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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • My son has had access to an iPhone 6s and iPad 2 since he was 1 or so (7 now). His devices have always been moderated to prevent him from seeing inappropriate content whether by accident or on purpose, and as he gets older I ease up on the restrictions. We have had little to no issue with him being attached to the devices, and my opinion is because he had mostly free reign over his usage barring bedtime. Even to this day he prefers to be outside playing.

    I’m sure we’re all familiar with getting something we all wanted later in life than most people. We get super attached. I did get my son an Xbox one rather late (he had wanted one for at least a year before he got one), and he is attached to that. Because he spent a good amount of time dreaming and fantasizing about it.

    My son is also high functioning autistic, (as am I), if that means anything. But this is my parenting style. Allow freedom within reasonable limits to promote individuality, unlike my parents. He sometimes watches the dumbest stuff on YouTube, but we all did and do. It’s not up to me to mold his sense of humor, I just make sure it’s appropriate for his age. Regardless if I think it’s dumb or not. I’m not 7 anymore.

  • The gender-bigotry comes from the “what man needs to mark 28 days?” There’s snark behind the comment, and it’s unnecessary. That said, a woman could be just as likely as a man to mark moon phases. But saying “man” doesn’t mean “male” when talking about us as a species from my understanding. Seems like a broader term to use which includes the entirety of the homo-whatevers.

    I’m just some guy here and am not educated in this stuff, though!

  • I get what you’re saying, but it’s not a black and white situation. Drugs and porn are not the same category. One will have life-changing effects, the other usually won’t.

    Plus, parents have the ability to mostly control a child’s access to inappropriate content, as well as tobacco shops.

    It applies in the real world and the Internet on a case by case basis depending on the inherent dangers of the content.

  • Responsibility for access to adult content needs to fall to the parents of minors, not the companies. I’m so exhausted seeing parents responsibilities being shirked and placed onto other entities/people.

    My son, 7, gets so upset with me and my wife because we are so unfair, because we don’t let him do/watch/play things his friends do. He’s 7, he doesn’t need to be playing Call of Duty, he doesn’t need to be watching inappropriate content, he doesn’t need access to TikTok, and so on. I’m forcing my kid to be alienated from his friends because the other parents are allowing children to access things they should not be accessing.

    I’m getting all worked up on my soap box, sorry. That wasn’t necessary.

  • You’re exactly right. I didn’t read the article yet, but you can build a to do list app in a handful of minutes if you know your way around. I’m still green as a coder, but have been through dozens of tutorials, one of which was a simple to do list in JavaScript. I managed to complete it in about an hour. Seeing that someone thinks it takes weeks to do, that makes me wonder about them.

  • I have been in the same boat. I have no friends, but a wife and kid. Life sucks a big one, especially work and the work-life balance, and finances, etc.

    The only thing that helps me is medicine. I’m on a cocktail of Dextroamphetamine for ADD, Lamotrigine for Bipolar Disorder, and Propranolol for anxiety. I’m still far from 100%, but I’m in the more positive side of the fence.

    Talking about problems can help a lot of people, and that’s great to have a therapist, but it doesn’t work for me. Talking about stuff doesn’t change my circumstances, neither does my mindset. Definitely discuss issues with a doctor and medicate. Nothing else has helped me deal with the shit in life.

  • I’ve had YouTube premium from the inception of their subscription model prior to/at the beginning of YouTube red, as I initially had a paid Google music subscription.

    Personally, there isn’t a better option for the amount of hassle involved in my opinion. It’s a family account, and managing so many people’s YouTube experiences on at least a dozen different devices would be a nightmare I don’t want to think about. (Multiple of each TV’s, Roku’s, Android phones, iPhones, pc’s, etc)

    This isn’t really relevant to your friend, it is quite silly when it’s just one person not willing to do it for just themselves.

  • I have had COVID at least 3 times (I’m an advocate masks, but I live where masks are not a pop6choice,) and I swear my brain function has plummeted since my first infection. I feel so dumb at times because my memory has went to shit, I can’t think of simple words, comprehend simple questions or solve simple problems. It’s like having writers block but it affects all my thinking abilities.

    My dad is anti-mask and his mental function has suffered greatly. During his first infection, he would ask the same question multiple times in a single conversation, and although he’s better now, he’s not the same as he was.

    My symptoms during consequent infections after the first were not bad, in fact I wouldn’t have guessed I was sick at all the 2nd or 3rd time, so I have no idea if I’ve had it more…