It’s easy not to trust a system associated with charging you $500 for Tylenol. Much easier (and occasionally even safer) to just smell some lavender and hope that helps. Go to an ED and you could just die of a stroke or heart attack in the waiting room or even get run over by somebody who died of a heart attack while driving and just plowed through the waiting room because they couldn’t afford an ambulance. And the Healthcare system is largely failing because of insurance companies. Burn inhumana and united quacks to the ground 2k24.

Edit: also housing. Fix the housing crisis and the Healthcare system could probably pull through despite the odds. There’s a huge number of homeless people that just live in hospitals, especially psych wards and I’m not even kidding.

      3 months ago

      Conservatives correctly identify the location of anxiety, but not the source of the issue. So, a mismatch of anxiety over healthcare costs leading to mistrust of healthcare is, like, textbook conservatism.

      Take the anxiety over one thing and use it to stoke fears related to that anxiety.

        3 months ago

        And failure to differentiate that landscape into something requiring more than five bits to represent is classic leftism.

        Healthcare costs are ridiculous, and a serious problem. They are following the same pattern as the other “free markets” which government has entered with the provision of money to “help out”. Whenever that happens, costs skyrocket and supply dwindles.

        See also: housing, college education

        Also, as a separate but equally dangerous problem, the pharmaceutical companies made enormous profits by pushing dangerous (as in, not covered by longitudinal studies and therefore skipping a good chunk of the safety process we use for medicines) MRNA “vaccines” onto our entire population with the help of government agencies. Their combination of enormous profits and political power brings up very serious questions about the set of incentives involved in the political process that brought these not only to market. but into a thousand types of soft tyranny. Generally speaking, nobody had a gun to their head to take these shots, but many people were forced to choose between their career and their bodily autonomy.

        But go on. Build your straw men and tear them down instead. Not like we’re playing for enormous stakes or anything here.

        All of the issues I listed above are issues a liberal should care about. I myself am a liberal. But I hang out with conservatives because they’re the only ones who will discuss the above problems openly. Leftists these days are lock-step self-censoring to the point they actually believe their own trimmed-down version of their thoughts.

          3 months ago

          You had me until the part about pushing dangerous vaccines and how bodily autonomy is more important than endangering someone

      3 months ago

      Right. We distrust the rushed-to-market-and-mandatory vaccines because we’re gullible. Totally what that word means.

        3 months ago

        “Rushed to market” after decades of research and development on that type of vaccine? Do some actual research and not just YouTube and Fox News next time.