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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2024


  • Really nice deflection. I have news for you. It’s not about you and certainly not about being offended. It’s about building a better internet and not repeating past mistakes.

    I’m not calling any one names

    Ok boomer.


    I’m calling it as it is.

    You think you’ve enlightened a bunch of people on a heavy Linux user community about Chrome’s dominance? Sir, we are aware. It was the rudeness and ignorance people are responding to.

  • Fuck Hamas for starting this most recent iteration of the war by slaughtering and torturing innocent people, not returning the hostages, not negotiating reasonably, shooting so many rockets for so many years at Israel that they had to build the Iron Dome, having the ability to protect their citizens by using their under ground tunnels and bunkers but not allowing them protection because of course their war strategy is simply getting as many of their civilians killed as possible while pushing the narrative on social media to gain sympathy.

    Sure, let’s keep pressing world powers to do better.

    You forget Hamas??? What the fuck is that all about? That’s bullshit.