Thanks for the tip
Never have I checked the updoots of peoples
Kiddo is not in the sudoers file.
This incident will be reported.
We had that joke in France about Arianne rocket;
For once we make a working thing we are dumb enough to throw it into space
But what if it return? Somehow?
Orange man is litteraly a russian asset and it should be enough to jail him…
But to answer on a theorical level you cannot prevent felons from politic in a democratic society, otherwise you just throw accusations at your opponent to win elections and sadly it happen in a lot of places
Reminder to thanks your spam bot or anoying customer service for the information it shares about Boeing executives
He can go with Almond
I was concerned about my eyes so I asked google before.
Gemini said it is ok to stare at it
Je suis toujours là en lurk, je poste une fois par mois ヅ
Alors que “c’est vous contre on” c’est rigolo et potentielement ça peut désamorcer une situation conflictuelle
Thank you for your service
This is how you end up being bullied by hyenas
Yup he was living on Patmos and high on volcanic ash
Hey John! How the sulphur today?
Seen a huge beast with like thirty eyes dude
You should write it dude
A large boulder (the sise of a tiny boulder)