I’m also @thelsim@sh.itjust.works

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • The very worst controller I’ve ever used was this no-name joystick in the 90s. You had to grip like a claw, which looked kind of cool and futuristic but was awful in use. The base was tiny and it had these suction cups that didn’t work at all.
    But the very very worst thing about it, was that the input was binary! It was either on or off, no gradual movements or anything. Basically it was an oversized d-pad.

    I borrowed it from a friend so I could try Rebel Assault, which looked so awesome what with CD-ROMs being a new thing. But that joystick ruined the experience so much! Try flying a ship through a canyon when all you can do is hard turns in 8 different directions. I constantly crashed within the first 10 seconds of the game and kept thinking it was my fault for being a crap player.
    I still hate that monstrosity with every fiber of my being.

  • Just started a two week family visit to Singapore. The twelve hour flight was exhausting and everyone was struggling with the jet lag. My kids fell asleep at the dinner table, which was both adorable to see and sad because they were clearly at their limits.
    We just had a 12 hour sleep, so hopefully we can start the second day with renewed energy :)
    We’re going to need it, there’s a ton of social obligations to keep. It’s been 7 years since our last visit.

  • The thing I hated most with social media is that no one really wanted to email anymore.
    I used to have several pen pals around the world. We would exchange long mails every couple of days telling each other about our lives. But the moment social media popped up, the one-on-one conversations started to shift to posts with something everybody got to comment on. And on top of that, they didn’t seem very personal anymore. Not like the friends I used to know.
    Didn’t take long for those friendships to fizzle out. I’m still quite sad about it.

  • Is it necessary?

    That last question has kept me from participating in discussions (on- and offline) for most of my life. Low self-esteem would always make me ask myself if what I wanted to say was necessary, if it added value, etc. And always I’d end up not saying anything at all because it probably wasn’t worth it for others to read or hear. Which sucks because participation is half the fun.
    So yea, I try to follow the first two but have given up on letting that last question guide my online behavior.
    Hopefully the first two will balance out the last :)