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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Yeah there is a workaround for using bind-mounts in Proxmox VMs: https://gist.github.com/Drallas/7e4a6f6f36610eeb0bbb5d011c8ca0be

    If you wanted, and your drives are mounted to the Proxmox host (and not to a VM), try an LXC for the services you are running, if you require a VM then the above workaround would be recommended after backing up your data.

    I’ve got my drives mounted in a container as shown here:

    Basicboi config, but it’s quick and gets the job done.

    I’d originally gone down the same route as you had with VMs and shares, but it’s was all too much after a while.

    I’m almost rid of all my VMs, home assistant is currently the last package I’ve yet to migrate. Migrated my frigate to a docker container under nixos, tailscale exit node under nixos too while the vast majority of other packages are already in LXC.

  • Ahh the shouting from the rooftops wasn’t aimed at you, but the general group of people in similar threads. Lots of people shill tailscale as it’s a great service for nothing but there needs to be a level of caution with it too.

    I’m quite new to the self hosting game myself, but services like tailscale which have so much insight / reach into our networks are something that in the end, should be self hosted.

    If your using SMB locally between VMs maybe try proxmox, https//clan.lol/ is something I’m looking into to replace Proxmox down the line. I share bind-mounts currently between multiple LXC from the host Proxmox OS, configuration is pretty easy, and there are lots of tutorials online for getting started.

  • Tailscale is great, but it’s not something that should be shouted from the rooftops.

    I use tailscale with nginx / pihole for my home services BUT there will be a point where the “free” tier of their service will be gutted / monetized and your once so free, private service won’t be so free.

    Tailscale are SAAS (software as a service), once their venture capital funds look like their running dry, the funds will be coming from your data, limiting the service with a push to subscription models or a combination.

    Nebula is one such alternative, headscale is another. Wire guard (which tailscale is based on) again is another.

  • Ahh man gotta love NVIDIA. Most of my machines have an NVIDIA GPU, but I’ve had only a few minor issues along the way. Mostly from me not reading things correctly.

    Saw issues with flickering electron applications, sleep somehow running the GPU until my battery was drained, hyprland just saying not today and random crashes here and there.

    Systems are pretty stable now, laptop runs fine in hybrid mode (AMD / NVIDIA) and I removed almost all electron applications.

    I’ve found if I can’t figure something out I’ll start a new module for another package. But I guess if it’s something “mission critical” in your case a GPU then it’s pretty hard to do much else.

  • Company I worked for was the only importer of Corsair chairs into Australia, we were told by Corsair (on a chair by chair basis) to have end users destroy faulty chairs if no replacement parts were available.

    Same thing with Lian Li, we had a batch of white cases with a paint defect, they were never sold onto end-users but our warehouse teams destroyed every case, sent images to Lian Li of the destruction and we were sent another shipment.

    Cooler-master had some bad mITX PSUs, same deal, sent the boys out with a hammer and safety squints.

    At the end of the day it’s cheaper for everyone involved to not have a faulty product that is too costly to repair shipped across the ocean or to a local disty. Sucks for the environment, sucks for the end user having to dispose of a faulty product but it makes for some interesting emails sent out to customers :D