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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Not OP, but for a while I tried using Ubuntu and Mint but kept on having random issues with my printer/scanner combo (Brother) and a couple of other problems that I don’t remember before I just gave up and switched over to pop.

    Been using it as my daily driver for a couple of years now and even the one time I did have something go sideways I was helped by people on the Telegram channel.

    On a side note there have been a couple of ranking lists released on YouTube and one of them noted that the desktop is a bit outdated but I really like the tiling window manager that pop has. Sure it eats shit sometimes but as of recently I haven’t had to think about it at all. I’m excited to see the new desktop that they are currently developing as well.

  • You’re correct, with a bit more know how and knowledge it’s completely doable. Quick question maybe, once you create a pool and are utilizing it, are you able to add/remove drives as needed or does that require additional work to be completed? I am under the impression that the pools can be created with a variety of drives but making any physical adjustments are a bit of trouble.

    However, I do appreciate you posting about this, maybe it’ll help someone else that might be browsing through here. Thank you.

  • Lol two greedy companies who don’t have to actively do anything nor take accountability for any neglect on their part are of course happy to get more data and data points for nothing. Color me surprised.

    What I don’t understand is how people are completely complacent with this solution which is supposed to make housing more attainable.

    As a country we are not new to dealing with loans, credit, nor credit history. The system has been around for a long time.

    The problem is not people having too poor of a credit score or thin of a credit history to be able to obtain a mortgage from a bank. It’s the basic fact that if you’re Canadian you are going to be fucked financially in at least 3 different ways at any given time.

    To simplify I know companies will never pay employees what they are actually worth. It’s a nonsense game of carrot or crop. But if the cost of living wasn’t so high it makes reaching for a dream easier.

    Now back to this rent reporting program. Who is this program actually for? Its not for people with an established credit/loan history. For people that currently have bruised credit, adding rent payments to it isn’t going to help in any way. Going to take 7 years for whatever that bruised the score to fall off regardless of whatever it was.

  • What? No name products are from what I understand excess product made by the branded companies for certain grocery chains.

    So the problem here with loblaws isn’t that the manufacturers have increased their prices by 54% it’s loblaws who have brought the product in to sell and marked up the price.

    For a quick shitty example. Let’s say you’re selling OJ and you want $1 per bottle. Loblaws says okay we’ll sell it in our stores. Now loblaws has your OJ on the shelf but it’s priced at $1.54.

    Therefore if the store is already shameless and marking up products this much you can bet that these no name products would probably have equal to or potentially more profit in it.

  • Or hear me out here instead of selling out to companies from other countries that don’t give a single fuck about Canadians or companies that already operate here that once again give no fucks about the people that are employed by them we should take use and harness the resources that we have.

    While I’m neither pro nor con for oil, it’s one hell of a resource and we already have tons of people who are experienced in the field that could get put on for work.

    Now with that I would also like to also see the oil being kept up here in Canada instead of selling it to the states for pennies and then being brought right back up to be sold for dollars. Yes I am fully aware that this is an extremely simplified extrapolation of what is going on.

    One pipe dream if I may, is having our own public energy sector in Canada. Meaning in this case oil is drilled out by Canadians, with proper policies to take care of the land, where old wells and sites are actually cleaned up cared of. More directional drilling vs fracking. Employees are not abused to shit or have to work feeling that there is an axe at their neck based on global issues. And all of this goes to fellow Canadians so they are able to do as needed.

    The thing is we have larger issues in the country than just the over simplification listed above. So maybe, you are correct, just leave it in the ground.