• Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    The choices are: Biden or Trump. That’s it.

    Then Biden should stop supporting the genocide that all centrists have always wanted. Since centrists LOVE genocide, since it’s the ONLY policy they don’t abandon when they encounter opposition, they have to be like “buh whubbut trump?” Whenever anyone who isn’t a morally reprehensible piece of pro-genocide shit says that BIDEN. SHOULD. STOP. SUPPORTING. GENOCIDE.

    And I’ve always detested our special relationship with Israel when it comes to them buying our politicians, who then send untold amounts of money to Israel to maintain a decades-long open-air prison, and to add salt in the wound, a compliant media that was calling everyone who pointed out how ridiculous and immoral that was an “antisemite”. This notion that only one country cannot have its policies questioned is absurd.

    That goes for the “good” genocide party in the US as well. They’re not above reproach just because centrists’ second choice is worse.

    Unfortunately, lots of tankie idiots

    And you wonder why I though you were a centrist. Look out, the tankies are gonna steal your precious bodily fluids.

    • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Look out, the tankies are gonna steal your precious bodily fluids.

      Hey, if you don’t think there are performative low-info people doing dumb things in relation to Gaza/Hamas, giving lots of fodder (even though they are the exception) to people intent on being dishonest about Israel, I’m not sure what to tell you.