• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Let her. Just don’t get involved yourself. This gives you “I told you so” rights when she comes home exhaustipated and emotionally vulnerable. However, you may not wish to exercise those rights in the interests of family harmony.

    Best if she discovers for herself that you can only help those who want to be helped. Let this one slide past without getting yourself involved I think. Just have some comfort for her ready when she gets back. Maybe cook dinner and do all the kid things while she’s busy elsewhere.

  • Does seem that they’re setting themselves up to fail - and each to have enough material to put the blame on the other. Shit show coming up, so I would suggest distancing yourself - you have enough to cope with with your own responsibilities. They need professional help (and sounds like both need a good kick up the backside too).

    There’s a reason why airlines stress that you should put on your own oxygen mask BEFORE putting them on your kids.