• Venia Silente@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    welp, I guess there goes my vote.

    (not really, I’m not a US citizen; but if I was, I wouldn’t vote for him since a good while ago already)

    • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
      4 months ago

      As a non-US-Citizen you might be unaware of the following:

      • That the USA is a 2 party system in which the candidate put forth by the RNC or the DNC are the 2 options, and that polling suggests an RNC advantage which will re-elect Donald Trump unless Biden wins instead.

      • The former Trump Administration backed a single state solution and armed Israel for the current conflict as well as similar destruction in 2016-2017 in which 86 buildings and associated roads were completely demolished by Israeli airstrikes. Trump has even on multiple occasions floated the idea of turning the entire region into a nuclear wasteland with fusion bombs.

      • If Trump does win again, this could be the final fair election a US Citizen will ever vote in. Both Donald Trump and George W. Bush of the Republican party lost the popular votes, the only 2 examples in over a century, but won the archaic Electoral College system of allotting EC Votes to voting districts. Trump first praised Xi Jinping for abolishing his own term limits and has spoken fondly of the idea even recently on the campaign trail. On January 6th following the 2020 election Trump supporters attempted to storm the US Capitol Building to stop them from certifying the election results in which Biden won the presidency. During this time, Trump intentionally kept the National Guard away and refused to call them in to stop the riot. Several people died during the insurrection attempt and several congressional offices were raided, but luckily it failed.

      • Venia Silente@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        All that sounds cute, but is still no excuse to simply vote Biden. If the choices in the ballot are “get killed” or “get raped”, the answer is not to welcome the rapist, but to vote third party (or blank/null) and to go sharpen your guillotines. Trump already demonstrated that he doesn’t respect democratic electoral statements anyway, and a 2-party system is rotten and ill-designed to the core, if he’s expected to win then playing fair and square in the hopes that you “only” get raped is self-defeating. Even if Biden wins, the RNC and the KKKronies are still going to (and are already doing so, see RvW) wipe their asses on democracy and condemn the US to accelerando the slow death.

        • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
          4 months ago

          You cannot expect to be well received when you choose an option more harmful to yourself and others and pretend it is rational. You could even vote Biden and still sharpen guillotines if that is your prerogative. Helping Trump win has no positive effects.

        • SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          So when I don’t vote, and the revolution doesn’t spontaneously happen from nothing and my life, and many vulnerable people’s lives are made even worse. Then what? Sharpen harder? This is not the time to pick that fight because we have nothing to fucking gain from it and everything to lose.