What is the benefit to finding a fall guy? It’s not going to stop someone else who is motivated to do the same to another CEO.
It’s a massive stretch to believe that they just pick some random guy and plant a murder weapon, fake ids and a manifesto.
It’s nothing they (The Cops) haven’t done before, and it wouldn’t be just any random person, it’ll be whoever looks closest to the images
Where did they get the gun? The IDs? And who wrote the manifesto.
They usually take what they need from evidence lockup
to mention the dude (Luigi) looks like the dude we seen in the CCTV images shown the last few days.
There’s a million people who “looks like” someone else, nearly every image was missing LARGE portions (but different) of the face
What is the benefit to finding a fall guy?
To save face, literally that’s it.
It’s a massive stretch to believe that they just pick some random guy and plant a murder weapon, fake ids and a manifesto.
Not really.
It’s not “the murder weapon” it’s a basic bitch p80 and a silencer. Maybe it’s the murder weapon, we don’t know yet.
And a fake ID isn’t great evidence too, it doesn’t have his name, or maybe even his actual picture. It could have been found in the backpack, along with a manifesto.
Like, I’m not saying it’s a framejob, but you’re acting incredulous that anyone could believe this could be a frame-up. To me it’s less likely he’s just going to a random McDonald’s with all that stuff on him.
It’s certainly possible, even plausible. That’s different than saying it is, which seems to be the argument you’re trying to have.
What is the benefit to finding a fall guy? It’s not going to stop someone else who is motivated to do the same to another CEO.
Because the CEO was under DOJ investigation for insider trading and a civilian suit from shareholders because he didn’t let them know to sell when he did.
The CEO fucked over the rich, and blaming it on this would be an amazing frame up.
Because everyone wants the lie to be true.
Stop acting like real life is boring. Shits been crazy if you haven’t noticed
Regardless of your opinion on the suspect, taking cops at their word is fuckin stupid behavior. I don’t give a shit what kind of evidence they say they have until it’s scrutinized in court. The police lie for a living, it does not matter how high profile this case is.
It was just a joke about there being a video of a handsone guy getting frisked. I don’t really think they planted evidence.
Certainly. Anyone can.
Oh I’m sorry, the cameras malfunctioned at the same time the NVR crashed and the redundant backup failed.
Where’s his GoFundMe?
Already pulled .
What a bunch of cunts
Last time I donate on that platform.
I am normally the first to decry dipshit conspiracy theories. However does anyone else find it interesting that they quickly arrested someone who looks not the same but similar to the released photos, with an untraceable 3d printed gun? That gun gives them the lack of need to prove where it came from and a vague air of suspiciousness. Oooh he wrote a suggestive book review. Case close boys?
Hope someone rats out the rat 🐀 it’s rats all the way down
You really think every person in real life goes ahead with supporting this murder just because you heard enough people online repeating this in this echo chamber?
Yeah, they seem to…
I’ve definitely heard both sides of the argument from people who are in no way rich. This is an echo chamber on anti-wealth issues. What people agree on is getting rid of health insurance.
No. Everybody knows that some people stand up for mass murderers, so long as they do it by enough proxy layers.
Plenty of people betray society for want of looking down on others
It goes well beyond any one echo chamber, I still have Xitter and peruse TikTok from time to time. It was/is everywhere across the political spectrum
Bro there are Ben Shapiro watchers mad at him for shilling for big corporate interests in the reporting over this story. They agree with the killer too lol
Careful, .world admins don’t like people mentioning jury nullification
Good time to switch away from .world
.world admins are weird
Time for some #Anarchism at
Switched to dbzer0 straight after seeing a mod try and justify the censorship of this topic by saying something along the lines of “only God can judge.”
Now I get to enjoy aaaall the content world has defederated from.
The policy was cleared up, basically EU/Dutch/Finnish law doesn’t like Jury Nullification in regards to future crimes/calls to violence. But in regards to crimes already committed it’s fine. And being as that’s where .world is hosted, that’s the law they go by.
I don’t care already left and hope ppl start more comms off worlds and switch too
You mean that very legal and factually-suppprted facet of the American justice system that every juror should be informed about before making a decision in court?
Technically, it is not legal. However, there’s no way to either prove it, nor is there any recourse against it.
Technically we have jury exactly for that reason.
Otherwise we only would need a judge.
The whole idea behind jury is meant to prevent judge from convicting someone if peers don’t believe the crime should be punished.
It is very much legal. It just gets used by jurors to try and get out of jury duty, and then, judges will try and hold you in contempt if you attempt to use it for that purpose.
Please point me to the statute or code which states a juror is legally obliged to render an accurate and truthful verdict, and explain how you would enforce such a thing.
I guess you’ve never done jury duty, but when I have, they make you swear an oath more or less to that effect. I’m pretty sure it can be prosecuted, but if you want to the specific laws, you’re welcome to find that for yourself.
If you have also done jury duty, you will recall that the duration of the deliberation is done in a sealed room with no officials present.
You can absolutely conspire to nullify in complete discretion because your conversations legally cannot leave the room until the case has shut.
I hung and nullified a jury myself. It was very uncomfortable. At two points I requested the judge to come in and explain to the rest of the jurors I didn’t owe them any explanation for my not guilty verdict. It took the trial out an additional two days and everyone was pissed at me but I was not going to sit in my privilege and give a guy a felony conviction after months of obvious police harassment.
It is actually legal. It’s built directly from the laws and kind of a necessary component if you want jury trials to actually work and not just be a kangaroo court. People just don’t like it.
The hivemind didn’t like that but it’s true, in most states just uttering the words anywhere near the courthouse can cause mistrials and a misdemeanor charge.
We should all completely cease talking about it. It, of course being jury nullification.
Why? Seems like something people should know about.
I think that message was a sort of sarcastic way of getting around a “dont talk about jury nullification” rule, in that saying “we cant talk about x”, while making it very clear what x is, prompts people unfamiliar with x to go look it up
Ding ding ding. Ding, of course being jury nullification
I’m warning you. If you say jury nullification once more…
Ding (jury nullification)
Because the refusal to convict someone based on laws and circumstances you feel are unjust is wrong and goes against everything the ruling class have fought for.
But if also a cornerstone. (For better and worse–it got and still gets used to excuse people who commit hate crimes, for example.)
The “good ol’ boy” excuse.
“He’s got a promising life ahead of him!”
“It’s just how things are done, that ain’t his fault!”
“He just didn’t know any better!”
“We’ve all done stupid things before, who are we to judge?”
“He’s a pillar of the community, think of all the good he’s done!”
They revised mod policy to only hand out bans/deletions if jury nullification was referenced as a cause to vilence, not a reaction o past events. I’m paraphrasing, of course.
Yeah, basically
“Go do [Violence] and we’ll do jury nullification afterwards” is bad, bur
“[Violence happened], but it was justified in the eyes of the majority of people so jury Nullification should happen”
They specifically said it’s okay in reference to crimes already committed.
To clarify, the admins have updated their views in reaction to this week and user feedback:
Following a discussion in our team we want to clarify that we are no longer requesting moderators to remove content relating to jury nullification in the context of violent crimes when the crime in question already happened. We will still consider suggestions of jury nullification for crimes that have not (yet) happened as advocation for violence, which is violating our terms of service.
Hmm. Sounds like bullshit with how much “evidence” they “found”.
Upon further investigation, officers recovered a firearm on the man, as well as a suppressor, both consistent with the weapon used in the murder.
Ummm… That’s awfully convenient. He just happened to have brought that exact gun with its suppressor to McDonald’s. I’m skeptical.
They must have planted it back on him.
Found in a lake, then planted and parallel constructed
Don’t forget, they basically found a long drawn out letter about how much dislike he has for CEOs - something along those lines.
We all know that just what you go around carrying after you pulled off a crime like that.
From the video, it sounded like they searched his residence and found it there.
How do you not throw the gun away before leaving the city?? The ID was apparently on him too
Exactly this. He pulls off the hit, escapes without a trace. But is somehow dumb enough to carry convicting evidence on him still while in a very public location?
Anyone would know to dump the evidence and lay low for a good while.
It was most likely actually in the backpack they found in Central Park
Toss that shit in a river and go back to your life like nothing happened.
Laying low and hiding just makes people suspicious. If the cops come looking and your work and friends haven’t seen you since the shooting, you look guilty as fuck.
Leave no trace and go back to your life. Looks way more plausible that you just took a mini vacation that way.
People online are saying he was expecting to get caught - Hence the YouTube video he released.
A real shame, his expectations lead to the outcome.
Ooh there’s a youtube video? First I’ve heard of this. Do you have a link handy?
channel it was uploaded onto might be him, probably not him, although interestingly its now a 404 page.
also reupload by poser:
Maybe he wanted to get caught so they dont find a scapegoat.
I’m honestly willing to believe him being dumb founded for the last week, fully expecting to have been caught and said fuck it, better me than someone innocent.
…or maybe the police just found their scapegoat
Really weird scapegoat - super connected and wealthy family from Maryland? 40k a year private school? Cousin that’s hardcore conservative and holds an elected office?
Everyone is asking these same questions…