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Cake day: June 7th, 2024

  • You wanna know why then ask why. The why is because we don’t have a ranked choice system and convincing moderate democrats to go third party is not gonna happen. If you vote for any third party at this time, you’re basically just throwing your vote in the trash since you won’t have a chance to vote again. We need as many people voting for Biden or the next Democrat that would replace him, if he were to drop out, as we can get. Your vote won’t count otherwise. If you want to know why you shouldn’t vote for Trump, google Project 2025 and watch his rallies. Listen to how much hate he spews. He wants anyone who is not a straight white male to be slaves or dead. With recent changes from the Supreme Court, he will also be able to do anything he wants if he gets back into office and he will absolutely make it a dictatorship.

  • No one can be forced to vote for a specific person, but the options are currently democrat or dictatorship. Not voting is a vote for the dictatorship. If it weren’t such a dangerous candidate then we wouldn’t be pushing for this vote. Blocking your ears and saying “lalala” doesn’t make things better. Ignorance won’t be bliss.

  • I am registered as an independent. I would like to vote third party eventually, but this is not the time and I think switching the candidate will backfire. We are playing with fire here. When it comes to voting between keeping a democracy or putting ourselves into a dictatorship, I’m voting for democracy. The people who are “protesting” by not voting or by voting third party this term are advocating for a Trump win. It’s an attempt to divide the party in the same way that they did when Hillary is running. If Trump wins, democracy dies and genocide will be encouraged. Don’t forget, he supported wiping out Gaza and encourages violence against other races, religions, political views, and LGBTQ+ people. He’ll wipe out democracy and everything we’ve worked for over hundreds of years. All the protections put in place against poisoning the planet will be gone and climate change policies wiped out. This man plans to do so much damage.

    I’ll be honest. I’m scared of a loss here. I’m trans and with the amount of vitriol Trump and his followers spew, I feel like if I don’t vote this way, I’m getting put in a dangerous situation, as are all LGBTQ+ people and many others. Please don’t fuck around here. Don’t make this about your pride. There is too much at risk here. Vote Biden and keep voting in mid-terms as well. We don’t stand a chance otherwise.

    Protesters, if you really want to make a change, run for congress. The only way to make real change is to put more decent critical thinking people in congress.

  • What happened with Hillary is that idiots decided to vote third party for a planted candidate and fucked everything up. Dividing progressive votes means a loss for progressives in every case. You will be part of the problem when Trump gets reelected and dismantles democracy. That will be the end of voting and the reemergence of mass suffrage. Oh and I forgot, climate change will continue to get worse and people will start getting sick because Trump has already promised to end climate regulations.