During Biden’s speech, Nikoui could be heard yelling, “Abbey Gate, Abbey Gate” at approximately 10:15 p.m. ET. Abbey Gate is the entrance to Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, where a single explosive device was detonated by an ISIS-K terrorist. The blast killed 13 U.S. service members and at least 170 Afghans.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    4 months ago

    Trump gave NO orders for the evacuation. He agreed to evacuate and to the timeline.

    The actual ORDERS were left to Biden, because when the time came, Trump was out and Biden was in.

    • zettajon@lemdro.id
      4 months ago

      Let’s say you work at a very busy fast food place that has a night shift, complete with its own night manager. While you sleep, the night manager puts in an order: at 1pm, all remaining potatoes must be dumped, and you must go buy new crates of potatoes. 10am comes and the daytime manager comes in, and is stunned to see the order. At noon, the lunch rush starts. At 1pm, the day manager follows through on the simple order of throwing out the remaining potatoes, and now the fast food joint can’t make more fries.

      Who is at fault in this situation? The night manager agreed to dump the potatoes and gave an order on the exact time to do it. There was no plan given on how to do it. The day manager received the order and was the one who actually dumped the potatoes, costing the restaurant a ton of money by essentially shutting down fry production.

    • nac82@lemm.ee
      4 months ago


      The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001–2021 war. In February 2020, the Trump administration and the Taliban signed the United States–Taliban deal in Doha, Qatar,[7] which stipulated fighting restrictions for both the US and the Taliban, and provided for the withdrawal of all NATO forces from Afghanistan in return for the Taliban’s counter-terrorism commitments. The deal, and then the Biden administration’s final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8]

      Yea, straight-up bullshit. The retreat was signed by Trump. The only orders from Biden were to remove the residual force that would have just been bait for casualties to instigate the next bloodshed.

      How are you allowed to moderate this community? I’ve already taken screenshots of the thread. I’ve seen how you operate.

      • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        4 months ago

        Read your own sources before reporting my well sourced and factual comments:

        “The deal, and then the Biden administration’s final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8]”

        • Tyfud@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Again, which part of trump’s plan, that Biden merely followed through on to maintain our treatise and agreements trump made with the taliban, during a presidential transition, were Biden’s changes or influence?

          The man followed through with an agreement the previous administration made to try and signal unity and consistency that the US always honors their agreements, even if we don’t like it, and that’s Biden’s fault somehow?

              • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
                4 months ago

                Trump literally could not plan the Afghanistan exit because, now follow me on this, he specifically arranged for it to happen in the next Presidential term.

                When it came time to leave, Trump wasn’t the commander in chief passing the orders. Biden WAS.

                • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
                  4 months ago

                  But this is not true and relies on knowing what he was thinking and making assumptions. Everyone else is playing by the rules of what is provably true. You’re just… well…. Assuming things.

                  • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
                    4 months ago

                    It IS true, because all Trump did was agree to leave by what timeline and nothing else. He wasn’t the one saying “Yeah, so if Guam offers to help, make sure you ghost all their phone calls” because that hadn’t happened yet. BIDEN did that.


                    “Among those willing to help was Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero of Guam, a US territory in the Western Pacific. On June 12, she sent a letter to Biden. “Guam has stood ready to serve as a safe and secure route for this type of humanitarian effort throughout our history,” she wrote. “And today, it is no different. I assure you that my administration is prepared to assist” should Biden call on Guam to provide safe haven to refugees. She was echoing a plan advocates had been calling for since the spring: the “Guam option,” which would work around immigration bureaucracy by having the military airlift refugees to the island while they waited for their US visas or for another country to take them in. But the White House ghosted Leon Guerrero, too. After sending the June letter, the governor received “no formal written response,” according to a spokesperson.”

                    Trump had fuck all to do with this because it all happened AFTER he was out of office.

            • Tyfud@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              You know that’s not true, right? The other guy replying to you cited sources and references proving that what you said is straight up not true.

        • nac82@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          You failed to read it the first time so I will paste it here.

          Yea, straight-up bullshit. The retreat was signed by Trump. The only orders from Biden were to remove the residual force that would have just been bait for casualties to instigate the next bloodshed.

          It’s funny that I directly talked about that bit. And of course, you decide to start attacking me with an uncivil slap fight response instead of addressing my statements.

          You need to revisit the comment and the bit of Wikipedia that you cut out of the quote below.

          • HACKthePRISONS@kolektiva.social
            4 months ago

            they seem confident about things they are wrong about factually, and have certainly moderated based on opinion or accusing others of misinformation where they are the one who is misinformed. but I don’t see it changing.

            also your comment and mine are in violation of the rules about discussing moderation. we can whine on !modabuse

    • jacksilver@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Is there evidence the time line was feasible, or that the outcome under Biden could have been avoided. My understanding of the events is that everything was setup in a way where either the time line had to change or things would get messy.

      • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
        4 months ago

        Oh, no, in fact Biden was told an evacuation like that could NOT be done in the timeframe and they went with it anyway.


        "The bipartisan lawmakers contended that the existing process for Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants will not work.

        “It takes an average of 800+ days, and we plan to withdraw in less than 100 days,”"

        That’s where Guam stepped up and said “hey, we’ll take them, let us help!” and were ignored.

        If the process takes more than 800 days, you either expedite that process, or remove them to a location where they can safely wait out the process.

        The Biden administration chose “none of the above”.

        • jacksilver@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          So doesn’t that mean Trump set him up to fail. Sounds like the prior administration messed up and left Biden to clean up. No matter what Biden did, he’d be in the wrong (extend the evacuation or push forward with the set timeline).

          If that’s the case what are you arguing should have happened, and how is the previous admin not responsible for creating the circumstances.