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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Younger than 45

    Oh OK that actually makes sense.

    45 year olds and above are digital immigrants. In short, they had an off-line childhood and an online adulthood. They have different speech and writing patterns to you because they learnt and communicated in a different way to you.

    Assuming you’re under 45, this won’t make sense, because you’ve never experienced a world which doesn’t have this sort of interaction. You’re a digital native, digital tech has always been there.

    In twenty years time, children born or educated after the advent of chat gpt will have the same problem understanding you. The way you write, post and interact will seem clunky and old fashioned. It’s already happening!

    The wonderful thing about humanity, tho, is that we adapt and adopt! Consider this - everyone over the age of 50 had to learn something completely new to them in order to be able to communicate with you like this. They used to just talk or write letters. That’s it.

  • Not sure who I’m writing this for or who but will share it anyway

    can I maybe humanise piper Perri a bit?

    Well post this scene she had a kid. Split with the dad. Got into a new relationship. 25 years old.

    She left said 21 month old son in the care of her boyfriend. Returns to find the child hospitalised with multiple suspicious injuries and severe internal head trauma.

    She started a gofundme to pay for his treatment. Trolled of course because porn star. The largest contributor was funnily enough an adult site.

    Son didn’t make it. She requested his organs be donated so he could live on in other people. His death meant three other kids had longer / better lives.

    The boyfriend went to court. Gave conflicting reasons as to how the injuries occurred during interviews then settled on the old fell down the stairs response. The cause of death noted as shaken baby syndrome.

    That’s what I see when I see this meme. A mother whose kid was killed but had the grace and heart to use her son’s passing to help other kids live. One day these kids will see the meme and not realise they’re alive because of the choices of that woman.

    She had sex on camera with some black guys in a taboo scene which plays on the white male insecurity fetish, which we now use as a shortcut to mean being taken advantage of. Weird, huh.

    Anyway. Julienne, I hope you’re doing well.

  • macrocarpa@lemmy.world
    toMemes@lemmy.mlfeeling old now?
    2 months ago

    our parents felt the same thing

    Your dad simultaneously saw you as the baby who slept securely in his arms, the child he saw through junior school, the teen who he tried to help steer past his own mistakes and the adult he wistfully spoke of with pride

    Imagine how good he must feel to know that you remember him this way.

  • I spent a bit of time going through your post history to get an understanding of your background

    In short I think your life experiences mean you’ve lost all trust in men. Not just your direct experiences but what you’ve observed in others.

    As a result you enter each interaction assuming the worst. Every male social worker you engage with will confirm this pattern because that’s what you’re looking for. The - ah fuck here we go again - feeling.

    For them, and I don’t expect you to have empathy for them, this is what they live - the outcomes of other mens behaviours. But - they were there and they tried. That is something.

    You have changed quite a lot of your original post.

  • Story time.

    During a conversation amongst friends the topic of male on female violence came up. there was recently a stabbing attack in Australia where a schizophrenic man stabbed and killed multiple women in a Sydney shopping centre.

    A female friend raised the statistic that 26 women had been killed in the first 114 days of 2024. She made a point of saying Every 4.38 days a woman is violently killed

    I asked - because I didn’t know - Is that like heaps more than last year?how many people would normally die in the same period?

    She said "that’s a pretty misogynistic thing to say”

    So I googled it and I can’t even find the homicide rate in Australia for 2024.

    I am really fucking irritated about this. I assume she had assumed from my question that I was waving off the importance of gender in gendered violence but how that translates into misogyny is beyond me

  • “OK so she must’ve bleached the full head then done the green side first, then the black side. Man her scalp must be itchy as fuck. What did I used to use to stop the burn? Coconut oil? Yeah that’s right. Smelt like Malibu for a week or so, and had to throw out that set of pillow cases. Man that sucks, I loved those pillow cases, perfect for winter. I wonder if you can still get them?”