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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023

  • They forget how many of us gun owning liberals there are. They think they can bully everyone around because they think they own all the guns thus the upper hand. They’re are far too dense to realize they’re entirely wrong. We just don’t make it our entire personality. I don’t feel the need to put my guns on display to prove to people I don’t even know what a MaNlY rUgGeD BaDaSs I am. That’s not why i own them. I very much enjoy the sport and technical knowledge and focus required to hit the target in different situations. I want to be perceived as a loving husband and a kind and honorable man and friend. Those two things are at odds. Or maybe I’m just not insecure about my masculinity.

  • I’m not vegan but if there were ethically sourced, sustainable and environmentally concious options for lab produced meats that were proven to be suitable and safe for human consumption, I’d willfully switch to that as a source of meat.

    As an avid barbecue and smoker enthusiasts, I don’t think there could ever be a replacement for a perfect cut of ribs or a high quality steak. I only get these from my local butcher from local free range, grass fed cattle. Those are special meals though, taking upwards of 12 hours start to finish of attention to detail and a level of reverance for the process. Not a daily occurrence. However, anything with/like ground beef, chicken nuggets and many other food products that don’t require these specific cuts (this includes basically the entire giant filthy diseased corperate slaughter factories, fast food and so on) could easily be replaced by lab cultivated meats. I think that’s inevitable and I fully support R&D of this technology.

  • So, I’m from Baraboo. Though I haven’t lived there in well over 10 years now, I still have friends and family who reside there still. The day after this happened, the video was already making its rounds in our various discord servers, getting texts from family members with the original video link and it was all around big deal. Everyone was fucking pissed at this guy and there were soooo many people in my circles that wanted to see him named, shamed and royaly buttfucked by the court of public opinion. It didn’t take long at all for someone to go, “hey, I know that guy. He works as so and so” and I’m happy to see that the cat is out of the bag here. It seems he has been fired. His employer is well aware at this point and have scrubbed all mention of him from their website.

    The one and only way to unfuck my hometowns garbage residents is to hang them out to dry in public and I’m glad this is national news. When someone wants to pull some racist shit, let it be known that we’re gunna make sure their racist bullshit will be put on display for all the world to see and the consequences shall be yours and yours alone to bare for your stupid bullshitery. Baraboo is such a cute little town but GODDAMN some of these motherfuckers are an embarrassment to our town, our state and our county.

  • This is the sure-fire solution. Before I left Reddit when the API bs went down (RIP RIF), I had already filtered out all the popular and simipopular political and adjacent subs. It change my Reddit experience and overall frustration levels immediately and all for the better. I still got the news I wanted here and there but without that dumbass antagonistic shithole that’s the comments section. Anyway, good riddance, Reddit.