the population can probably figure out a way once they stop this tribal mentality of red vs blue
which is never going to happen. one side has to lose. buy guns.
the population can probably figure out a way once they stop this tribal mentality of red vs blue
which is never going to happen. one side has to lose. buy guns.
seriously. if your answer is to jump off a building, then fuck you. you were never an ally. you shirked your duty as a human and would have been a liability anyway. cowards are just as bad as the sociopaths they enable.
there’s a simple solution for all this.
a voter base of idiots that need to be dealt with the same way
“I aSsUmE yUo’Re NoT InCiTinG VioLence”
STFU pussy
finally, a person with a STRATEGY. so sick of the whining.
she needs volunteers for personal escort and safety. i think she is going to be targeted.
if you know what’s coming, you make a preemptive strike.
of course it is, and yes it’s sad. now do something about it.
the only answer. don’t care about how we got here. no need to highlight their hypocrisy. we move forward from here. keep making the calls until it’s deafening.
limp-wristed coward do-nothing.
lol. you just got here, huh?
let’s do this differently than every other time they show up on social media. get their addresses.
awww. that’s gonna hurt their fee fees. well, i sure am glad we figured out how to stop fascism.
if you’re still waiting on conservatives to change their tune because you pointed out their hypocrisy, then you kinda just deserve whatever you get.
you’re fucking pathetic. gfto.
grow up. like seriously. just shut the fuck up.
don’t even use baseball bats.
go long range and get away with it.
we’re harmless. what’s your address?
you know they’re easy targets when they cluster together like that, right? what did you personally do to stop them?
because you children don’t understand how the world works.
i looked at this guy’s history. someone should dox him.