Thousands took to the streets across Israel Saturday night to call for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ouster and new elections, in demonstrations spanning from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to Haifa and Caesarea in the north and Be’er Sheva in the south.

At a demonstration in front of the President’s Residence in Jerusalem, Yosef Angel, bereaved father and grandfather of 17-year-old Ofir Angel, who was freed from Hamas captivity in Gaza, said “You stand at the head, and are responsible for the October 7 holocaust. You are trying to escape responsibility and look for someone else to blame, shame on you.”


    5 months ago

    I appreciate the sentiment, but calling October 7th a “holocaust” causes more problems than it solves. The Israeli propaganda machine has been active as soon as the attack started to make Hamas look worse than they already are (which is still pretty bad to be fair, but not “Holocaust” bad).

    Thanks to Israel using people who weren’t qualified for the job the numbers will never come to light, but let’s not forget that a significant number of IDF civilians were killed by the IDF, not Hamas.

      5 months ago

      Hamas committed genocide.

      The Palestinian movement has failed to adequately separate itself from Hamas. No real denouncements of Hamas. You have people cosplaying as Hamas genocidal psychopaths at Pro-Palestine rallies.

      Now the tactic seems to be to literally “both sides” genocide. Claim that Israel is committing genocide to provide cover for the genocide Hamas committed.

      The old fascist tactic of accusing the other side of the things you’re guilty of.

      What’s happening now is a war. A war that was started by the genocide Hamas committed. Given how Hamas has embedded itself into the civilian population, given that Hamas doesn’t wear uniforms which would allow the IDF to distinguish combatants from civilians, given Hamas has made zero effort to protect the civilian population, building bunkers only for themselves… yeah it’s a war with a lot of civilian casualties. A war Hamas started. A war Hamas created the conditions in which there would be high civilians casualties.

      Anyone that’s cracked open a history book knows what this is. People with foreign policy experience knows what’s up.

      But people reading the boosted Hamas propaganda have read the same lies over and over again enough times that they believe it.

      Then scream on the internet about “why is Joe Biden allowing this to happen?”

      It’s because he’s not in the information silo you’re in. Hamas committed genocide. No matter how much people want to deny it, no matter all the “both sides” fascist narratives are spread on the internet, the truth is that Hamas committed genocide. Hamas started the war. Hamas set up the conditions for the war. As Hamas is being contained, the civilian casualties are dropping. Civilian casualties happen in Israel when Hamas is present. Civilian casualties also happen in Gaza when Hamas is present. Israel is not committing genocide because if that were the case, civilian casualties would increase where Hamas isn’t present to protect them. But the opposite is happening. Civilian casualties are decreasing as Israel takes control of Gaza from Hamas.

      You’ve been lied to. It’s easier to convince someone of a lie than it is to convince them they’ve been lied to. It’s not just the MAGAs that need deprogramming. There’s a lot of people that fell for Hamas propaganda.

      5 months ago

      It seems like Israelis who disagree with Likud are completely in the propaganda. The “Holocaust” language seems to be their propaganda. To be fair, it was a massive attack that impacted pretty much every Israeli. With something that personal, it’s easy to turn around and use the language of the people who are ultimately responsible for this attack in the first place.

          5 months ago

          What the fuck are you talking about? Likud undermined the peace process repeatedly and basically drove Hamas to attack, which is exactly what these folks are saying. Likud is also pushing this party line. The actual Holocaust wasn’t in response to years of oppression. Using the “holocaust” language is antisemetic because it compares a horrific act of oppression to a horrific act in response to horrific oppression. These two should never be compared.