"After a day of holding its fire, the Biden campaign late Friday blasted Donald Trump as a ‘convicted felon’ — an indication the president’s team has decided to seize upon Trump’s conviction to question his fitness for the White House,” Axios reports.

“The broadside from Biden’s campaign — in a press release chiding Trump for his ‘unhinged’ rant earlier in the day — put President Biden in the same camp as many Democrats who are now mocking the ex-president.”

“It also marked a departure from Biden’s approach in remarks at the White House hours earlier, when he danced around the ‘convicted felon’ label while criticizing Trump’s attack on the U.S. justice system.”

  • jaaake@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The convention hasn’t even happened yet…

    Won’t for months…

    The fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to imply that there’s a chance that Biden won’t be the nominee? How delusional are you?

    Stop acting like trump matters. Trump is the same criminal asshole he’s always been. This the third goddamn election where the dem.is running on “trump is a criminal”.

    I would fucking LOVE to stop acting like Trump matters. The fact is that half of this country still wants to vote for him. That makes him an immediate threat.

    But Biden breaking US and International law to provide munitions to a genocide and the fact that he’s went around the US government to do so already really takes the wind out of “only an idiot would vote for a criminal”.

    In this election, both candidates have committed very serious crimes, and “do t vote for a criminal” translates to “dont vote”.

    Because both options are criminals.

    Yes. I agree with you. But one criminal is supporting ONE genocide, and the other criminal is supporting MULTIPLE genocides. <insert trolly problem meme>

    If you don’t want trump as president, then you don’t want Biden as the Dem candidate.

    I literally DON’T want Biden as the Dem candidate, but that ship has sailed. The democrats fucked around for 4 years and now is running this fucking ancient centrist product of the last 5 decades of “normal” levels of corruption. This election matters. Get the fuck in line. As soon as we can guarantee that we will still have a country, then we can work on dismantling the democratic party. This shitty rusted out piece junk car we’re in has to make it to the service station so we can fix it. Otherwise we’re gonna die in the desert. There’s no tow truck big enough to save us if we break down before we get there.

    • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Yes. I agree with you. But one criminal is supporting ONE genocide, and the other criminal is supporting MULTIPLE genocides.

      Vote for Biden! He’ll use your tax dollars to commit less genocides, but we still won’t use any for healthcare or education!

      Be happy you have one bad option and only one fascist option!

      Now everyone close your eyes while we sic violent police (who are fascists) on peaceful college protestors!

      But you threw so many insults in there, were done know.

      Hope you sleep well while trying to keep a genocidal maniac in office.

      I sure as shit couldn’t, so I stopped holding my nose.

      • snooggums@midwest.social
        3 months ago

        Vote for Biden! He’ll use your tax dollars to commit less genocides, but we still won’t use any for healthcare or education!

        Do you think money isn’t being used for education when student loan debt is forgiven?

      • reddwarf@feddit.nl
        3 months ago

        So now you’ve done you soapbox bit and stepped down to breath again, I have a question.

        You say “stopped holding your nose”, what does that mean? Who is it you will vote for?

        • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          If it’s Biden or trump, someone else.

          I’ve voted Dem for president for literally 20 years.

          The only time I’ve wanted that person to actually be president was 2008, by 2012 Obama’s drone strikes and other bullshit him made him just another “lesser evil”.

          You can try and convince the millions and millions people like me and hope it’s enough.

          Or you could try and pressure either the DNC to run a candidate with a realistic shot to beat Trump, or to pressure Biden to at least say the right things for the next few months.

          But if nothing changes, Biden isn’t going to be able to pull out the incredibly close win he did in 2020.

          And considering my states primary ballot literally only had Joe Biden as an option, don’t even try to tell me to the vote in primaries if I don’t like Biden.

          • reddwarf@feddit.nl
            3 months ago

            Ok, thanks for answering. For the record, I’m not trying to push you anywhere. I was just curious.

            Without forcing you or others with my opinion, I do think not voting or voting 3rd party is helping trump but in this I could be wrong, just a hunch I have. Good luck come November!

      • jaaake@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Nope. Fuck you. When Trump wins and we’re supporting a thousand genocides, it’s all your fault for refusing to acknowledge the reality that we’re in. I’m not “keeping a genocidal maniac in office.” That’s insanely reductive, and again, you’re turning this into a single issue election. What’s worse, is that the other option has literally the same view on that single issue. Not voting by for Biden IS voting for Trump.

        Nobody is happy about this election. It isn’t about happiness. It’s about survival.

        The best advice I ever heard about politics is that it isn’t a taxi, it’s a bus. It doesn’t take you directly where you want to go, it takes you somewhat closer than you are. This upcoming bus ride is going to get us insignificantly closer to our final destination, but it will move the needle in that direction. The other option is driving the bus into a chasm.

        • disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          That’s a great analogy. I’m definitely going to use it in the future.

          Trump plans to only directly support the genocide in Palestine. The other atrocities will come from his plan for withdrawal of support from Ukraine, Taiwan, and NATO allies while claiming isolationism. He plans to give Putin and Xi absolute freedom and leave resistance up to the EU.