Politics, queer politics, techno, gayming, Linux and books. Lots of books. Free Palestine! Trans ally. He/him. @politicalcustard@kolektiva.social

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024

  • I have AtlasOS. I only use Windows for two games, Rust and Destiny 2, that absolutely do not play on Linux. You will absolutely get better performance because the number of background tasks running all the time is quite minimal - it’s clean and there’s no store, no crappy apps you don’t want. I don’t care about security on the machine because I literally only game on it and maybe a little bit of web research if I get stuck on a game somehow. Anyway, I think it’s good, it’s really how Windows should be - if Windows didn’t get so bad perhaps I wouldn’t have gone to Linux.

    You could try dual-booting for a bit to see how you like it.

  • I was listening to a Linux podcast and one of the people on it said that their partner didn’t mind adverts and didn’t mind their data being mined because it meant that the adverts were more appropriate. I was absolutely stunned, I didn’t think anyone, for one moment, would actually think like this. I had to have a sit down after hearing that. 😅

    If I were to ever see an advert on my computer or phone, I would immediately flip out and have to go searching to find out how it got there (though admittedly this never actually happens).

  • Here’s some potentially good news about an alternative…

    There’s an interesting comment on this Mozilla Github post about Graphene OS’ plans in this area, it’s quite a long comment so I’ll link it. The first para reads:

    GrapheneOS Foundation has been planning to host a network location service for GrapheneOS and projects collaborating with us for a while now. We’ve received significant funding we can put to use for this to make a high quality, modern implementation on both the client and server side. A new unified app (cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth beacons) for gathering data to publish as fully open data could also be part of it. We also plan to make a SUPL implementation as part of the same service as an alternative to our Google SUPL proxy to replace it as the default in the long term.

  • There’s an interesting comment on this post about Graphene OS’ plans in this area, it’s quite a long comment so I’ll link it. The first para reads:

    GrapheneOS Foundation has been planning to host a network location service for GrapheneOS and projects collaborating with us for a while now. We’ve received significant funding we can put to use for this to make a high quality, modern implementation on both the client and server side. A new unified app (cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth beacons) for gathering data to publish as fully open data could also be part of it. We also plan to make a SUPL implementation as part of the same service as an alternative to our Google SUPL proxy to replace it as the default in the long term.