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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • Achievements or multiplayer matching not being implemented in the game itself isn’t on GOG. They still allow you to download and launch any game you’ve bought, without even requiring galaxy.

    Also lesser known is the fact that there are DRM-free games on steam. Download them once, you can play without having steam running or even installed. Using a client to download isn’t inherently DRM either.

  • Personally I just like my colleagues so it’s fun to be around them for the most part, and there are better lunch options around the office in my case (plus I’d never bother going somewhere when I’m home anyway). It being easier to just quickly ask a question is nice too. Also gets me actually out of the house and cycling for ~40 minutes a day. I also get way more done at work because working at the same pc I spend 90% of my free time at is not great at motivating my brain to do work.

    Still, if I didn’t have the option to just stay home when I don’t feel like going to the office/am waiting for a package or something, I’d find that very annoying.

  • Yea i can absolutely see that. Though it’s also understandable to doubt it because personally it just doesn’t apply - which I think is largely because I don’t changr my portion sizes, and I’m probably not the only one. I make food and eat all of it, and I usually eat 2 meals a day + sometimes breakfast. I’ve found that delaying food intake for as long as possible leads to me eating less overall and losing weight.

    In my case, eating breakfast or not is more of a result of how much I ate the previous day.

  • The second highest voted thing is mildly misleading because left parties are a lot more fractured, especially in EU elections. The afd could have 11% while 9 left wing partirs have 9.8% and be the most voted party, but that would be a better result than we have now with it being the second most voted.

    The results are bad, but 16% is at least nowhere nesr a majority. I’m honestly more concerned about the CDU moving closer to the afd and still ending up with 30%, seems almost like many people don’t like the afd because they’ve been told afd bad, but still agree with much of their ideology.

  • I agree with pretty much all of that but I still wouldn’t say I hate dogs, both because none of that is the dogs fault and it’s still possible to have pleasant interactions with one. I would just much rather not be around a dog than be around one. This might just be a difference in what hate implies.

    I feel similarly about children. Theyre loud and annoying and I dislike being around them, but I still have no intention of ever hurting one and would like them to be happy anyway.

  • I definitely agree with the point you’re making, though I’d just like to add that other dictionaries define racism as including discriminating by ethnicity, which is such a dubiously defined word it could be just about anything, and certainly can apply to your example of different parts of india.

    I am also very much influenced by the german definiton of the word, seeing how that’s my native language, which (according to duden) is “Lehre, Theorie, nach der Menschen bzw. Bevölkerungsgruppen mit bestimmten biologischen oder ethnisch-kulturellen Merkmalen anderen von Natur aus über- bzw. unterlegen sein sollen” - translated: “Teaching or Theory according to which people with certain biological or ethnical-cultural traits are supposed to be naturally superior or inferior to others”. This could of course include lactose tolerance (and I’d say if the comment hadn’t been a joke, it’d hit the definition perfectly)

    So I guess to a degree it wasjust a translation issue. The whole idea of using race to describe humans is seen as inherently racist here, so any definition of racism using that word feels 80 years outdated to me.

    Anyway back to work, cheers for an actual rational discussion, even if I think we’re only really in disagreement over semantics anyway

  • Eh… while I think that guy is full of shit, race is an entirely made up concept and discriminating based on any genetic trait is the exact same as racism. Semantical arguments are kinda bad.

    It’s just that no one here was discriminating because the joke in the comment and the one in the OP only work by making fun of this kind of discrimination in the first place.

  • There are animal haters that poison them. It’s not entirely a false equivalency.

    The issue with it mainly comes from dogs being a different species while humans are still just humans and someones skin color has no significant correlation to their behaviour.

    It’s still similarly stupid to hate all dogs by default because dogs still have personalities and some can be just fine. And I say this as someone that doesn’t like most dogs either.