Call your reps, demand investigation be closed and a single payer while u re at it
Garbage human
Call your reps, demand investigation be closed and a single payer while u re at it
Reddit is so unusable now. Even Firefox and ublock - I think they intentionally slow it down.
Instead of “kill your local pedophile” a lot more rewarding slogan could be “kill you local CEO”.
Pedophiles bad ceos are in the same category for me.
Remember what these people tell us - “you don’t need privacy if you have nothing to hide”
Class war. Class war! I don’t need no ceos
I wonder if it’s possible to form a fight club, but with class as a basis
That’s odd.
I think most of the time they just use dead drops, it’s much safer.
Courier sticks drugs to a tree, walks away, sends a geo location of a drop to a buyer. Done.
Druggie just has to geolocate it, never meet in person.
Make it illegal, drive it underground where it belongs.
I’m concerned about traceability and tax avoidance.
I’m concerned about energy consumption
I’m concerned about gpu prices
I’m old enough to know that governments should care about taxes and payment traceability.
This is what funds the social programs such as healthcare and education.
And if government doesn’t give a fuck - there is only one explanation, it’s beholden to the corporate overloads that want to capitalize on the crypto action - which is not in my best interests as a private citizen.
Also - all it does it raises energy prices for me and makes GPUs more expensive for me.
Why should I support that?
Fuck crypto and fuck the government that’s doesn’t do anything about it.
I don’t understand why isn’t crypto banned yet.
Its a dumb drain on world resources and only facilitates of untraceable payments for drug sales and tax avoidance.
im only there to spread propaganda and direct people to lemme
we could use a bit more content
im surprised noone created reddit community scraper that automatically scrapes whatever subreddits and reposts to lemme
Wtf, talking shit about other subs is brigading now? What is this, middle school?
right! saying something negative - that’s not even brigading.
Also, while we have fallen on hard times in recent years - but with Drake Maye we will absolutely destroy Bills (next year, or a year after) for sure.
So what can be done?
I’ve stopped shopping anywhere where tipping is required. Tyvm I’ll order online and pick up my food myself.
Every single Millennial also had those predatory debit card overdraft fees.
Banks would allow them to purchase something even if the checking account had no money and then hits them with like 25$ for every overdraft. Practice only outlawed in 2010.
God It was this feeling of helpless anger when banks would screw you while u are down. Thanks Obama for fixing that.
Reddit made it unusable on mobile again.
I use Firefox + unlock, but naturally it’s just slower and less convenient than rif.
I use reddit a lot less now. Practically don’t use it on mobile as I noticed.
I think GOP won’t go along
Who stopping?
If I try that now - I’ll get beat up if anyone sees me . Most likely cops called. Most likely immediate sex offender.
But if it’s a trans bathrooms - the people that try to beat me up will be in the wrong and arrested for being transphobic.
I hope he made plans to get to Cuba quickly and then the Snowden way