They’re all falling in line…

    1 year ago

    Notice that Governor Brian Kemp says he will back Trump IF Trump wins the GOP nomination – but meanwhile Kemp hasn’t lifted a single knuckle-dragging finger to help Trump in Fulton County, preferring to stand well back from the legal shitshow that is Trump’s upcoming felony trial.

    Personally, I’m thrilled that this openly corrupt fuck is not being openly corrupt to Trump’s benefit today, but it doesn’t change the fact that Brian Kemp is and always has been an openly corrupt fuck.

    Kemp is saying this ONLY because Trump loyalty is the latest purity test for people who get their news from right-wing propaganda sources, and has less value than even a Trump-signed check. Kemp wants to be on the ballot in 2028, and will say anything he has to between now and then to be on the right side of today’s rabid Trump stans until then.