• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • i.e. We’re fucked either way.

    Except Trump is going to wreck the democracy even further and ruin world politics by letting his dictatorship pals do whatever they want.

    The level of fuckedness his second term will cause it’s incomparable to anything imagined. Basically he will create the antithesis of what America was supposed to be.

    So seeing him as an equally bad candidate is completely misguided.

  • Like you I don’t give any fucks about what people choose to to with their bodies.

    I don’t like it either that people’s choices are the subject of so much enragement. I really don’t have to understand why cars need loud exhausts, too. Those do annoy me.

    I feel like a healthy perspective is whenever someone gets on your ‘why the fuck would you do that?’ detector is to ask those people why they do it, and not assume the reason and remain being annoyed.

  • John wick is supposed to be a shallow character. A nobody who is surprisingly a goat assassin. The surprising simplicity of the first movie is exactly what it’s supposed to be. Man mad cuz wife dead and brat crimelord son kills dog gets revenge.

    Just like another Keanu movie that there shouldn’t have been sequels to the story suffers if the perspective gets expanded. Prison break too, forcing follow ups means the story gets more complex whilst the simplicity is it’s main draw.

    Keanu sommes un those roles a he is a bit aloof and emotionally detached. Somehow that suits both roles, but there isn’t much there to flesh out a longer story.