• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • I am a woman whose father was an abusive narcissist, the list of what I needed and didn’t get is depressing to say the least. So I’ll boil it down to its essence: Be there when needed. Remember she is her own person, not an extension of you. Try to make her life better than your own. Let your love be unconditional. It may not be helpful advice, but it’s all I got for ya.

  • Wow thank you for the comprehensive write up! At this time we won’t be getting a new car–my husband and I are squirreling away our money for a down payment in the event we ever find a house, and since both our cars are still in fantastic condition, that takes precedence. But I will save your post, just in case!