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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • The emails were mass reported, up to the point there was an internal message sent around to stop reporting them because they are legitimate. Of course, no action was taken to make them look less suspicious.

    If I’d ever want to phish someone at my company, I’d know exactly what to do. Make the email look exactly like the training ones.

  • My company started with mandatory cybersecurity trainings for all employees. The training tool sends out automated emails to remind you when you have to do a new part of the training.

    These emails, from a cybersecurity course, followed all the rules of being a phishing email:

    • Sent from a non-company server
    • Had a big red button to click here
    • Urged you to take action (“You have 5 days to complete your training”)

    IT decided to fix that, by adding a line to the emails that this email is really from our company. Like a phisher wouldn’t think of saying “nah, trust me bro, I’m totally legit”

  • Not what you asked, but what you need to hear instead.

    Sure, it’s easier not to confront any of your problems, and act like 100kg is still “skinny fat” somehow. But wallowing in self-pity isn’t going to make anything better, and it’s the worst for your social life, which in turn is the worst for your mental health.

    I don’t expect you’ll hear this either, and that’s okay. I hope you find your way out of your misery at some point.

  • Making that argument completely closes the door for fully autonomous cars though, which is sort of the Holy grail of vehicle automation.

    Fully autonomous doesn’t really exist yet, aside from some pilot projects, but give it a decade or two and it will be there. Truly being a passenger in your own vehicle is a huge selling point, you’d be able to do something else while moving, like reading, working or sleeping.

    These systems can probably be better drivers than humans, because humans suck at multitasking and staying focused. But they will never be 100% perfect, because the world is sometimes wildly unpredictable and unavoidable accidents are a thing. There will be some interesting questions about liability though.

  • The risk in 1 & 2 is that monsters become a slog and characters are no longer heroes. If you need to hit a monster 30 times before it dies (because half misses due to AC, and you need a lot of hits due to HP), it’s just slow and boring.

    Lair actions and distractions/barricades to get to BBEG are where its at. There’s a trap in the way. New support keeps popping in until something is destroyed. Something changes drastically halfway through the fight.