• mozz@mbin.grits.dev
    4 months ago

    Which is about as strong a statement as you’ll ever get from the Whitehouse


    Okay so he definitely didn’t say the thing you specifically said that specifically-he said? And his press secretary didn’t say it either, but you decided that something totally different that she said probably meant that she thought it? I just want to double check on this.

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      She gave a full throated support for the bill. She’s the press secretary. Thats as good as Biden doing the same. If you are too naive to how communication work in politics because you think you’ve landed some kind-of gotcha, its fine, because you aren’t someone who deserves charity when it comes to disagreement.

      But heres the thing. I know you aren’t that naive. I know its just gaslighting with you. And when Biden signs this bill, I’ll be able to point to these conversations where you showed your support for it.

      • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
        4 months ago

        I’m gonna depart from that topic of conversation now, since I think the point is pretty much made.

        Hey, unrelated fact: Did you know that Biden is the first US president to ever put sanctions on Israeli settlers, and the first US president since Reagan to pause Israeli weapons shipments? And that he’s currently working hard for a cease-fire? As sad as this bullshit is, he’s actually better than the status quo for the US’s unanimously war-criminal-ass support for Israel.

        If you want to talk with me about how we can get Bernie Sanders in there instead, to actually do something substantial to put a stop to US support for Israel, maybe even turn it into tepid opposition, that sounds fuckin great, I’m all ears. But pretending that Biden’s some kind of radical departure for Israel is, like a lot of things you say, totally backwards (again, for as fucking pathetic a statement as that is about the state of the US norm).

        And if you want to hand the presidency to the party that’s signing their names to shells that are marked out to blow up Palestinians, telling Netanyahu to “finish the job,” and giving Biden a whole bunch of shit for having paused the weapons shipments and trying to figure out ways to override him on it, be my guest, but don’t try to turn it around into some grand gesture that you’re doing on behalf of the Palestinians. Just say it for what it is: You don’t want Biden for reasons of your own, and this is a great way to attack him (because there is some legitimacy to it as applied to his war criminal policy – it being the US norm is no excuse, I agree.)

        • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          You don’t want Biden for reasons of your own, and this is a great way to attack him

          You know you can just ask me what I think right? Do you try to tell your SO, your kids, your family what to think? Like I really wonder if you carry this kind of gaslighting approach to conversation irl.

          What I want is for Biden to be the kind of candidate who can get elected. So fucking what if a his apologists online are going to vote for him regardless? He’s DYING in the polls. and its 100% due to his policies on Gaza and Israel. He’s giving us no room to put daylight between him and Trump. I need a candidate, any candidate, who can beat Trump in November. Biden can’t do that right now. You being willing to support Biden in-spite of him being a genocidal apologist isn’t good enough, because there are enough people out-there for whom that is a bridge too far.

          He’s gone, the wrong direction in every way, shape, and form since October of last year. Student protests? Wrong answers from Biden. Israels genocide? Wrong answers from Biden. Border policy? Wrong answers from Biden. And no, these microscopic nibbling around the edges aren’t good enough. He paused some shipments? He put down a few sanctions? Who the fuck do you think you are convincing with that? Like really? What voters do you think that works on?

          This is the fundamental flaw in the entire rhetorical approach that both you and the Democrats seem so pot committed to, that they’re willing to lose an easily winnable election to Trump over. Any Blue Will Do (ABWD), as a material political strategy, sets you up for failure when there is no distinction between the two parties. ABWD results in the weakest, most ineffectual candidates. It puts us in a position where we’re up against a literal fascist, who just caught 34 felonies, and we’re losing to them. Its a direct result of the rhetorical approach, of the apologist, of the willingness to look past the deep flaws that prevent Biden from being a viable candidate.

          Biden can’t win right now. No incumbent has ever recovered from polling or an approval like Joe Biden has earned. Apologizing for him wont change that. Excusing him won’t change that. Pretending he doesn’t support something when he does wont change that.

          Check out this page: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/

          I was planning on making my mid-month polling update about swing states, but I’m considering shifting to an analysis about incumbency and approval/ polling rates.

          Biden currently has an approval lower than any president in the history of this country, at this same date in their Presidency. Yes, lower than every incumbent that was held to one term. I don’t generally support trend based analysis for things like this, but if this keeps up, he’ll end his presidency in the high 20’s, low 30’s, barring some extreme event (again, I don’t typically support trend analysis for things like this). The lowest an incumbents approval has ever been on election day and still become re-elected is GWB at 51%. Biden hasn’t polled that high since June of 2021.

          I think, both agree that stopping Trump is the number one priority. Where we disagree is whether Joe Biden is even capable of doing so. You or I supporting Biden individually is irrelevant. What matters is if he is popular enough, viable enough, among enough of the voters, to get over the 270 threshold. If Biden can’t do this thing, he isn’t worth considering as a candidate.

          It might be possible for Biden to turn the ship, but I think he’s shown us enough of who he is to know that he won’t. He continues to take on Republican polices as if they were part of his campaign platform. Its like he’s governing and campaigning as if Republicans are suddenly going to swoon and come his way, which I think we could both agree is preposterous. He keeps distancing himself further from the base and further from the coalition he needed to win.

          I think I just saw the headline float past that Sunrise Movement won’t be supporting him. Did you hear that click? That was the youth vote closing the door behind them on the way out. I wonder who is next? I could see the ACLU with holding their support if he signs the “Protesting Israel on Campus is Hate Speech” bill.

          I’m interested. Whats your line? Where do you drop your support for Biden? My guess is that you are basically the bellwether, just based on how I have you pegged. Like whats your line before you’ll seek an alternative? My guess is that whatever your line, thats the threshold we’ll have to cross before the DNC will pull him and we’ll get another candidate, so I’m genuinely curious about what it would take for you to move on from Biden.

          Its probably going to be Newsom. About two to three stories a week on a national or international topic with Newsom’s take bubble up. Newsom has been extremely careful about not commenting on student protests. Plus its not like he can actually do anything in regards to policy so he’ll be able to talk all the shit he wants without having to back it up. I suppose Kamala could get the nod. She’ll have the administrations baggage to wear, which if she can’t shed, I think loses her the election. Maybe plucky Mayor Pete?