• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • The real world does not provide it as a realistic choice. You cannot do what i said. If one tried their family would just die with them.

    Are you really arguing that your materialistic goods are worth more then the lives of future people? Because that is how your words appear. If so that is repulsive.

    Parents have made much tougher sacrifices for their kids all over history, people leaving everything they have behind for a better future is a norm that continues to repeat conflict after conflict. Self-Sacrifice may be rare but to deny its existence is naively hateful.

    If we don’t change our ways we wont even have a place to flee towards when climate conflicts arrive at home.

  • If i could guarantee my kids will have enough food and medical care for the rest of their lives unconditionally, only having to give up on my material belongings i will do so in a heartbeat.

    If that means sleeping on straw and not owning any electronic devices but i get to keep living under the same roof with small garden i will still consider that a very cheap price to pay.

    There is no point in all this luxury if we suicide our fucking species to create such.

    You may be privileged right now, you may have it personally very good but your survival is just as dependent on society at large. If we don’t take action you too will be impacted sooner then you realize. And the more privilege you are used to the harder a time you will have.

  • Being a man is when you conform your freedom of choice to one of a few acceptable choices.

    Expressing yourself, showing who you really, standing up to peer pressure is for pussies, you wouldn’t want to risk people accidentally mistaking you with them sexually liberated folks by admitting you like electro-swing over country.

  • When i am physically sick i also get mentally worse as i side effect.

    When i am struggling mentally i also get physical symptoms as a side effect.

    With pressure from work, life, the potential self destruction apocalypse looming behind global events. Its come to a point where i basically feel sick every day of the year.

    I stopped worrying wether its mentally or physical, i have come to term that its always both and the distinction is but a basic classification of symptom types.

    The only thing that matters is do i function well enough to go to work and back home while remaining in safe enough headspace to provide for my own needs. If not, i go to a doctor. My hometown doctor does have a minor speciality in psychology which is not mandatory. Your milage may vary.

  • Another example, which i can personally verify has been working fine for months. It works a bit different to the above, it downloads the latests 2* vids that are not already downloaded and runs once every hour with cron. I also attempted to filter out live vids and shorts.

    Channels i am “subscribed” too are stored in a single text file, it also uses the avc1 codec because i found p9 and p10 had issues with the jellyfin client on my tv.

    looks like this, i added categories but i don’t actually use them in the script besides putting them in a variable, lol. Vid-limit is how many of the latests vids it should look at to download. The original reason i implemented that is so i could selectively download a bulk of latests vids if i wanted to.

    # Define the directory to store channel lists and scripts
    # Define the base directory to store downloaded videos
    # Change to the script directory
    cd "$script_dir"
    # Parse the Channels.txt file and process each channel
    awk -F'=' '
      /^Cat/ {Cat=$2}
      /^Name/ {Name=$2}
      /^VidLimit/ {VidLimit=$2}
      /^URL/ {URL=$2; print Cat, Name, VidLimit, URL}
    ' "$script_dir/Channels.txt" | while read -r Cat Name VidLimit URL; do
        # Define the download directory for this channel
        # Define the download archive file for this channel
        # Create the download directory if it does not exist
        mkdir -p "$download_dir"
        # If VidLimit is "ALL", set playlist_end option to empty, otherwise set it to --playlist-end <VidLimit>
        if [[ $VidLimit != "ALL" ]]; then
            playlist_end_option="--playlist-end $VidLimit"
    yt-dlp \
            --download-archive "$archive_file" \
            $playlist_end_option \
            --write-description \
            --write-thumbnail \
            --convert-thumbnails jpg \
            --add-metadata \
            --embed-thumbnail \
            --match-filter "!is_live & !was_live & original_url!*=/shorts/" \
            --merge-output-format mp4 \
            --format "bestvideo[vcodec^=avc1]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best" \
            --output "$download_dir/${Name} - %(title)s.%(ext)s" \