One foot planted in “Yeehaw!” the other in “yuppie”.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I normally would, but my wife has the same problem and she’s done that 3 times in the last 6 months. In fact, her problem became MUCH worse because the “clean slate” was far more impressionable. She’d search up beauty routines, only to find that Youtube thinks she now wants to see “popping” videos, even though she’s now searching for dinner recipes.

    So yeah, I saw her experience and decided “no thanks”.

    To be fair, MOST of YouTube I watched can be found on Nebula and Floatplane, both of which will likely not have this issue since it’s not a user-content platform. Not to mention, the creators likely make more from those platforms anyways.

    YouTube is basically unavoidable though, so now I just view everything through a piped instance if I absolutely need something that can only be found there.

  • I used to subscribe to YouTube premium as of just a few days ago. Even without the ads. There was something very seriously wrong with the suggestion algorithm.

    I was getting cartel violence videos, and dead animal videos. Never watched one before in my life. Yet. YouTube seems to think that I should want to watch this crock of shit. This started coming up about 6 months ago. Until now I’ve been reporting each video as they come up. But that doesn’t seem to help at all.

    At this point I think YouTube is a danger to society - if it’s recommending cartel violence videos to me unsolicited, what are they suggesting to my nieces?

    I have completely nuked it from my life. Almost all of the YouTubers I like are on Nebula or Floatplane so it doesn’t feel like I’m missing much.

  • Yeah, we suspect my sister is either Borderline or NPD. This is exactly the post she might make equating acceptance for neurodivergent personalities with her own traits that actively hurts others.

    And it’s to the point that many posters fell for it. I saw this thread much earlier and just couldn’t view this as a good-faith statement to even start from - so I didn’t engage.

    Kinda wish the rest of the fediverse didn’t engage with it - I certainly don’t view it as an “important conversation” it’s laughably manufactured and in bad faith. I have a sense that Beehaw’s admin response artificially inflated the importance of this as well.

    Quick question, who in the heck is benefiting from this discussion? To me it looks like the trolls are getting the most out of it.

  • I mean sure maybe 10 years ago. But most static sites like blogs and such can fit entirely on a cloudflare page worker under the free tier. Or heck, even the free allotment on AWS S3 or other object storage providers.

    I mean, perhaps this isn’t a static site and it’s built on some sort of CMS and has a postgres database in the background. In that case it probably runs around $5 to $10 a month.

    Of course, this all presumes that the person setting this up is fairly savvy about the offerings available. I see a lot of people making silly decisions in this space, thinking that they need some full fat virtual private server, when all they really need is an object storage bucket behind a DNS c-name.

  • I guess I didn’t really see the pressure that they were under.

    I hope they heal! But it’s a bummer that such an excellent resource will be taken down.

    I wish more creators were willing to hand their creations to someone who wishes to continue it. But oftentimes, I fear that it’s far too entwined with a person’s identity for that to be common occurrence.

  • He did this thing where he unified his shell history across thousands of hosts - it was super handy given our extensive use of Ansible playbooks and database managment commands. He could then use a couple hotkeys to query this history within a new open document. Super handy for writing out shell command steps or wrapping things in a bash script you’re working on. Unfortunately I don’t really have a link to HOW to do this, I just remember thinking “Oh my god, that would save me SO much time”.

    Nowadays, I just have this giant document with hundreds of our runbook commands and enable Github Copilot to make it SUPER easy to do the same thing without establishing an SSH session in the backend.

  • I don’t get it either. My brother-in-law is like this. And he refused to take his kids to see Buzz Lightyear because of its “political” nature. I was a dumbfounded when I heard that. To think that representation is just some nebulous political aim.

    At this rate, we should just consider any media with a kiss in it “political media.”

    And I even grew up with this dude in the early 2000s. He didn’t seem like this before.

    I try to forget about the guy, but it’s kind of hard because he won’t let me see the nieces because I’m too “liberal”.