• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2023


  • That’s the thing I don’t get. It only takes 5m starting from a fresh ubuntu/mint and the likes to be gaming ready. Even if you have no clue how to use a computer, there are hundreds of guides on how to do it in maybe 10m. Compare that to getting a gaming distro, which would save you those 10m but you’d pay the price next time you have an issue and realise the distro is way too niche for you to get a non-technical answer.

    It’s not gatekeeping, I’m not keeping anyone away from Linux, I’m giving them a better path so they can have a smoother experience.

  • SorryQuick@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlEA gonna EA
    2 months ago

    I played it when it came out and while it was a fun playthrough and I’m glad I played, it’s nowhere near factorio on replayability. It also feels a lot more shallow, like they put more time into the visuals rather than actual game mechanics. And in the end what killed it for me was the performance. On factorio you can still have decent fps/ups in a 1k hour megabase, satisfactory in the other hand gives up pretty quickly. Mod support is great compared to most games, but doesn’t really come close to factorio.

  • It’s not a lack or critical thinking. He was working all day, then cooking for the family, then barely had an hour or two to himself. In a primarly conservative town, without internet, and about 3 channels on TV, how do you expect him to learn or care about politics? He voted conservative like everyone else and moved on.

    Also keep in mind that most conservative parties in the world aren’t like the US, they don’t want to “bring doom and damnation over the world”.

  • See this is what I’m talking about. They aren’t fools for having a different opinion. MAGA followers that do it because of trickle down economics might be fools, but most conservatives in most non-US countries aren’t this extreme.

    They just happen to have different priorities. Believe that a strong army is more important than education. Place themselves and their families and friends before others.

    I swear the amount of people that think their side is 100% right and the other is just idiots is too damm high.

  • It isn’t as big as some other places, yes, but to say it isn’t one doesn’t really sound true either.

    an echo chamber is an environment or ecosystem in which participants encounter beliefs that amplify or reinforce their preexisting beliefs

    In the months I’ve been on lemmy, not once have I encountered a right-wing post, yet I see left-wing posts multiple times a day. By definition, how is it not an echo chamber? I suppose lemmy as a whole might not be, but the resulting lemmy I browse sure is.

  • You guys are thinking way too extreme once again. My grandfather voted conservative his entire life and yet was friends with the blacks and columbians next door. He was the first in his town to let his wife drive a car.

    Why was he conservative then you ask? Because he was raised religious and he felt like liberals were attacking his religion. That’s it. Now granted this was in Canada, before Trump and project 2025, but conservatism is an idea, not a party in one country.