• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Nope that requires them to do the job they signed up for instead of collecting OT and extra pay as a security guard on the side. Someone on Reddit a year ago literally had camera footage with the faces of everyone who broke into their car and it wasn’t good enough. Hell, the dealership I just bought my car from had three employee cars broken into two days after mine was.

    These criminals are playing with fire though in Texas with how many people own guns. Plus our penal code technically allows you to shoot to stop a crime in specific circumstances.

  • You’re implying the police would give enough of a fuck to do their job in the first place. I called because I saw my car was smashed into while walking my dog and the burglars were literally still there. Suspects ran when I saw them hitting another car. Cops were like ‘oh there’s not a present danger and since nobody was assaulted just file a police report’. Report was closed a day later.

    What should I expect honestly. There was deadass a house here getting shot up every few months and not a damn thing happened. But it’s okay they only have the largest budget line item in the city by far and whine about it not being enough so the struggle must be real.

  • Try using Spotlight to find stuff. It’s the main way I use mine. Just swipe down from the home or Lock Screen and start typing in that search bar any time you are wanting to launch an app, send a text, find a document, etc.

    iPhone definitely isn’t for everyone. A big strength of Android is you have so many options for customization. My big gripe stems from random customization processes failing and reverting back to the OEM version. Though that’s slowly gotten better. I use an S22 for my work phone and a Tab S8+, and yeah I’m a fan of Android too. Especially the multitasking on my phone. iOS is a joke for multitasking.

  • What a terrible sentiment. It’s honestly fucking impressive how easy an iPhone is to use for old people. My dad grew up in rural Mexico without any electricity and never learned how to use a computer. His first smartphone was an S3 and he HATED it. My mom traded it in for an iPhone, and he was close to losing his mind again until he used it for a few weeks. Dad learned well enough on his own that when he asked me to respond to a text for him while we were fixing a car, I unlocked his phone and Safari was open on Pornhub.

    Dude’s figured out how to use Spotify and can listen to all the music he grew up with and hasn’t been able to find CDs for. I used to have to sit with him to take his annual trainings on my laptop because he couldn’t figure out a keyboard and mouse. Don’t even get me started on how well Apple handles accessibility features for disabled people.

    Not everyone needs side loading or the ability to do shit like change your system font. Not everybody needs root access. Should Apple make that available for the people who want it? Fuck yeah they should. But 99% of the time, the phone works well and fits most people’s use-cases.

    Anyway, I’m a tech-savvy zoomer and I use an iPhone (and Arch btw). Even the biggest FOSS guy in my old IT job switched to an iPhone (he uses Arch too btw). Definitely not just for boomers.