Victor Villas

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Tldr climate apocalypse for the coffee plant might shift the market towards alternative plants. While technically true that coffee plantations will struggle in the coming years, this just means higher prices and worse average quality off the shelf.

    A bit of nothing news, imho.

    Coffee alternatives like rooibos are already here and the market is very resistant. Cheap coffee drinkers are irrationally attached to the bad taste they feel nostalgic for. Fancy coffee drinkers will absorb the higher costs without looking for alternatives. It’s only the tea-adventurous coffee drinkers that care about these innovations, usually due to caffeine consumption restrictions which is also a disputed market because decaf coffee quality is improving.

  • Am I going to be behind the competition by doing this?

    Yes, because you are due a lot more diligence with open source, and that will slow down your releases.

    If the most secure crypto algorithms are the ones that are public, can we ensure the security of a bank’s apps by publicizing it?

    You trade security by obscurity for security by expert oversight. I’m not a lawyer or baking auditor, but I’d say while zero-days are problematic for open source software projects; they can be life-ending for banks.

    Is there a technical reason they don’t publicize their code or is it just purely corporate greed and nothing else?

    This is a false dichotomy. Financial reasons to not publicize the code are technical reasons. Finance is technical.

  • Is that redemption? Does the show call it that?

    No & No.

    Does anyone else treat it as him having redeemed himself of his earlier genocide?

    Unfortunately yes. Edgy dudes out there don’t put enough weight on what attempted genocide means, despite (perhaps because?) how common that is chosen for the villain goal.

    I do agree with the fundamental thesis: it’s boring to see it over and over that villains tend to have a sympathetic origin story. Villains are either branded muscle-types with a thing for violence, or traumatized victims seeking help. It’s refreshing to see something different.

    I don’t agree with “The Perfect Villains, Despite Their Lack Of Depth”, though. Most villains suck because most X suck, for any X. It’s not because they have gray morality.

  • Yes, it’s a client. Well, for better or for worse, no chance that this huge of a user base will move to piped. I don’t understand why it’s not super famous yet, but I guess invidious and piped are simply fringe tech still.

    That’s why I said that YouTube would need a major tragedy to get a real hit, real alternatives like Peertube are going to struggle a lot against the network effect. Nebula has a much better shot given the amount of content creators invested on it, and it’s still a long shot.

  • H-h-how? HOW? do they ‘anonymize’ DNA?!?!

    If you really curious, it is possible depending on the sections of the DNA being shared and how aggregated they are. Not saying that this will be the case - it’s quite likely that this sale would be done prioritizing value instead of privacy - but it is possible. The key part is to not treat the whole DNA as a data sample, but specific sequence sections, as isolated as possible.

    And the Netflix example is instructive but not super relevant here. If you already have your SNPs in a public database out there, then yeah 23andMe might not be able to effectively anonymize your samples; but you don’t (I hope).