
  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • Yea, the enshittification process predates the internet, so yes.

    However, the loss of net neutrality has lead to these monopolies being able to rapidly speed the process in a large number of ways, from ways they work with and imprison advertisers and vendors to their platforms.

    Their ability to buy telecoms favor. With the death of net neutrality, now broadband Bros shape the face of the internet for the most elite and powerful companies. Silencing the little websites and startups that used to show up in search results amongst giants like Amazon, eBay, Facebook marketplace, Ali, etc. for ma and pa trying to run a small buisness. Making us all slaves to these monopolies, and the handful of companies you must deal with, enshittification, obnoxious new ads, and all, just to reach the masses.

    Elon says you can’t even put your Mastadon handle on Twitter, etc. I could go on and on.

    The death of net neutrality has emboldened big tech in a massive way, as if it wasn’t bad enough before. It had pretty much insured that the big boys all get a fat cut of everybodies pie, and you just gotta grin while you eat their shit, or starve

  • Yes, every native English speaking Walmart shopper are perfectly fluent, masters of the linguistic arts. They are known throughout the Americas to be amongst the classiest and highest educated group of shoppers known to man. Even the ones known to procreate with their sisters are likely to have a degree. Likely, a masters. These are stats and known facts of the highly esteemed shoppers of Walmart