The poll, which was conducted from July 7 to July 9, found that 73 percent of Democratic voters “somewhat” or “strongly” approve of Harris as Biden’s replacement. In an earlier iteration of the same survey, conducted from July 3 to July 6, a 66 percent majority of Democrats approved of Harris as a replacement.

    3 months ago

    I’m probably wrong.

    But there is one small group of people in America with the power to push Joe Biden out of the race. Who are they? The major donors to the Democratic Party.

    They’re the ones Biden is angry with.

    On Monday morning, Biden called into MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and railed against the big-ticket donors who have been pushing him to withdraw.

    “I’m getting so frustrated with the elites … the elites of the party,” he said on the air. “I don’t care what the millionaires think.”

    Bingo. It was the first time any modern president has admitted that the elites of the party are the millionaires (and billionaires) who fund it, which gives them extraordinary political power — perhaps enough to push Biden out of the race.

    In truth, the Democratic Party is little more than a national fundraising machine, as is the GOP.

      3 months ago

      Yes, that’s called influence, isn’t it, they are exerting pressure and trying to convince him, right? But he hasn’t withdrawn yet, has he? Because ultimately, the one that makes the decision, is him. And he will make it.

      If the best you’ve got is some guy’s blog, you’re not doing well. Anyone can make a blog online, and they can put anything protected by the First Amendment on it. You can find a blog saying absolutely anything, and this is probably how you’ve become radicalized into somehow believing in mind control, instead of simply remembering what an Average Middle American sounds like, and how they get what they vote for, resulting after enough decades in our current highly flawed system.

        3 months ago

        Robert Reich is a Professor, writer, former Secretary of Labor, author of The System, The Common Good, Saving Capitalism, Aftershock, Supercapitalism, The Work of Nations. Co-creator of “Inequality for All” and “Saving Capitalism.” Co-founder of Inequality Media

        His Wikipedia. Where’s your Wikipedia?

        Excuse me if I trust someone’s opinion that actually served in the United States government instead of a random person on the internet.

          3 months ago

          Credentials are great, but if he’s trying to say that the ultimate choice of whether Biden stays in the race or not is someone aside’s Biden’s to make, then I put him alongside all the credentialed people that support other conspiracy theories. The Trump admin was full of them, and frankly, anyone can become radicalized.

          I’m using basic sense to make my argument, even a child should be able to understand what I am saying. No credentials required. You just don’t like it, because what you already believe is convenient and comfortable, even if you probably know it doesn’t completely make sense.

          Does money grant control? No. A child knows this.