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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2024


  • Why even post these super subjective perspectives? It proves how stupid you are and how little you actually interact with others.

    Most of the time the ppl that hold these myopic views are losers that stick to sycophants or never leave their home or have incredibly bad expectations of others (e.g., they expect everyone else to see their world view only and everything is a clear cut dichotomy).

    Go work at any large company with a healthy mix of genders. Go mix and mingle with many married couples. Hell, just go outside and try to mix with ppl without trying to paint them into a bucket based on shallow evidence. You’ll quickly realize that the number of decent folk outweight the number of indecent. The only thing that’s changing are ppl with such unevolved frontal lobes becoming more prevalent.

  • I wish people would stop threatening companies switching to subscription that they’ll lose business. The c-suite know they’ll lose much of the current customer base. They’re banking on the data telling them that the market acceptance of their product is gaining traction with new customers.

    That will float them until they tell grandfathered users to go screw themselves and will face all sorts of new charges to use their app as previously established.

    This is what happens when you have companies run by MBAs and lawyers. They respond to the data, and as long as the data says any negative responses can be overcome in some other way, they’ll do it. They don’t care about their clientele (or their employees for that matter). They care about the extra millions of dollars they were promised for the degrees they paid for.

    Start finding alternate solutions to any product that connects to the internet. Then they can’t spy on you or handcuff a sub fee to their product.