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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023

  • Once again, I played far too much World of Warcraft Remix this week. I do have three more maxed characters now though and all achievements for the mode. I found Frost Mage to be surprisingly fun, after I totally hated it (my old main) and completely abandoned magic DPS altogether at the beginning of Shadowlands. This time I’ll definitely take it slower and will try to only play my Druid. It went so well the last two weeks.

    Depending on how much I get into the new expansion, The War Within, Balance Druid and Frost Mage are definitely some I’ll consider taking a look, although my Windwalker Monk will most likely stay my main.

    Then, more Diablo 4. I’m almost level 90 with my Necromancer, Minion build is still boring, but I’ll keep it at least until level 100, and I’ve checked out more endgame stuff.

  • Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! When I was almost done with the Remix mode in World of Warcraft, Blizzard adds a buff, that massively speeds up your power gain (or buying cosmetics, if you’re into that). This makes playing and gearing alts actually not terrible, so now I have to equip a few more chars, just to see how they play with ridiculous stats. My main, a Druid, is pretty much done, and I’d need to do some massive grinding, to see any real increase from this point. I’ll still play the char here and there, because it’s fun, but less than before. I’m currently equipping two other characters, a Warrior and an Evoker, both should take a couple more days, but I don’t think I’ll play them as much as my Druid before. There are a few more classes I want to level, although just to get them to max level, not to really play this mode.

    Now I’ll finally get more into the current Diablo 4 season. I just made it to World Tier 3 today on my Necromancer, minion gameplay is still pretty boring, but I’ll wait until I’m closer to max level to decide if I want to switch builds.

  • Board game the Chinese players the option to download their account data before shutting down the servers. Whoever did that will (presumably) have the option to upload that data once the services are restored.

    Extremely unlikely, Blizzard probably don’t want a bunch of files that have been tempered with. Also, if it’s like the data export you can also do for non-Chinese accounts, it’s just stuff like transaction history, chats, and essentially your profile in a game like Overwatch (match history, stats, etc.).

    Afaik neither blizzard or netease saved any of the data. Blizzard didn’t because Chinese players’ data can’t be stored on servers outside of china and netease didn’t because…fuck 'em?

    I’ve read the exact opposite. When the servers went down Netease (or Blizzard) announced the accounts would stay and be saved.