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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Imagine having that much of an issue with barely offensive words that their kids will never read because most don’t use the school library anyway.

    And imagine letting your kids come home and access whatever media they want including actual pornography on the internet. Most of these parents have zero clue how to block internet sites on their home computers and laptops let alone the phones that their kids all have.

    But of course, that’s another problem some parents are asking the government to solve by forcing porn sites to require visitors to affirmatively identify themselves and their age. Of course, that only applies to the major porn sites that play by the arbitrary rules anyway. All so stupid.

  • This is completely tone deaf to the things that Biden HAS been able to accomplish. I’d encourage you to research his presidency before you accept and parrot all of the bad things you hear.

    To name just a few:

    • Unprecedented student loan debt relief
    • Improvements to Medicare including the ability to negotiate drug prices and capping prices of certain medications like insulin
    • Extremely low unemployment, just a few short years after the pandemic
    • Pardoning of minor federal marijuana convictions and initiated the process of having marijuana rescheduled
    • A push to make birth control pills available OTC without a prescription in the wake of conservative attacks on reproductive health rights
    • Renewed focus on infrastructure spending
    • Policies friendly to green energy

    And that’s not mentioning the things that could have happened were it not for constant obstruction of Republicans - specifically, efforts to better protect our borders and efforts to curb gun violence.

    The president is not a king or autocrat no matter how much Trump and Republicans might disagree. His policy decisions must be focused in order to make any progress at all. He can’t simply wave his hand and make everything a magical utopia.

    So before you continue complaining about the lack of progress, I implore you: take ten minutes to do some Google searches about the things that are important to you and the reasons why more progress is not being made. You might be surprised at weary you learn.

    It is critically important that we do not give up ground and backslide because the conservative media machine is so powerful that it makes it seem like nothing good has happened.

  • There’s also the fact that there were no warnings. I’ve read some potentially conflicting accounts, but the consensus seems to be that there were no warning pamphlets dropped on Hiroshima ahead of the nuclear blast. At best, there may have been leaflets dropped that included Hiroshima amongst a list of 35 Japanese cities that could be the target of a bombing. At that time, the level of destructive capabilities were unheard of, so even seeing those leaflets, the thoughts citizens may have had is that there would be some firebombing. Destruction and death could be expected, but nothing like the complete obliteration that actually happened.

    The use of atomic weapons was a demonstration of US destructive capabilities. They were a warning built of indiscriminate evil that saught only to strike fear into the eyes of anyone who would dare attack the US.

    The use of atomic weapons may have legitimately reduced the number of American casualties, but I’m with you. It’s impossible to know whether lives were saved beyond those of American soldiers. Many civilians perished on those days, and that is not something to be celebrated.


  • Even though you preemptively asked people not to provide a counterpoint, I feel the need to highlight a problem with your analogy that you seen to already be aware of.

    Your position of “I don’t want to go camping anymore” is a fantasy. The only way to achieve that is to emigrate to another country. The real situation is: you’re going to sleep outside. Do you want a leaky tent or a ragged old tarp? Those are your only two choices. If you do not make a choice, then you are leaving the choice up to everyone else.

    If you’re okay with that, then sobeit. It is your right to opt out of participating in the political process, but that doesn’t change which tent you’re going to end up sleeping in. If you’re an American, you’re along for the ride whether you like it or not. Your choice to opt out does not change the outcome, it merely cedes control to everyone else.

    I tend to agree with your main point though. I’m pretty exhausted with everyone around me selecting the same deteriorated tents that we’ve been using for the last 50 years because “that’s the only way enough people will select it over the moldy tarp” instead of considering a new one that actually works, or at least has fewer leaks.