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“This was intentional,” said U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib. “You don’t accidentally kill massive amounts of children and their families over and over again and get to say, ‘It was a mistake.’”

  • If you are going to hold your breath waiting for Gaza to excise Hamas, you’re going to suffocate.

    They won’t do it. They have had chance after chance after chance. Even now, it would only take a few cooperators to dismantle whatever is left of Hamas and the tunnels. Where is the cooperation? Where t the effort by Palestinian people to thwart Hamas’s terro le strategy? I don’t see it.

    I used to agree with a two state solution even for Gaza and still could be easily persuaded as to the West Bank, but Gaza is forfeit, it’s a lost cause, it is irredenta. a few bad apples spoiled the bunch. Everything is corrupted, from its institutions to very foundations of its cities.

    Terrorists are in charge of Gaza. Here are some things terrorists are not allowed to have: a country, an international airport, a deep water port, access to global banking. The reasons are obvious. Those are some of things Gaza has forfeited by putting terrorists in charge and keeping them there.